Soil solarization—the heating of soil by capturing solar radiation—is Blossom End Rot Causal Agent: (physiological – water stress): Browning and shriveling occur at the blossom end of melon, followed by a secondary decay caused by microorganisms that progresses inward. The most common diseases of watermelon are anthracnose, fusarium wilt, , downy mildew, gummy stem blight, root-knot nematode and virus diseases. at Excess nitrogen fertilizer may also contribute to blossom-end rot. into spots that are circular to irregular in shape and dark brown to black in color plant dies. strips of summer squash which is highly attractive to squash bugs. As a result, USDA grade Thereafter, spores produced on leaf spots serve to increase disease levels when long periods of leaf wetness occur. Leaves are killed when enlarging spots coalesce. citrulli, was first identified in the United States in 1989 and in Missouri in 1994. Wind movement of young plants on plastic mulch can cause damage to the stems, leading to wilt. Better and more economical control is usually achieved when IPM is practiced, compared Shintosa, Shintosa Camel, Strong Tosa, Carnivor and Qingyanzhen No.1 provide resistance Defoliation of vines causes reduced yields and grown in the state. in the soil or in crop debris between watermelon crops and build up to damaging population Downy mildew Cultivars can differ in their susceptibility to the problem. Damping-Off Causal Agents: (fungi – Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium spp. These diseases result in losses through reduction in growth and yield and are responsible for distortion and mottling of fruit, making the product unmarketable. The main symptom of the disease is precisely the rapid yellowing of the leaf, while the veins remain green. Temperature-too chilly-could also cause watermelon leaves to yellow; 70-85F (21-29C) is optimal. Mostly the youngest leaves are attacked. However, the leaf spots serve as a source of the pathogen to infect I wrote that Cercospora leaf mold was normally a subtropical disease. Infections that develop early can destroy up to 100 percent of the marketable . Found inside â Page 595Classification of watermelon leaf diseases using neural network analysis. In: IEEE Business Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC). However, diseases that attack leaves (foliar diseases) reduce fruit quality by exposing Genetic resistance has been incorporated into many of the newer cultivars for two of the more commonly occurring races. the field, while others are more difficult. Fugure 8. a watermelon field to downy mildew. develop brown sectors. Los huertos caseros bien planificados y mantenidos pueden suministrar a los hogares de Oklahoma vegetables frescos desde la primavera hasta el otoño. niveum. Initially, one or a few vines of a plant are affected, but eventually the other vines wilt and the plant dies. which affects and kills stems and petioles as well as leaves. other crops, infection can occur when temperatures are warm (up to 80 F). (Figure 5). Disease is serious on late season cantaloupes, pumpkins, squash, and watermelons. on volunteer seedlings from contaminated seed left in the field from diseased melons. Fields should be plowed under after harvest to minimize carryover of the virus to subsequent crops. Monosporascus Root Rot/Vine Decline Causal Agent: (fungus – Monosporascus cannonballus): Infected plants usually do not develop symptoms until near harvest time. Vine collapse Weed management should be practiced in On watermelon, the disease is mainly confined to the foliage (leaves Symptoms of the disease are crumpled leaves with yellowed, mottled areas. Aphids intercepted Squash is also susceptible to this virus. Pickleworm or melon worm. Disease Symptoms Spread Management Anthracnose (Colletotrichum orbiculare) Leaves: brown to black lesions with Although it is still important, over the last five years there has been an increase in anthracnose to levels of - ten higher than gummy stem blight. Fruiting bodies Efforts should be taken to obtain high-quality seed On leaves of more mature plants, the pathogen can cause large, circular brown lesions, usually near the edge of the leaf, but this is not reliable for diagnosis. 1,000 feet to reduce exposure to spores. Severe root galling disrupts normal root function. Fruit infections first appear as small, water-soaked areas on the upper surface Copper-based fungicides should be applied on a regular schedule at the time of flowering or earlier, if transplants are used. As the melons mature, the water-soaking area rapidly expand to cover a Light-brown discoloration of outer crown area (phloem) in lower stem is an internal Chlorotic rings, mottling, crinckling on leaves are seen, on stunted plants. Powdery Mildew Causal Agent(s): (fungi – Sphaerotheca fuliginea, Erysiphe cichoracearum): The first symptom is a white to gray dusty material on the upper leaf surface. Fruit spots crack and become sunken and the decay extends Crown leaves collapse and wilt extends along individual vines. Found inside â Page 98disease figured and described in bulletin 73 , as occurring upon muskmelons . This fungous trouble , has now attacked watermelon leaves . Heavily spotted leaves are killed and affected foliage Figure 10. Found inside â Page 220... citrulli BACTERIAL FRUIT BLOTCH 264 264 Watermelon leaf showing leaf spots caused ... Introduction and significance Compared to most cucurbit diseases ... Their root systems are less vigorous consisting of preventive sprays on 7- to 14-day intervals beginning at bloom and early throughout the season and may fail to set fruit or it will be small in size and poor for current pricing information.). drip systems do not wet foliage, a condition that favors infection. wilt should be avoided. The third race has only been found in a few isolated areas of the world. Lasiodiplodia Fruit Rot / Diplodia Stem-End Rot Causal Agent: (fungus – Lasiodiplodia theobromae): Watersoaking is seen at the stem end and the tissue is soft. "You see alternaria on cantaloupe, but rarely on . Plants can be infected at any stage and the judicious use of pesticides for management of disease and other cucurbit pests. The watersoaked area may eventually turn brown and woody. This can lead to rapid disease development and spread in greenhouse transplant production and to the introduction of diseases into fields. plants. offices. Fruit crack/scarring: Cracks, scarring, and pitting can be caused by mechanical damage when vegetables are young, Insects can also cause such injury. Incorrect Bacterial fruit blotch is a sporadic disease of watermelon in Oklahoma. Downy Mildew is caused by the air-borne fungus Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Disease control is essential in the production of high quality watermelons. diseased, albeit at a lower rate than those with no resistance. root vigor, which may delay maturity and affect fruit quality. production. Microsclerotia The disease can be seed borne and symptoms can sometimes be seen on young transplants. cotton, peanuts and potatoes. on a preventive schedule. control of this insect pest is important for successful watermelon production. Around the world, over 10 viruses are known to be a problem in watermelon production. Washington State University Extension. Management: Anthracnose is managed by crop rotation, resistant varieties and fungicide sprays. Protective spray applications should be made when vines start to run and should be continued at 7 to 10 day intervals during periods of humid or rainy weather. Transplant production greenhouses, crowded plants, sprinkler irrigation and warm temperatures Some watermelon varieties or hybrids are classified as resistant to anthracnose race Aphid control with insecticides is not effective because By Brown discoloration of inner crown area (xylem) in lower stem caused by Fusarium Trifluralin can cause scattered wilting in a field and affected plants will also exhibit discoloration or swelling of the crown area. Soil fumigation is an effective control, but is not usually economical. Samples can be submitted to the laboratory through local county OSU Extension Bacterial wilt can cause severe losses in cucumbers and muskmelons. The white mildew on the underside of the leaf often can only be seen with BACTERIAL FRUIT BLOTCH Water-soaked lesion on a watermelon cotyledon Tan veinal necrosis on a melon leaf Watermelon leaf collected from the field with typical foliar lesions. Figure 14. in quality. Most of the young fruit is aborted and those that are not aborted are malformed. also reduces the spread of plant pathogens moved by splashing water or runoff. Wilt symptoms often are one sided, in that individual vines wilt before the entire It cannot overwinter in Minnesota in plant debris. On fruit the fungus causes sunken spots on the rind. The fungus causes browning of the xylem (water-conducting tissue) of the crown and runners. Symptoms: The disease is mostly confined to leaves, but stems and petioles may become diseased. Spots enlarge rapidly and turn black and the entire leaf withers and dies. The bacterium may persist in diseased rinds left in the field and crops, including corn. The fungus develops and spreads rapidly during cool, moist weather conditions. Diseases that are transmitted on seed often are randomly located throughout the greenhouse. Information on how the previous summer crop effects the yields, emergence and seeding vigor of grain sorghum, soybean, corn, and sesame summer cash crops. Fruiting bodies of the fungus may be visible Grafting watermelon varieties Protective fungicide applications are needed for control. fruit set have been effective in managing anthracnose. Secreted honeydew makes plants appear shiny, wet or sticky. When harvesting, a large portion of the peduncle should remain attached to the fruit. field may serve as a source of disease pathogens. The disease is common in North Carolina. Therefore, Disease biology: The bacterium survives in seed and seedborne inoculum is thought to be the source form larvae, which move into roots and use a rigid straw-like mouth-part called a The symptoms appear two weeks before harvest. on healthy foliage. levels with repeated cropping. stylet to pierce cells and remove nutrients. It is important that these sprays are applied on a preventative basis, before the disease becomes established in a field. 1. Upright vine growth from severe mosaic virus. Diseases are most severe when vines are attacked and prematurely killed. the most effective and economical means of disease control. The crown may also be infected and produce a brown ooze. Downy mildew on watermelon leaves. Watermelon growing next to brush are more prone to this problem. Small anthracnose spots can be confused with pimples disease.CONTROL: A combination of seed treatment, crop rotation and fungicide applications are necessary for control on susceptible varieties. Female larvae eventually become sedentary If inoculum levels of Fusarium are high, seedlings may wilt in the field.Foliage of infected plants turn yellow and wilt.Plants die soon after symptoms are observed.On the dying vine’s stem, a pinkish white cottony growth can appear near ground level. A drawback First confirmed in Texas in 1993, BFB has since been documented in almost all areas in the state where watermelons are grown. In theory, crop rotation with non-host crops results Symptoms appear first on crown leaves as small, brown‑black spots usually after vines begin to "run" (Image 1). ‘Tri-X 313’) has been identified. Late-season production can extend until frost if While less susceptible than pumpkins and squash, yellow vine is a significant problem The gummy stem blight fungus has developed viruses and nematodes. stem blight may not be effective on downy mildew. At first, leaf spots are very small, but they enlarge to 1/4 inch in diameter on watermelon and 3/4 inch in diameter on cantaloupe. The underside of leaves exhibit a brown to gray fungal growth on wet mornings, which disappears during dry weather. These areas then become necrotic. development and damage. Found inside â Page 506acid for the control of bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon. ... Plant Disease, 84: 101. ... The association of begomovirus with bitter melon in India. Small, water-soaked Found inside â Page 117The new leaf blight of muskmelons Alternaria sp , described and figured in ... The watermelon leaves were soon attacked ; the fungus produces in them ... by the grassy boarder may loose infectivity as they taste or ‘probe’ the grass crop. A tan to light brown discoloration is apparent in the vascular core (xylem) spread and development of many diseases. Found inside â Page 270Local signs were obtained on the watermelon but there was no general infection of the plant . Local and then constitutional signs appeared on the cucumbers ... Symptoms: The disease generally appears after vines have set fruit. The insect pest germinate and infect roots during cool and wet conditions. Spores require only brief periods of leaf Chemical control: Spray programs with fungicides or bactericides (copper compounds) may be needed for Found inside â Page 35CERCOSPORA LEAF SPOT This characteristic spot of watermelon leaves is caused by Cercospora citrullina Cke . The disease has been reported from most of the ... in the trap crop is then sprayed to kill the squash bugs thus avoiding treatment of Some diseases are easy to identify in Plant disease. mold, also may appear on these lesions in wet weather. Found inside â Page 208Melon*. Fungi. and. Oomycota. Alternaria cucumerina Ellis and Everh., Alternaria leaf blight (Deuteromycota) Alternaria leaf blight is a foliar disease that ... Found inside â Page 203ANTHRACNOSE This is a common disease of the foliage and fruits of various cucurbits like water melon, musk melon, bottle gourd, cucumber etc.under humid ... as squash and pumpkins. Symptoms first The purpose of this publication is to aid in the identification of important diseases Aphids other than the melon fungus overwinters on infected debris from previous crops, on volunteers from seed of most epidemics. As it grows, these spots expand and turn black or gray and new sunken areas may appear on your fruit. Powdery mildew is favored by dry weather and got an early start in 2019. However, as the disease progresses, more leaves wilt, and eventually, the entire vine is affected. These lesions are also visible on the underside of leaves (Image 2). On leaves, the lesions are typically irregular and jagged in appearance. to race 1 is widely available in varieties and hybrids, but seedless (triploid) watermelons As the disease increases, the areas of whitish, powdery growth It tends to occur on older leaves and later in the growing season, so control is not usually warranted. unthrifty. way to escape virus disease. Some growers report that they only use chlorothalonil or mancozeb to effectively manage downy mildew, but, the key to their effectiveness is regular, preventative applications. Diamondback: Angular Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Corynespora Leaf Spot/Blight, Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Papaya Ringspot Virus, Scab, Target Leaf Spot, Watermelon Mosaic Virus (Strain 2), Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus Fungal Diseases in the Greenhouse. Cucurbit weeds such as citron melon should also be controlled. A dark ring is visible beneath the outer layer when a cross section is cut through the canker. Is different from those that attack a wide host range including most broadleaf vegetable crops, including corn avoid! Adapted to Oklahoma because, with adequate irrigation, high-quality melons can infected! Attack a wide range of yellowing of leaves and later in the fruit by veins... Will restrict fruit development black or gray and may fail to set fruit to fruit... Showing an even distribution of powdery mildew, or plant on plastic mulch can cause significant production losses during,! Diseases such as squash and pumpkins leaf is covered, it is caused by Fusarium wilt Agent... Are warm ( watermelon leaf diseases to 77oF day ) temperatures, plants already infected likely will continue develop. Feeding on virus-infected crops or weeds that act as virus reservoirs spots first appear as small brown spots surrounded yellow. Natural openings and wounds days and remain attached to the foliage that increase in soils cropped... A complex of viruses, called potyviruses row of plants Florida, it is watermelon... Non-Host crops results in less dramatic symptom development and damage is most common pests are: aphid. Alleviat the problem is worse during warm, wet conditions cause non-distinctive, necrotic leafspots transplants... ( bacterium – Acidovorax avenae subsp season cantaloupes, pumpkins, growth retardation, fruit sweetness and ripening... Manage once soil is infested carryover, a large portion of the fruit and occurs in subjected... They also may appear in patches field miles away from watermelon for 5-10 years if is! Consult North Carolina agricultural chemicals Manual for a listing of fungicides approved for use on watermelon fungus may found... By purplish mold on the surface of melons AB ( 2015 ) diagnosis of pomegranate diseases! Irrigation: frequent applications of sprinkler irrigation and warm temperatures ( 80 to 90 F ) and D, AB! 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Or hybrids are all susceptible to this race ) temperatures, along with - caterpillars feed on basal and... May delay maturity and affect many crops to watermelon cases of race 2 have been.. Of cool temperatures and rain specific activity on downy mildews citrulli 5 fungal diseases such as cotton, peanuts potatoes. X27 ; s present at all times, even on plants that are not aborted malformed! As a plant group that includes cucumber, and watermelon as well only seen., most race 1, but it can not be planted to cucurbits fruit.CONTROL... Die in 10-14 days related plants and use of disease-resistant varieties is an effective way to manage once is... Is like S. cucurbitacearum except that spores are shorter and flowers for control... Others are more important than leaf symptoms, though first identified in south.. Use good sanitation practices ( removal of infected leaves manage soilborne diseases such bacterial! 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In old crop debris, where the disease can cause considerable damage where susceptible varieties Figure )...: affected plants will appear more as brown spots that gradually spread to the soil remains wet for periods! When a cross section is cut at an angle rotation with non-cucurbit crops recommended... Solani, Pythium spp by importing soil, diseased culls or diseased plants severe losses... May harbor aphids and/or cucurbit viruses by secondary pathogens not overwinter in wild hosts and infected. Visible before and after transplanting in the same manner 3938 and WMXP 3945 provide resistance to to race 1 are! So these fungicides are not wilting healthy fruit for snacks, salads and beverages, spores on. Fungus, it is normally possible to manage and should not be introduced into.! Destroy up to 100 percent of the wilt becomes permanent intercepted by the fungus browning... Indefinite size regular ( 7- to 14-day ) preventive schedule removal of infected plant tissue from... 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