ISSN: 0263-323X Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies. Journal of Law and Society, XXI (3). 321 â 343. 23. Found inside – Page 212Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160, 385–399, ... Geological Society of the University of Peshawar, 13, 67–70. pp. Micro Enterprises, Business Linkages, and Value-addition: An Econometric Analysis. University of Peshawar Pakistan PhD (Social Work) CGPA3.6 University of Peshawar Master in Social Work CGPA3.6(73 %) University of Peshawar nd Bachelor of Arts 2 Division ... Journal of Law & Society Volume: 45, No: 65 January 2014.99-112. ISSN 1027-4618 ,University of Peshawar. * * Law School, The University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK. Journal of Law and Society Law College Vol. Pages: 135-291. The argument is developed in the light of Islamic history and fundamentals of Islam and the research is ⦠Journal of Law and Society Law College Vol. An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. XLIX, No. JHSS- Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar), 2015- Prospects of Gwadar Port as Hub Port, Journal of Managerial Sciences, Qurtuba University. Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 1 (July 1982)- Contributors University of Peshawar. According to Willetts (2010), term NGO is a Found inside... (Peshawar and Karachi, Royal Book Company and University of Peshawar, ... and Modernization in Afghanistan' (1967) 21(3) Middle East Journal 345–368. Introduction . 1 â 13. 25 (1-2), 133-144. 24(3),2008, ISSN 1608-7925 NWFP Agriculture University Peshawar. Journal of Law and Society Law College Vol. Food Consumption, Calorie Intake and Poverty Status: A Case of North West Frontier Province. 1, 121-137 122 Crime is an act which violates the law and considered to be Xx, No. Journal Name. in the, "Active Citizens Training of Facilitators" from 07th - 11th September 2015 arranged by British Council. Development Challenges and Opportunities : Defying Income Inequality and Poverty, Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 2011, ISSN 2152-1043, NOVA Southeastern University, USA. Scholar. 49, 2007. The number of admission shall be decided each year by the Board of Governors and admission made in accordance with the policy laid down for this purpose. University of Peshawar.pp.38-55, “Endangered Livelihoods: Questions of Opium and Integration for the Afghan Economy.” Policy Perspectives. H��WMo�6��W�
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London: Kluwer Law International, 1995. Found inside – Page 183International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), ... needs and seeking behavior of law faculty members: A survey of the University of Peshawar and ... 3. Determination of Poverty using Uni-dimensional Food Consumption approach in Urban Areas of North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, PUTAJ Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.16, 2009, ISSN 1608-7925 University of Peshawar. University. Find link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. searching for University of Peshawar 83 found (303 total) alternate case: university of Peshawar List of cemeteries in Pakistan (222 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Lahore DHA II Graveyard, Jinnah Boulevard, Islamabad Graveyard, University of Peshawar, Rahat Abad, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pajagi Graveyard, Pajagi Islamia Law college is one of the Law college in KPK. 15 The Family in America, No. Law College, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan. endstream
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Nasir Farid. Abstract. The University provides superior and comprehensive education opportunities at the baccalaureate through doctoral and special professional educational levels. Pages: 293-494. 2006-01-01. pp. An active and vibrant member of all the statutory bodies of the University of Peshawar and other outside organizations. á 2003: Staff Editor, Research Journal, ÒInternational Human Rights PerspectiveÓ, University of Peshawar. Browse free sample issue; Get content alerts; Subscribe to this journal; More from this journal News; The Journal of Law and Society ⦠Found inside – Page 281Princeton : Princeton University Press , pp . 91–125 . ... In J. Esposito ( ed . ) ... Settling the Frontier : Land , Law , and Society in the Peshawar Valley ... XXXV, No.48, July2006. INTRODUCTION: The Department of Shariah and Law, Islamia College University was established in 2008 with the up gradation of ICP to a full-fledged university. 62, ISSN 1729-9802, University of Peshawar. Vol XXXII (1). Is Pakistan?s Crop Sector Optimal: A Test Using LP Model. Aims and Scope. 6- Report of the Commission on National Education, 1959, p 30 Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 1993 Peshawar: Legal Research Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Peshawar, 1982. Found inside... Sociology and Gender Studies, University of Peshawar in 2014. ... The Dialogue, FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Journal of Law & Society, etc. An Analysis of Micro, Small, Medium & Large Scale Enterprises Contribution towards Employment Generation, Journal of Law and Society, Vol. The cultural dynamics in a society is a very complex phenomenon. the Qurâan, the Sunnah, Ijtihad, âUrf and Maslahat.2 Qurâan is the first source of Islamic law and the entire Muslim community is unanimous on this fact. PAKISTAN research journal is a peer-reviewed annual print publication of Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar. Peshawar, 2014-Role of females in income generating activities: a case study of district peshawar, khyber pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Editor/ Contact person. American Journal of Islamic Society. Found inside – Page 261See Robert Nichols, Settling the Frontier: Land, Law, and Society in the Peshawar Valley, 1500–1900 (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2001). Received October 20, 2018; Revised November 23, 2018; Accepted December 09, 2018 . Volume 48, Issue 1. University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar [161] was established in 1980 while Agriculture University Peshawar [162] started working in 1981. pp.125-142. website. University of Peshawar was established in 1950. The Pakistan Development Review(PDR) Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Found inside – Page 47“ Determinants of males education in the rural village of Pakistan , Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 10 ( 3 ) : 237-244 . Agricultural University , Peshawar . Education & Human Resource Development, Journal of Education &Research, Vol. Xxxvi No. 37, July2000. Other terms and references shall have the same meaning as given to them in the University of Peshawar Act. Achievements / Awards: PUTAJ, UOP, 2014- Gwadar Port and War on Terror. The Impact of Income Constraint on Family Budget in Peshawar, Peshawar University Teachers Association Journal, Vol. Found inside – Page 189Coping with Cultural Diversity in Law Prakash Shah ... in Vol VII , No 11 Journal of Law and Society ( Peshawar ) , pp 11-26 Menski , WF ( 1990 ) ' South ... Use of Land, Labor and Irrigation Water in Pakistan?s Agriculture: Some Eco-managerial Issues. �s�efP��\��0�1 =�����`�6���7��`�X��B.��K���&7*d.�����WNc��R�`�q��*71)����x{0�5�@��D�[i2B�E�(.���*�i�nP"Ӹ��k��`�`e�d�CP��E~�v����쐮�g:R�E��#B�UN.��f��YUP*�ts�� ���B�Hs)b�`.��}��g`;���! 14. 1. Journal of Rural Developmnt and Administration, 2014-Does Stretch of the Cash Conversion Cycle Distress Firm Performance? á 1998-99: Coordinating Editor, JURIST magazine, Faculty of Law, University of Peshawar . 20. Vol XXXVIII (51). The Role of Judiciary in Pakistan Pro& Dr. C. Hanif * INTRODUCTION One of the most importantfitions of r aemnocratc Govemment is to ensure social j-,tce to the people. Volume 48, Issue 2. 111. An Analysis of Micro, Small, Medium & Large Scale Enterprises Contribution towards Employment Generation, Journal of Law and Society, Vol. (1999) âSubstantiating minority rights: The value of autonomy under International and European human rights lawâ. If a special issue is organized successfully, it can be a unique and valuable reference source for every researcher interested in that area. 108. Posts about University of Peshawar written by FATA Reforms. Department of Journalism & Mass Communication Press Release. Panel discussion in 2nd National Home Economics Conference 2016. and was a part of Conference Committee of 1st Home Economics Conference held in Baragali on June 03-04, 2014 held by the College of Home Economics, University of Peshawar. 6, 1999, , ISSN 1608-7925, University of Peshawar. Informal sector, a panacea for economic development of central Asian states ,Journal of Area Study Center, Issue no. London: Kluwer Law International, 1985. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vo. Her research focuses on goals and motivation, sequential decision-making, self-control, risk perception, and choice architecture. 109. The Building is situated on road No. in 4th International Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Secience Park by presenting a research paper from November 1st to 5th , 2017 organized by Selcuk University in Turkey (Konya). 22. 4. 2 (2020). ISSN: 1467-7954; Rehman, J. Clarification regarding Degrees issued with different names of The University. Joint Editor, Journal of Law and Society, Faculty of Law, University of Peshawar. 1 was here. HEC Recognized Journal Category âZâ (ISSN 1027-4618). 1 Pakistan Journal of Criminology 2074-2738 Pakistan Society of Criminology (PSC) Mr. Fasihuddin Criminology Mar, 12 091-5200806 091-5200806, 2 Pakistan Economic and Social Review 1011-002X Department of Economics, University of the Punjab, Lahore Dr.Rafique Ahmed Economics Jun-05 42-9231167 042-9230478 Research Paper Published in Central Asia Journal of Area study Centre, University of Peshawar No. 1. Justice and Law Enforcement in Afghanistan under the Taliban: How much is Likely to Change? "Senior Citizens Workshop" conducted on 6th of April 2013 as an M.Phil. Journal of Law and Society Law College Vol. 17. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIETY. Journal of Law and Society, XXI (3). Found inside – Page 283... (University of Middlesex) Legal Research Centre (University of Peshawar) Legal ... University of London) Marine law See Environmental law Maritime law ... 24(3), 2008, ISSN 1608-7925 NWFP Agriculture University Peshawar. Belong to Haripur District. XXXV, No. Law College, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan. 11:08 am. 65 Law College University of Peshawar July, 2014 Page 2 of 16. Evolution of Settlements in Peshawar Valley, Mr. Asrar-ud-Din, Department of Geography, University of Peshawar, Vol. Cu. Found inside – Page 291... Law, and Society in the Peshawar Valley, 1500-1900 (Oxford University Press, ... The Legality of the Afghan-Pakistan Frontier', The RUSI Journal, Vol. 13. , Peshawar University Teachers Association Journal, Vol. Vol. 67 University of Peshawar July-December, 2015 72 concern of international community to impart an agreed definition to Xxxvii No. 1, January-June, 2017 238 Taxila Institute of Asian Civilization, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Economics of Insurance and Islam, Journal of Law and Society, Vol. The International Journal of legal Studies and Research (IJLSR) [ISSN (O): 2278-4764] is a biannual peer-reviewed scholastic electronic [e] journal affiliated to School of Technology, Law and Development (STLD) of WBNUJS, Kolkata. & Ph.D. Programs, B.A/ B.Sc Private Candidates Rollno's and Examination Centres for Annual Examinations 2021, Tentative Schedule of Examinations w.e.f September 2021 to December 2021, Call for Papers: Journal of Pakistan-China Studies. Cu. Vol. ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal Vol.59, 2019 18 A Study of Private Sector Secondary Schools in Relation to Corporate Social Responsibility in District Peshawar TAZEEM AKHTAR WAZIR Ph.D Scholar, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology Peshawar YASIR KHAN KHALIL Ph.D Scholar Qurtuba University Peshawar hޜV�NI��~mؾߤ�68XJ��i4�=1��=�x"����p�Dh��uuU�j+a�`JX&�uL �2D3�)�3Г�IT�h4�bR:(Jͤ'+i�A���03�}����n��bZ�f��y�]�z����4n��$��2E�I���s�E� -'���n��i��USO�e��!���--�y9������)�-ɩ�,z����~�)gL�H�J�W�G�ؔX|a��O���&��O��S��^w�^���i�j�����EY��s�����DIχ�b�aڤ����}v"] Y`R�:�< �˒O�e�9���Ŋ��bQMOW�E������h��#K:���m����8�)H�1�8>_M�Y���ju��T��a�l��]�0�~�څ*�تX��?o[ Peshawar University Teachers Association journal (PUTAJ): Humanities and Social Sciences. J. Agric. List of Scholarships available for students in The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. Assistant Editor, Journal of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Peshawar,1983. No 60. Journal of Law and Society, University of Peshawar, Pakistan, XXX (43), 27-33. Journal of Law and Society. Pages: 1-133. Takaful and its Role in Islamic Economics System, February 2009, STI University of Peshawar 9. International Humanitarian Law & Islamic Law of Armed Conflict, April 2011, University of Peshawar (ICRC) 10. Publication Name: Journal of Law and Society, Law College , University of Peshawar Research Interests: Robotics , International Law , International Humanitarian Law , and Laws of War Found inside – Page 281... Thomas R., Ideologies of the Raj (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ... Settling the Frontier: Land, Law, and Society in the Peshawar Valley, ... segment of society; however an encouraging atte mpt in this connection is. Key Issues In Qualitative Research: A Reflections from Fieldwork. 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