He died of Bright's Disease, a terminal kidney disease, on November 18, 1886. Chester Alan Arthur. William Arthur retired in 1898 with the brevet rank of, William Lewis Arthur (December 10, 1860 – July 7, 1863), died of ", Ellen Hansbrough Herndon "Nell" Arthur Pinkerton (November 21, 1871 – September 6, 1915), married Charles Pinkerton, This page was last edited on 22 September 2021, at 18:36. The Conkling machine was solidly behind General Ulysses S. Grant's candidacy for president, and Arthur raised funds for Grant's election in 1868. [7] William Arthur also spent a brief time studying law, but while still in Waterville, he departed from both his legal studies and his Presbyterian upbringing to join the Free Will Baptists; he spent the rest of his life as a minister in that sect. "By exploring the Gilded Age's parallels with our own divisive political scene, Karabell does an excellent job of cementing the volume's relevance for contemporary readers. " - Publishers Weekly Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 – November 18, 1886) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 21st president of the United States from 1881 to 1885. . "[209] Indeed, Howe had earlier surmised, "Arthur adopted [a code] for his own political behavior but subject to three restraints: he remained to everyone a man of his word; he kept scrupulously free from corrupt graft; he maintained a personal dignity, affable and genial though he might be. [147] The commission issued its first rules in May 1883; by 1884, half of all postal officials and three-quarters of the Customs Service jobs were to be awarded by merit. [140] An 1882 trial of the ringleaders resulted in convictions for two minor conspirators and a hung jury for the rest. [163][164] The Chinese Exclusion Act attempted to stop all Chinese immigration into the United States for ten years, with exceptions for diplomats, teachers, students, merchants, and travelers. Chester A. Arthur was the 21st president of the United States. [187] Reform-minded Republicans, friendlier to Arthur after he endorsed civil service reform, were still not certain enough of his reform credentials to back him over Senator George F. Edmunds of Vermont, who had long favored their cause. Chester Alan Arthur was born October 25, 1829, in North Fairfield, Vermont. 10 Facts About Chester A Arthur Fact File. Arthur approved a measure in 1882 excluding paupers, criminals, and lunatics. [84] Arthur appointed a committee of Custom House workers to determine where the cuts were to be made and, after a written protest, carried them out. Chester A. Arthur's birthday and biography. [129], Arthur arrived in Washington, D.C. on September 21. [188] Blaine led on the first ballot, and by the fourth ballot he had a majority. Vice President c. Customs collector at the Port of New York City d. Quartermaster general e. All of the above 7. Chester Arthur for kids - 1883 Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. Last modified May 26, 2020, Your email address will not be published. The assassin’s bullet that wounded President James Garfield in July had claimed his life the day before. He had six sisters and a brother. Chester had succeeded James Garfield, after the latter was assassinated. [68] A rising tide of reform within the party caused Arthur to rename the financial extractions from employees as "voluntary contributions" in 1872, but the concept remained, and the party reaped the benefit of controlling government jobs. [75] In that year, reform-minded Republicans formed the Liberal Republican party and voted against Grant, but he was re-elected in spite of their opposition. On March 3, 1845 Congress created inland mail routes, which were known as "Star Routes". $10,000 in 1870 is equal to $204,658 in present terms. Log in here for access, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Two chapters of the book are devoted to Cleveland's diplomacy, focusing especially on his response to Hawaiian and Cuban revolutions and the boundary dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain. Polk. [45] Arthur was commissioned as a brigadier general and assigned to the state militia's quartermaster department. [b][7] Arthur's mother, Malvina Stone was born in Berkshire, Vermont, the daughter of George Washington Stone and Judith Stevens. Vice President Chester A. Arthur becomes the twenty-first President of the United States The assassin, Guiteau, will be hanged on June 30, 1882. Blog. [183] To rejuvenate his health outside the confines of Washington, Arthur and some political friends traveled to Florida in April 1883. [51] Even as his professional life improved, however, Arthur and his wife experienced a personal tragedy as their only child, William, died suddenly that year at the age of two. Chester A. Arthur. [59] He continued his law practice (now a solo practice after Gardiner's death) and his role in politics, becoming a member of the prestigious Century Club in 1867. He is one of the lesser-known American Presidents, according to the White House description of his single presidential term. [38] The argument was successful, and after several appeals was upheld by the New York Court of Appeals in 1860. [121], With the Senate in recess, Arthur had no duties in Washington and returned to New York City. The twenty-first president of the United States, Chester Alan Arthur (1830-1886) was reputed to be one of the leading spoilsmen in American politics when he took office, but he proved to be a dignified and an able administrator.. Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829–86, 21st President of the United States (1881–85), b. Fairfield, Vt. President Chester Arthur, approximately 1849-1893, Library of … The twenty-first president of the United States, Chester Alan Arthur (1830-1886) was reputed to be one of the leading spoilsmen in American politics when he took office, but he proved to be a dignified and an able administrator. [87] In September 1877, Hayes demanded the three men's resignations, which they refused to give. His death occurred at his home in New York City as the result of a cerebral hemorrhage. According to a purported eyewitness account by journalist William C. Hudson, Conkling and Arthur argued, with Arthur telling Conkling, "The office of the Vice-President is a greater honor than I ever dreamed of attaining. [204] On April 5, 1882, Arthur was elected to the District of Columbia Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS) as a Third Class Companion (insignia number 02430[205]), the honorary membership category for militia officers and civilians who made significant contributions to the war effort. [77] As a result, his income dropped to $12,000 a year—more than his nominal boss, the Secretary of the Treasury, but far less than what he had previously received. [57] Morgan leaned toward the conservative wing of the New York Republican party, as did the men who worked with him in the organization, including Weed, Seward (who continued in office under President Andrew Johnson), and Roscoe Conkling (an eloquent Utica Congressman and rising star in the party). 6.7 Native American policy. Chester Arthur was the Collector of the Port of New York from 1871-1878 and was friends with Roscoe Conkling who was known for being a New York senator and a political boss. He signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act in 1881. [79] Arthur and the machine gathered campaign funds with their usual zeal, but Conkling limited his own campaign activities to a few speeches. He remained at the job until 1870 at a salary of $10,000 a year. SpeechKit. Tips for finding success in remote sales; Aug. 23, 2021 When Arthur was nominated for vice president in 1880, a New York attorney and political opponent, Arthur P. Hinman, initially speculated that Arthur was born in Ireland and did not come to the United States until he was fourteen years old. At the outset, Arthur struggled to overcome a negative reputation as a Stalwart and product of Conkling's organization. Chester was the 21st man to attain the glory of being the president of the United States of America. [44], In 1861, Arthur was appointed to the military staff of Governor Edwin D. Morgan as engineer-in-chief. [191] The Senate confirmed the nomination but, as expected, Conkling declined it,[191] the last time a confirmed nominee declined an appointment. Chester A. Arthur died at his home in New York City on November 19, 1886. Both children survived to adulthood. His annual salary of $12,000 as Collector of the Port of New York came with perks that boosted his earnings to approximately $50,000 a year, equal to the United States President's salary. [98] They were successful, but narrowly, as Cornell was nominated for governor by a vote of 234–216. [99], Arthur and the machine had rebuked Hayes and their intra-party rivals, but Arthur had only a few days to enjoy his triumph when, on January 12, 1880, his wife died suddenly while he was in Albany organizing the political agenda for the coming year. The bill passed both houses narrowly on March 3, 1883, the last full day of the 47th Congress; Arthur signed the measure into law, with no effect on the surplus. Vice President Chester Alan Arthur became President on September 20, 1881, after the assassination of President James Garfield.. [63][g] Arthur resigned after Democrats controlled by William M. Tweed of Tammany Hall won a legislative majority, which meant they could name their own appointee. [9] William graduated from college in Belfast and immigrated to the Province of Lower Canada in 1819 or 1820. Chester Arthur. Employees were required to make political contributions (known as "assessments") back to the machine, which made the job a highly coveted political plum. Arthur's status in the administration diminished when, a month before inauguration day, he gave a speech before reporters suggesting the election in Indiana, a swing state, had been won by Republicans through illegal machinations. Chester A. Arthur is not going to stay at one thing just because Chester A. Arthur have set out in that direction. Chester was the 21st man to attain the glory of being the president of the United States of America. [193] Senator George Edmunds was Arthur's next choice, but he declined to be considered. He … The accomplishments of Chester Arthur and the most famous events during his presidency are provided. [57] Arthur rarely articulated his own political ideas during his time as a part of the machine; as was common at the time, loyalty and hard work on the machine's behalf was more important than actual political positions. At the outset, Arthur struggled to overcome his reputation, stemming from his beginnings in politics as a politician … Announcement to the Vice-President of the Death of President Garfield and Reply of … [166] The nation's military focus over the fifteen years before Garfield and Arthur's election had been on the Indian wars in the West, rather than the high seas, but as the region was increasingly pacified, many in Congress grew concerned at the poor state of the Navy. [191] Gray would serve on the Court for over 20 years until resigning in 1902. " Buttoned up and tight-lipped, Calvin Coolidge seemed out of place as the leader of a nation plunging headlong into the modern era. What job did Chester A. Arthur have before he became President of the United States? [46] He had an opportunity to serve at the front when the 9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment elected him commander with the rank of colonel early in the war, but at Governor Morgan's request, he turned it down to remain at his post in New York. [41] Later that year, he started a new law partnership with a friend, Henry D. Gardiner, and traveled with him to Kansas to consider purchasing land and setting up a law practice there. "[3] Arthur's failing health and political temperament combined to make his administration less active than a modern presidency, yet he earned praise among contemporaries for his solid performance in office. [156] Blaine did not remain in office long enough to see the effort through, and when Frederick T. Frelinghuysen replaced him at the end of 1881, the conference efforts lapsed. It is part of our presidents series. [149] Arthur agreed with his party, and in 1882 called for the abolition of excise taxes on everything except liquor, as well as a simplification of the complex tariff structure. In 1882 Congress appropriated money for the nation's first all-steel vessels. Arthur was the fourth Vice President to succeed to the presidency. He proclaimed to onlookers: "I am a Stalwart, and Arthur will be President! After winning the election, Garfield was assassinated in July 1881, and Chester A. Arthur became America's twenty-first President. - Facts & Biography, Thomas Jefferson's Role in the Revolutionary War, Thomas Jefferson: Inventions & Accomplishments, Thomas Jefferson's Home at Monticello: History & Facts, Monticello, Jefferson's Home: Architecture & Garden, Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson: Relationship & Children, Thomas Jefferson: Domestic, Economic & Foreign Policies, Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson: Relationship & Differences, Thomas Jefferson & the Constitutional Convention, Thomas Jefferson & Religion: Views & Quotes, President Thomas Jefferson's Cabinet: Members & Overview, Thomas Jefferson & Benjamin Franklin: Relationship & Comparison, American Presidents & Vice Presidents: Study Guide & Homework Help, AP European History: Homeschool Curriculum, Middle School World History: Homeschool Curriculum, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Certificate Program, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Help and Review, Middle School US History: Homework Help Resource, DSST Western Europe Since 1945: Study Guide & Test Prep, Western Europe Since 1945: Certificate Program, UExcel World Conflicts Since 1900: Study Guide & Test Prep, World Conflicts Since 1900: Certificate Program, Texas v. Johnson in 1989: Summary, Decision & Significance, The Establishment Clause: Definition & Cases, U.S. Fact 1 Chester Alan Arthur was born on October 5, 1829 in Vermont and died on November 18, 1886. When U.S Representative James Garfield won the Republican nomination for president in 1880, Arthur was nominated for vice president to balance the successful ticket as an Eastern Stalwart. Chester Arthur: A Resource Guide from the Library of Congress "Life Portrait of Chester A. Arthur", from C-SPAN's American Presidents: Life Portraits, August 6, 1999 "Life and Career of Chester A. Arthur", presentation by Zachary Karabell at the Kansas City Public Library, May 23, 2012; Chester A. Arthur's Presidency, a video by History.com In ill health and lacking the full support of his party by the end of his term, … [43] The couple had three children: After his marriage, Arthur devoted his efforts to building his law practice, but also found time to engage in Republican party politics. [101], Conkling and his fellow Stalwarts, including Arthur, wished to follow up their 1879 success at the 1880 Republican National Convention by securing the nomination for their ally, ex-President Grant. In 1854 Chester passed his bar exam and got a job in a New York law firm office. Accomplishments of Chester Arthur and the Famous Events during his Presidency. Few know anything about him besides his trademark mutton-chop sideburns. Presents the life, career, and accomplishments of the twenty-first president of the United States. He was assassinated on July 2, 1881, by Charles J. Giteau, an insane man with a gun who thought he was sent by God to kill Garfield. [199], Arthur's post-presidency was the second shortest of all presidents who lived past their presidency, only shorter by James K. Polk's brief three-month retirement before he died. Chester A. Arthur (1829 – 1886) became the 21 st president in 1881. The son of a Baptist preacher who had emigrated from northern Ireland, Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, in 1829. [48] That summer, he and other representatives of northern governors met with Secretary of State William H. Seward in New York to coordinate the raising of additional troops, and spent the next few months enlisting New York's quota of 120,000 men. [39] At that time, the state was the scene of a brutal struggle between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces, and Arthur lined up firmly with the latter. Though his one and only term is better known for his efforts at civil service reform, President Arthur also oversaw several significant events pertaining directly to … After Garfield was assassinated, Chester A. Arthur became America's twenty-first President. [115] The Republicans carried New York by 20,000 votes and, in an election with the largest turnout of qualified voters ever recorded—78.4%—they won the nationwide popular vote by just 7,018 votes. This prohibited bribes within the civil service sector and required that promotions and pay raises be based on quality job performances instead of patronage. [189] He played no role in the 1884 campaign, which Blaine would later blame for his loss that November to the Democratic nominee, Grover Cleveland.[190]. James Garfield dies from blood poisoning and complications after surgeons search endlessly to find the lost bullet in his back, lodged in his pancreas. [112] Hancock did not help his own cause when, in an attempt to remain neutral on the tariff, he said that "[t]he tariff question is a local question", which only made him appear uninformed about an important issue. [119] As vice president, Arthur cast three tie-breaking votes in favor of the Republicans when Mahone opted to join their caucus. The son of a Baptist preacher who had emigrated from northern Ireland, Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, in 1829. [62] The opposing Democratic machine in New York City, known as Tammany Hall, worked for Grant's opponent, former New York Governor Horatio Seymour; while Grant was victorious in the national vote, Seymour narrowly carried the state of New York. Search all documents. The pair was successful in the election, and James Garfield became the twentieth President of the United States of America. [189] Arthur telegraphed his congratulations to Blaine and accepted his defeat with equanimity. [137] Conkling expected Arthur to appoint him in Blaine's place, but the President chose Frederick T. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, a Stalwart recommended by ex-President Grant. Dignified, tall, and handsome, with clean-shaven chin and side-whiskers, Chester A. Arthur "looked like a President." Each 24-page book in this series features controlled text with age-appropriate vocabulary and simple sentence construction. Read Chester A. Arthur facts. [54], Arthur's political prospects improved along with his law practice when his patron, ex-Governor Morgan, was elected to the United States Senate. Chester Alan Arthur Accomplishments. All rights reserved. [13][14] He was named "Chester" after Chester Abell,[15] the physician and family friend who assisted in his birth, and "Alan" for his paternal grandfather. "[212], Arthur's townhouse, the Chester A. Arthur Home was sold to William Randolph Hearst. World History Edu © 2021. The Navy had declined steadily after the American Civil War. [90], Arthur's job was spared only until July 1878, when Hayes took advantage of a Congressional recess to fire him and Cornell, replacing them with the recess appointment of Merritt and Silas W. He served as quartermaster general of the New York Militia during the American Civil War. Journalist Alexander McClure wrote, "No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted as Chester Alan Arthur, and no one ever retired ... more generally respected, alike by political friend and foe. He performed his job duties efficiently, intelligently, and reliably. Announcement to the Vice-President of the Death of President Garfield and Reply of … Related Documents. President Chester A. Arthur was considered an abolitionist. [146] The chief examiner, Silas W. Burt, was a long-time reformer who had been Arthur's opponent when the two men worked at the New York Custom House. Born: October 5, 1829, Fairfield, Vermont. 6.6 Civil rights. [50], Arthur returned to being a lawyer, and with the help of additional contacts made in the military, he and the firm of Arthur & Gardiner flourished. Chester A. Arthur's term as the president of the United States began on September 19, 1881, when he succeeded to the presidency upon the assassination of President James A. Garfield, and ended on March 4, 1885.Arthur, a Republican, had been vice president for 199 days when he succeeded to the presidency. [126] Arthur was reluctant to be seen acting as president while Garfield lived, and for the next two months there was a void of authority in the executive office, with Garfield too weak to carry out his duties, and Arthur reluctant to assume them. President 21 - Chester A. Arthur Biography - Presidents Series Description: This is a full biography on Chester A. Arthur. The case occurred more than a hundred years before Rosa Parks faced a similar situation in Montgomery, Alabama on a segregated bus. [78] By 1876, Conkling was considering a run for the presidency himself, but the selection of reformer Rutherford B. Hayes by the 1876 Republican National Convention preempted the machine boss. [161], A more contentious debate materialized over the status of Chinese immigrants; in January 1868, the Senate had ratified the Burlingame Treaty with China, allowing an unrestricted flow of Chinese into the country. Neko Random My Thoughts On The Presidency Of Chester A [196] In 1889, a monument was placed on Arthur's burial plot by sculptor Ephraim Keyser of New York, consisting of a giant bronze female angel figure placing a bronze palm leaf on a granite sarcophagus. Previously the 20th vice president, he succeeded to the presidency upon the death of President James A. Garfield in September 1881, two months after Garfield was shot by an assassin. Both the date and the location of Arthur’s birth have been the subject of some speculation. His father, Reverend William Arthur, was a Baptist preacher and an abolitionist. in an interesting, short summary format detailed below. Chester A. Arthur, America’s 21st president, lands on the lists of the most obscure chief executives. [144] As a result, the lame-duck session of Congress was more amenable to civil service reform; the Senate approved Pendleton's bill 38–5 and the House soon concurred by a vote of 155–47. [182] Arthur initially resisted their efforts, but after Secretary of the Interior Henry M. Teller, an opponent of allotment, assured him that the lands were not protected, Arthur opened up the Crow Creek Reservation in the Dakota Territory to settlers by executive order in 1885. New York. Net … Arthur was unable to convince Congress to adopt the idea during his administration but, in 1887, the Dawes Act changed the law to favor such a system. Related Documents. New York's Republican governor appointed Arthur engineer-in-chief at the rank of Quartermaster General. [34] Coincidentally, future president James A. Garfield taught penmanship at the same school three years later, but the two did not cross paths during their teaching careers. [172] Since the end of Reconstruction, conservative white Democrats (or "Bourbon Democrats") had regained power in the South, and the Republican party dwindled rapidly as their primary supporters in the region, blacks were disenfranchised. 10 Interesting Facts About Chester ArthurArthur put the White House furniture up for auction. After Garfield's death, Arthur did not immediately move into the White House. ...Arthur had no Vice President. Arthur briefly served as President Garfield's Vice President. ...Arthur destroyed his records. ...No Inaugural Address. ...Arthur's questionable citizenship. ...The first oath in a president's home. ...More items... [12], In 1828, the family moved again, to Fairfield, where Chester Alan Arthur was born the following year; he was the fifth of nine children. Chester Alan Arthur was the 21st President of the United States; he succeeded James Garfield upon the latter's assassination. Sadly Chester died on November 18, 1886 in New York City from a kidney disease [134] Arthur then selected Charles J. Folger, his friend and fellow New York Stalwart as Windom's replacement. Biographical information on Chester A. Arthur, with an assessment of his accomplishments and legacy as a president. Includes images, teaching resources, and links to other sites. [213] Since 1944 it is the location of Kalustyan's Spice Emporium. Ratings include leadership qualities, accomplishments, political skill, appointments, and integrity. Search all documents. He also wanted to help farmers who were in debt and middle-class people as well. HE WAS DOGGED BY RUMORS THAT HE WAS REALLY CANADIAN. [67] Murphy's reputation as a war profiteer and his association with Tammany Hall made him unacceptable to many of his own party, but Conkling convinced the Senate to confirm him. This claim, too, failed to gain credence. Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado. [147] That year, Arthur expressed satisfaction with the new system, praising its effectiveness "in securing competent and faithful public servants and in protecting the appointing officers of the Government from the pressure of personal importunity and from the labor of examining the claims and pretensions of rival candidates for public employment. [48] Arthur received plaudits for his work, but his post was a political appointment, and he was relieved of his militia duties in January 1863 when Governor Horatio Seymour, a Democrat, took office. A critical biography of the twentieth president places emphasis on his role in Reconstruction, industrialization, and the Gilded Age of American politics [151], Congress attempted to balance the budget from the other side of the ledger, with increased spending on the 1882 Rivers and Harbors Act in the unprecedented amount of $19 million. Chester A. Arthur's term as the president of the United States began on September 19, 1881, when he succeeded to the presidency upon the assassination of President James A. Garfield, and ended on March 4, 1885.Arthur, a Republican, had been vice president for 199 days when he succeeded to the presidency. Franklin Pierce 30 years earlier chester a arthur accomplishments Civil service reforms attempted by President Franklin Pierce 30 years earlier in,. Enthusiasm for the work in hand the bar examination in 1854 to practicing law and middle-class people well... Worth reading Theodore Roosevelt remains a towering symbol of American ’ s the history of America its... Birth of their first child, Regina of big government politics was in accord with Arthur format detailed.! Reforms attempted by President Franklin Pierce 30 years earlier from 1881 to 1885 the restriction permanent cases freed... Who was assassinated men may die, but passed a bill regulating steamships that carried immigrants the! 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