The framework also seeks to strengthen the quality of academic programs by defining learning outcomes and benchmark criteria for qualifications awarded at the different levels. Precise, word-for-word English translations of all documents not issued in English. Given Vietnam’s economic growth projections, student mobility is bound to increase in the years ahead, especially as the country seeks to internationalize its economy and education system. But the population is rapidly aging. Several options for vocational education and training (VET) exist in Vietnam. While courses can still be graded according to the old 0-10 scale, scores now need also to be converted into the new scale, and the final cumulative average of degree programs must be expressed in the 0-4 scale, respectively the corresponding letter grade. 76% of the men sent to Vietnam were from lower middle/working class backgrounds. Achievement of the objectives set forth in the CPF results framework are largely on track, following the implementation of a large WB lending portfolio that includes many projects approved under IDA18 and IBRD, strong International Finance Corporation (IFC) performance, and the implementation of a comprehensive Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) portfolio supporting and informing key policy and reform areas. Despite these changes, observers have noted that the system so far continues to be characterized by a high degree of bureaucratic centralization and a tendency to retain socialist curricula, even atVietnam’s privileged National Universities, which technically already had greater autonomy than other institutions since their inception in 1993. Labor force development is being prioritized with large-scale investments in applied, employment-geared training. Reforms brought about by this program also contributed to improved energy efficiency of household appliances and increased investment in renewable energy, particularly solar power and wind power. Vietnam is a booming country that has seen sweeping market reforms since the 1980s, as the Communist government has moved from a command-style economic system to a more open capitalist system without relinquishing political control. Open programs (mộ rồng) may also be offered at other universities. Between 2005 and 2014, faculty growth in the higher education sector has also outpaced student enrollments –teaching staff at HEIs increased by 88 percent compared to a 70 percent increase in students. Photocopy of graduation certificate or diploma. Fueled by the rising incomes that result from hard work and ambition, 50 million new consumers will join the ranks of the middle class in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam by 2022, contributing to the region's $300 billion middle-class disposable income. 1. Examples provided by Andrew Lawrence include unlicensed operators offering “… high-end degrees such as ‘American MBAs’. Vietnam War Protests: The Beginnings of a Movement. Despite charging as much as USD $3,500, they attract many students, enticed by the prospects of obtaining a foreign degree without having to know English… . In August 2020, the Vietnam's Open Budget Portal went live, making budget information for all government levels available for the public in one place. Harvard researchers Vallely and Wilkinson in 2008 described the Vietnamese education system as being in a state of crisis, characterized by international isolation, a lack of high-quality universities, inadequate foreign language training, bureaucratic obstacles, and curricula that do not prepare students for entry into the labor force. The new curricula include mandatory and elective courses worth 2 to 4 credits. The official goal is to decrease this ratio to 1:20 by 2020. 70 to 80 percent of the student population should be enrolled in applied programs by 2020. A middle class resident in Beijing made 11,623 yuan ($1,766) a month between June and September, an all-time high in the survey's history. Found insideWorld Bank (2018) reports that 13% of Vietnam's population earn enough to belong in the global middle class, and this figure is moving up with 1.5 million ... In 2014 the MOET issued a directive that suspended this practice, but the ban seems to have been lifted, as universities are presently again offering these programs. Waste generation in Vietnam is expected to double in less than 15 years. And Vietnam's emerging middle class, currently accounting for 13 percent of the population, is expected to reach 26 percent by 2026. To attract more foreign students and researchers, the government has removed some obstacles, for instance, by allowing universities to set their admission standards for international students, instead of requiring Vietnamese-language entrance examinations. The masses of the Vietnamese people were deprived of such benefits by the social policies inaugurated by Doumer and maintained even by his more liberal successors, such as . Vietnam’s development over the past 30 years has been remarkable. However, the economic outlook for Vietnam looks bright. A dog transported in a cage in Vietnam. The plant has also helped mitigate flood risks in downstream communities. Vietnam's economic freedom score is 61.7, making its economy the 90th freest in the 2021 Index. Pre-school and elementary school teachers must have a professional secondary school diploma in teaching (Bằng Tốt nghiệp Trung học Sư phạm), usually awarded by secondary teacher training schools. Our findings about the Nigerian middle class are summarised below: Their average monthly income is in the range NGN75,000-100,000 ($480-645, or roughly $6,000-7,000 pa). 1. More than 60 percent of Vietnamese mobile degree-seeking students currently opt to study in English-speaking Western countries, according to the data provided by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics. The data of the UNESCO Institute Statistics provides the most reliable point of reference for comparison since it is compiled according to one standard method. 30 credits represent one year of study at the undergraduate level. Vietnam Veterans were the best educated forces our nation had ever sent into combat. From 2007 to 2017, the middle class shrank by about 2.7 percent, with about 1.9 percent moving to the upper class and about 0.8 percent falling into the lower class. Four years later, a National Accreditation Council was established under the MOET. (For a sample of a self-assessment report, see the report of Tan Tao University, submitted in 2016). Compounding the problem is the reality that much of Vietnam’s population and economy is highly vulnerable to climate impacts. The government intends to lessen the importance of examinations and has announced that national graduation exams will, in fact, be abolished altogether after 2020, at which point admission will be based on overall student performance during senior high school, rather than one final high stakes examination. It reportedly has an acceptance rate of about 30 percent and charges tuition fees of USD $1,000 annually for bachelor’s programs. Many of Vietnam’s private HEIs are profit-driven “demand-absorbing institutions,” that is, institutions that provide access to higher education, but not at the same level of academic quality or rigor offered by most public institutions. In Australia, the number of students increased by 75 percent between 2009 and 2015, while in Japan the number grew 110 percent between 2009 and 2014. Found inside – Page 25However, the odds of working-class men going into the military and on to Vietnam were far higher than they were for the middle class and the privileged. Admission to general lower-secondary education is open to all pupils who have completed elementary education. Many private HEIs concentrate on niche fields and areas where public universities fail to meet growing demand (business administration, foreign languages and computer and information technology). Education is the largest expenditure item on the state budget and stood at 20 percent of total government expenditures in 2015 (USD $10 billion), a far higher percentage than the global average of 14.1 percent (2013). Secondary public schools, meanwhile, are allowed to charge small tuition fees. The so-called 911 project, launched in 2013, for instance, is slated to fund study abroad of 10,000 Ph.D. candidates until 2020 with up to USD $15,000 annually per student. From 1993 to 2017, the infant mortality rate decreased from 32.6 to 16.7 (per 1,000 live births). The higher the test scores, the better the chances of admission into first-choice institutions (students can apply to multiple schools). consumption of at least 2011 PPP $5.5, while the global middle class is defined as having a daily per capita consumption of at least 2011 PPP $15. That said, Vietnam’s lack of top quality universities and few English-taught programs mean that Vietnam is not an obvious destination choice for international students beyond students studying Vietnamese culture and language. Since that change, the number of private institutions has expanded quickly and reached 88 private HEIs as of 2015. Programs are between 2 and 3.5 years in length and are known as “short-term training” in Vietnam. Top universities like the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology are currently charging annual tuition fees of USD $ 1,000 for bachelor’s programs. In addition, it is not uncommon for parents to pay school teachers for extra private lessons to ensure the academic success of their children – an often corrupt practice that increases costs and inequalities in public education. The middle class earning USD 714 a month or more in Vietnam will double to 33 million people, about a third of the population, between 2014 and 2020, according to Boston Consulting Group. These four agencies are tasked with accrediting HEIs, as well as vocational schools in the VET sector. Given its deep integration with the global economy, the Vietnamese economy has been hit by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but has shown remarkable resilience. The participants resided in the cities of Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. Since 2010, Viet Nam's GDP growth has been at least 5% per year, and in 2017 it peaked at 6.8%. In 2012, 46 percent of instructors held master’s degree, and 14 percent held doctoral degrees. Vietnam has the fastest growing middle class in Southeast Asia, projected to grow to anywhere between 33 and 44 million people by 2020, depending on the estimate. The economy of Vietnam is believed to become one of the fastest growing emerging markets in the world by 2020 with a GDP of $436 billion. Vietnam’s government has, thus, made human capital development a top priority and seeks to catch up with other countries in the ASEAN community. Vietnam is urbanizing, with estimates that the urban population will reach 50 percent by 2025. Between 1990 and 2016, life expectancy increased from 70.5 to 76.3 years, and is the highest in the region for countries at a similar income level. Canada also experienced strong growth – the number of Vietnamese students jumped by 203 percent between 2005 and 2015, according to the Canadian government. The examinations take place in June or July, are administered by the provincial Departments of Education, and involve multiple choice and essay questions. It should also be noted that the MOET has given public universities the freedom to determine their admission requirements beyond graduation exam results. High school graduation requires passing a rigorous final secondary school graduation examination, which is also used to determine admission to higher education (see section on university admission below for more details). Resilient Shores lays out a resilience strategy that can guide Vietnam through the decisive actions it must take to safeguard the prosperity of future generations from climate change and disaster risks. Population, total. In order to become a high-income country by 2045, Vietnam will need to sustain average growth rates of at least 7 percent over . Key strategies and plans to stimulate green growth and sustainable use of its natural assets are in place. Outbound degree mobility in China, by comparison, grew by 549 percent during the same period, while the number of outbound Indian degree students increased by only 360 percent. University Graduation Ceremony in Vietnam. In addition, Vietnam benefits from a large and diverse portfolio of Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA), with 34 currently active tasks. Vietnam’s universal health coverage index is at 73—higher than regional and global averages—with 87 percent of the population covered. Universities typically base admission on the cumulative score in three subjects they consider relevant for the chosen major. World Bank Support for Country Access to COVID-19 Vaccines, Environmental and Social Policies for Projects, Vietnam Renewable Energy Development Project, Climate Change and Green Growth Development Financing, Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development Project, Vietnam Industrial Pollution Management Project, Mekong Delta Region Urban Upgrading Project, Results-Based Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Under the National Target Program, Northeast and Red River Delta Regions Health System Support Project, Second Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project, Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY18-FY22, Performance and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Strategy for Vietnam (FY12 - 16), Joint Vietnam-World Bank Group Study Will Seek Path for Higher Economic Growth, Results from the World Bank Group’s 2012 – 2017 – Country Partnership Strategy for Vietnam, WBG Country Partnership Framework for Vietnam 2018 – 2022: Key Priorities. The government plans to increase the number of instructors with master’s and doctoral degrees to 60 and 35 percent of all teaching staff, respectively, by 2020. Private institutions are often expensive and presently cannot effectively compete with the much more popular top-tier public universities. The middle class of Vietnam is growing and so is their consumption, especially in urban areas. Since 2015, the university entrance exam has been abolished and merged with the secondary graduation exam into a single national secondary school graduation exam (Kỳ thi trung học phổ thông quốc gia), now used to determine university admission. After completion of grade 5, pupils can continue their education in a four-year lower-secondary education cycle (trung học cơ sở) or enroll in short-term vocational training programs. Competition is particularly fierce for coveted spots at prestigious “high schools for the gifted,” which only admit the very best students. Children normally start primary education at the age of six. Lower secondary graduates can also enroll in more academically oriented vocational/technical high school programs, referred to as professional secondary or intermediate professional education, that combine vocational training with general education. Based on a wide array of quantitative and qualitative techniques, Light Manufacturing in Vietnam identifies key constraints on manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam and evaluates differences in firm performance across China and Vietnam. Chapter 3: Consumer goods Viet Nam's strong consumer confidence has propelled spending on consumer goods especially in the areas of food and beverages, However, the government has in recent years scaled back various regulations, and plans to increase the autonomy of higher education institutions (HEIs) “in terms of training, scientific research, organization, personnel, finance and international cooperation.” The government has recently granted HEIs increased autonomy to determine their curricula and admissions quotas. Between 2014 and 2020, this income group will likely double in size to 33 million people, accounting for a third of the country's population. Some 23% of Vietnam vets had fathers with professional, managerial Professional Secondary Education Graduation Diploma (. Given the frequent changes in university admissions in recent years, it remains to be seen, however, if and when these changes will be realized. Drawing on a rich array of voices from the past half-century, The American Middle Class explores how the middle class, and ideas about it, have changed over time, including the distinct story of the black middle class. The situation has since improved. Between 2012 and 2018, the project supported 40 coastal districts and 257 coastal communes to shift from fragmented sectoral planning to an integrated spatial planning for co-management of fisheries. This is due to the effects of rapid economic growth, industrialization and increasing wealth in . According to the 2021 Credit Suisse ( CS) Global Wealth Report, the global middle-class, defined as adults whose assets amount to between $10,000 to $100,000, more than tripled to 1.7 billion in . Vietnam's existing portfolio consists of 37 active projects, with total net commitments of US$7.19 billion. There are optimistic estimates about the growing middle class, and Vietnam is often referred to as the place where this segment is growing the fastest in Southeast Asia, 1 from 12 million in 2012, it is predicted to reach 33 million in 2020, that is around 1/3 of population which is predicted to reach 97 million by that time. The country's literacy rate is over 90%.. One of the reforms currently enacted in higher education is the implementation of new quality assurance mechanisms for HEIs. While some schools have fully switched to the 1-4 scale, many list course grades according to both the 0-10 and the 1-4 scales on their documents. Because malnutrition in early life significantly affects the physical and mental development of children, addressing malnutrition is fundamental to the development of Vietnam’s human capital. Australia’s RMIT University is among the few foreign-owned universities in Vietnam. The upper-secondary school graduation rate stood at 95 percent in 2015/16. By Catherine Earl This volume explores the social consequences of macro-economic reform introduced in Vietnam more than a quarter of a century ago through a focus on young women graduates who hope to find success in Ho Chi Minh City's growing graduate labour market. Found inside – Page 2As compared with June , 1969 , the consumer price index in July , 1969 , showed a gain of 0.1 per cent for the middle class and of 0.3 per cent for the ... The curriculum includes Vietnamese, foreign language, mathematics, natural sciences, civics, history, geography, technology, computer science, arts, and physical education. The labor force is made up of 54.61 million people. Calculation based on population statistics and HE student statistics provided by the General Statistics Office of Vietnam. The index measures the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by age 18, given the risks of poor health and poor . Food retail revenue and the food processing industry showed growth in 2020 but at a slower pace than the previous year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Found inside – Page 88In particular, with a recent surge in the middle-income class, ... The rapid and continuing increase in Vietnam's middle class (the fastest in Asia) means ... The most common avenue for graduate medical education in Vietnam is a two-stage clinical training program offered by medical universities that leads to the award of a Specialist Certificate (Bằng Chuyên Khoa). During the same period, the percentage of those with an on-site centralized effluent treatment plant increased from 60 percent to 98 percent. Unsustainable exploitation of natural assets such as sand, fisheries, and timber could negatively affect prospects for long-term growth. Chapter 4: Infrastructure - transportation A focus on investment in transport infrastructure is vital to Viet Nam's competitiveness. The number of youths seeking higher education in Vietnam has increased significantly, swelling the ranks of potential . Education at this level lasts for 5 years and is compulsory for all children. (2016, UIS). At the same time, Vietnam is one of the most rapidly aging countries and the 65+ age group is expected to increase 2.5 times by 2050. Found inside – Page 51Included are middle class and upper class Vietnamese who came to the city because ... These are the statistics collected as best they can be , but I want to ... Another issue is the quality of teaching in Vietnam. Underscoring recent improvements in educational quality at the secondary level, Vietnam ranked 17th out of 65 countries, ahead of Western countries like Australia, the U.S., or France, when for the first time it participated in the OECD PISA study in 2012. Vietnam’s quest for vocational training is also driven by increased demand for VET among Vietnam’s youth. There are no separate licensing exams. Some large and prestigious universities, including the Vietnam National University (Hanoi) or the Foreign Trade University, for example, now utilize independent entrance examinations. F or the first time in history, a truly global middle class is emerging. The newfound purchasing power has sparked an explosion . The book also highlights the important social role of remittances sent back to rural kinfolk . An investigation by Thanh Nien News … , found two U.S.-based institutions, Southwest American University and Adam International University, were unaccredited in the U.S., yet offered 10-month MBA programmes for USD $4,000 to Vietnamese students. The World Bank has worked closely with Vietnam to address the last miles in poverty eradication as approximately 8 million of Vietnamese people still lived with less than US$3.2 per day in 2018. Found insideGrowing Smarter: Learning and Equitable Development in East Asia and Pacific focuses on the experiences of economies in the region that have been able to expand schooling and learning and showcases those that have managed to pursue ... We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. Countries from The World Bank: Data. Licensure as a general practitioner requires 18 months of practice at a hospital or comparable institution after graduation. The government has in recent years enacted various policy measures to combat corruption and made some high profile arrests, at least one of which resulted in the death penalty. Found insideThe book examines the impacts of new technologies (i.e., the Internet of Things, 3-D printing, and advanced robotics), rising international competition, and increased servicification on manufacturing productivity and employment. More recently, the National Bureau of Statistics put out an official definition for the first time, where it stipulated that people earning a monthly income of RMB 2,000 (US$295) to RMB 5,000 (US$740 . Its population reached 96.5 million in 2019 (up from about 60 million in 1986) and is expected to expand to 120 million by 2050. Over the past two decades, Vietnam has emerged as the fastest growing per-capita greenhouse gas emitters in the world – growing at about 5 percent annually. Linked to this is the issue of marine plastics. HANOI - In a recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Vietnam was found to have the fastest growing middle class in Southeast Asia. By 1965, many middle-class men had come to expect deferments. The goals of several of the current education reforms were already laid down in a government directive from 2005 on the “Comprehensive Reform of Higher Education in Vietnam, 2006–2020”. Private for-profit HEIs were not allowed to operate until 2005. Current reforms, announced in 2017, however, will allow for greater individual customization with elective concentration subjects now making up one-third of the curriculum. Until 2015, students first sat for a secondary school graduation examination in May/June, and a subsequent national university entrance examination in July (the so-called “three commons” exam). Water pollution has significant costs on productivity of key sectors and human health. It intends to boost the percentage of workers that have undergone formal vocational training to 60 to 65 percent of the workforce by 2020 while expanding enrollments in career-oriented study programs to 70 to 80 percent of all students in Vietnam. Some observers have argued that the remarkably good results do not truly reflect educational quality in Vietnam and may be the outcome of the test’s emphasis on mathematics and its standardized testing format. To learn more about cookies, click here. Found insidemiddle-class. expansion. Vietnam's population is estimated to be around 97 million and is growing at a rate of about 1% a year. The population is young, ... However, considering people's awareness, 96 percent of Vietnamese think their . The largest numbers of foreign degree students in Vietnam presently come from neighboring Laos (1,772 students) and Cambodia (318 students). Economic and political reforms under Đổi Mới, launched in 1986, have spurred rapid economic growth, transforming what was then one of the world's poorest nations into a lower middle-income country. Curricula, for example, continued to include mandatory Marxist-Leninist content, said to be of little practical relevance in the labor market. Bachelor of Engineering (Bằng Kỹ Sư) programs are five years in length and require a minimum of 150 credits. As widely cited on the Chinese web, a 2015 Ipsos study of 2,500 households in four Asian economies showed that the Chinese need to earn more than the two of the other three to feel middle class . One of Vietnam’s strategies to achieve further economic growth is the modernization of its education system, which is considered to be lagging behind other Southeast Asian countries by outside observers. This drastic increase in Vietnamese mobility reflects the country’s swift economic growth, as well as of the shortcomings of its education system. The project, which benefited 192,000 households and resulted in a 16-percent increase in incomes, provided good lessons for government to revise its poverty reduction policy and approach. By 2020, the country is expected to have 44 million middle class people. The School Readiness Promotion Project, for example, helped increase access to full-day preschool to 84 percent of five-year-old children in 2015 from 66 percent in 2011. Beyond that, student mobility to the U.S. also appears to be influenced by existing migrant networks – the largest numbers of Vietnamese students are enrolled at institutions in California and Texas, the two U.S. states with the highest concentration of Vietnamese immigrants.