Our bachelor's degree in Computer Science is offered from The Grainger College of Engineering. 4 undergraduate hours. Examines information seeking practices of particular communities and within various environments, introducing recent approaches to user-centered system design and digital library development. No professional credit. 4 graduate hours. Offers an advanced graduate survey of research in areas related to research in Organization and Representation, across a wide range of topics. IS 419 Entrepreneurial Information Technology Design credit: 3 or 4 Hours. IS 424 Social Computing credit: 3 or 4 Hours. IS 538 Seminar in Cultural Heritage, Collection Management, & Preservation credit: 4 Hours. IS 532 School Library Management credit: 2 or 4 Hours. Prerequisite: IS 358 Highly recommended. IS 588 Data Consulting Capstone credit: 4 Hours. Same as MDIA 512. 4 undergraduate hours. This course examines youth services by surveying how youth serving organizations meet young people’s developmental, informational, social, personal, and cultural needs through programs and services. Actuarial science IS 440 Community Informatics Studio credit: 3 or 4 Hours. They will build a portfolio including evidence of effective consulting abilities, database design, and knowledge of applying data to solve real world problems. Graded courses are preferred to review for academic performance, but not required. Network Analysis has become a widely adopted method for studying the interactions between social agents, information and infrastructures. A supportive community. Information professionals are increasingly being challenged to provide not just data but insights and recommendations that are critical for strategic decision making. 4 graduate hours. IS 514 Applied Business Research credit: 4 Hours. Examines current problems with and approaches to digital preservation that are fundamental to the long-term accessibility of digital materials. Information history covers diverse institutions and practices -- from libraries and the book to the telegraph and postal systems, from surveillance to cartography, from documentary culture to statistical surveys -- seeking to connect them with the major developmental processes of human history. 4 graduate hours. IS 490 Topics in Info Foundations credit: 2 to 4 Hours. Select any program below, and you'll have the option to add an admissions info session and campus tour while registering. IS 457 Data Storytelling credit: 3 or 4 Hours. The course will be primarily focused on activities in the United States, though international movements and perspectives will be addressed. Course prerequisite chain. Examinations of the interactions of socio-cultural, technological and professional factors underlying the emergence of IS provide a basis for exploring more recent developments in theory and practice. What is something related to Information Sciences that you recently got excited about? Data curation is the active and on-going management of data through its lifecycle of interest and usefulness to scholarship, science, and education; curation activities and policies enable data discovery and retrieval, maintain data quality and add value, and provide for re-use over time. Studio-based learning methods, which are common in art and architectural education, are used to help students address a real-world problem or 'case'. In this course we will learn how to design and deploy flexible websites that serve dynamically changing content, focusing in particular on the needs of public-service organizations such as libraries, associations, and other not-for-profit entities. 4 graduate hours. Variety of newly developed and advanced topics courses within the field of Collections, intended to augment the existing Information Sciences curricula. IS 309 Computers and Culture credit: 3 Hours. Found inside – Page 95Available from - Graduate School of Library and Information Science , University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign , 501 E. Daniel St. , Champaign , IL ... Found inside – Page 84The research activities of e-science involve what is often referred to as big ... with the UIUC Graduate School of Library and Information Science).15 To ... The course will also discuss hackers, online subcultures, and other computer-related subcultures, and the integration of computers into various cultural practices. 0 to 2 graduate hours. IS 451 Bibliography of Africa credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Participants will develop strategies and practices to support the school's curriculum through the roles of instructional partner, information specialist, and teacher. Basic programming (Python) proficiency required.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Quantitative Reasoning I. Emphasizes information organization and access in settings and systems of different kinds. Examines the range of current research problems, along with emerging methods and tools, and assesses a variety of organizational scenarios to plan and implement a preservation plan. Examples and practical exercises will be geared towards future work as information professionals and will enable students to design and apply research strategies that help them understand the intersections between people, information, and technologies. An additional 30 hours will be required of students completing a Dual-Degree, as listed in the Student Code. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Illinois has tremendous breadth and depth in academics, with more than 150 undergraduate and more than 100 graduate and professional programs. World-renowned professors. Course will use the Python programming language. Explores principles, structures, standards, technologies and practices relating to organizing and creating access to print and non-print media. Variety of newly developed and advanced topics courses within the fields of Information Organization, intended to augment the existing Information Sciences curricula. Your vibrant research career begins in our doctoral program, which offers opportunities to collaborate with faculty whose work defines the field. IS 249 BSIS Practicum credit: 3 Hours. Focuses on the basics of web site design, content development, constructing web pages with standard HTML and CSS. $46,400. Theoretical principles and archival practices of appraisal, acquisition, accessioning, arrangement, description, preservation, and reference services. Students will work with data visualization toolkits, which will involve variable levels of coding and skill. Found insideIntegrated Korean: Accelerated 1 and 2 directly address the linguistic needs and abilities of heritage and accelerated learners in a single academic year. The origins, development, and evolution of libraries and related institutions, from antiquity to the twentieth century, as a reflection of literacy, recognition of archival responsibility, humanistic achievement, scientific information needs, and service to society. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor for undergraduates; consent of instructor for non-iSchool graduate students for on-campus sections. Found insideF. H. Wild III, Choice, Vol. 47 (8), April 2010 Those of us who have learned scientific programming in Python ‘on the streets’ could be a little jealous of students who have the opportunity to take a course out of Langtangen’s Primer ... 2 to 4 graduate hours. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has its roots in the main areas of industrial engineering, human factors and cognitive psychology with the focus on the development of user-friendly IT. Traditionally, the research in this area has ... Complete the following semester-by-semester course plan. May be repeated in the same or separate semesters to a maximum of 16 hours, if topics vary. Explores information needs and uses at a general level, addressing formal and informal information channels, barriers to information, issues of value, and impacts of technology. Phone: (217) 333-2046 Fax: (217) 244-1752 Email: atmos-sci@illinois.edu Computer Science (Bachelor's Degree) $92,200. Variety of newly developed and advanced topics courses within the fields of Information Services, intended to augment the existing Information Sciences curricula. Provides an introduction to sets, relations, graphs, grammars, probability, and propositional and predicate logic. Analyzes specific situations that reflect the professional agenda of these fields, including intellectual freedom, community service, professional ethics, social responsibilities, intellectual property, literacy, historical and international models, the socio-cultural role of libraries and information agencies and professionalism in general, focusing in particular on the interrelationships among these issues. Advising Resources. Explore data types and reading/writing database layout descriptions. Same as CS 513. Mathematical detail will be left to the students who are so inclined. IS 449 Web Application Development credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Information modeling is critical to all information systems and analysis. May be repeated in the same or separate terms, to a maximum of 16 hours, if topics vary. Students must be competent in basic computing including the installation and configuration of software packages. They will learn to gather and understand user requirements and needs for a wide range of user populations, especially those that are under-served (e.g., children, older adults, people with disabilities), apply inclusive design frameworks and principles, and design, develop, evaluate and improve interactive prototypes in an iterative manner. 2 to 4 graduate hours. Variety of newly developed and topics courses within Data Analytics & Data Science, intended to augment the existing Information Sciences curricula. 4 graduate hours. 3 undergraduate hours. exam), $14.75 (1-hr. No professional credit. IS 107 Data Science Discovery credit: 4 Hours. 2 to 4 graduate hours. Students learn the history of marginalized youth in America in order to understand how literacies are defined, promoted, or stigmatized today. Disability and Human Development - BS. This course provides an introduction to the field of information science and the major. Guidelines for New or Revised Programs. IS 269 BSIS Internship credit: 0 Hours. 4 graduate hours. (including: other majors, minors, Dual-Degree, etc.). Students will evaluate examples of youth information and communication technology use and analyze factors including identities, educational and social structures, opportunities and risks, learning and literacy, and potential futures in these areas. Be sure to connect with your DGS advisor along the way. Students interested in a Dual-Degree will need to complete the ICT application, and if accepted into the program additional information will be provided. This interdisciplinary course introduces students to fundamental theories, methods, technologies and applications of social computing. Education. See Class Schedule. Various sections address different graduate student audiences and needs. Restricted to students with Junior level standing or above. This course will provide both practical experience and theoretical knowledge for understanding the ways youth engage with information via technology, as well as various developmental, social, personal, and cultural contexts that inform those interactions. The course is suitable for anyone planning to work in a professional setting that will involve handling data or building information systems, or seeking a grounding for future study of data and information ethics. 2 to 4 graduate hours. Psychology at Illinois. Found inside – Page xxviiHe earned his B.Eng. in Management Information Systems from Tsinghua ... She received the MS in Library and Information Science from UIUC in 1986. May be repeated if topics vary. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: IS 358 Highly recommended. Critical intersections of bias, exclusion, and marginalization will be explored through a variety of case studies. Weekly class meetings will be composed of both lectures and discussions. IS 427 Mathematical Foundations for Data Analytics credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Median first-year earnings for University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign graduates ranked by degree type and major. 0 or 1 undergraduate hours. We will continue to review applications holistically to determine a student's individual potential for success within the major. No professional credit. Found inside – Page 12The Ph.D. in Library Science is a research - oriented degree program that prepares ... of Science in Information University of Illinois at Resource Studies ... No professional credit. 2 or 4 graduate hours. 4 graduate hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Located in 514A Rhodes Hall (during her office hours only). May be repeated in the same or separate semesters to a maximum of 16 hours, if topics vary. Static version of curriculum map available here. IS 340 Project Management credit: 3 Hours. No professional credit. Examines issues of Human Computer Interaction and the design of better computer interfaces. IS 545 Advanced Data Visualization credit: 4 Hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Variety of newly developed and advanced topics courses within the field of Human-Centered Design & Systems, intended to augment the existing Information Sciences curricula. This course is firmly grounded in a "learning-by-doing" teaching philosophy with pedagogical priority clearly placed on the application of machine learning to real-world data and problems. See a list of colleges with Information Science here to evaluate admissions data, tuition, rankings and more. May be repeated in separate terms up to 8 hours if topics vary. It takes a broad view of Information Security and Privacy and covers the essential principles for the protection of information systems; the relevant technologies; organizational concerns; policies, human aspects; legal approaches; criminology; and ethical issues. Major Selection. IS 575 Metadata in Theory & Practice credit: 4 Hours. IS 521 Digital Libraries credit: 4 Hours. Using methodologies widely adopted by professional firms and researchers, this course will cover basics of research consulting including framing research problems, developing deliverables, and presenting professionally. See MACS 265. No professional credit. A basic level of scholarly communication literacy and sophistication is an increasing requirement of academic librarians, both to inform their work and to make those librarians effective partners in the scholarly enterprise. Found insideThis book elucidates how cyberGIS (that is, new-generation geographic information science and systems (GIS) based on advanced computing and cyberinfrastructure) transforms computation- and data-intensive geospatial discovery and innovation. Students will have an opportunity to design and present an instructional program. Course requirements for students who are not CS majors or minors or ECE majors: Code Title Hours INFO 102 Little Bits to Big Ideas 4 INFO 202 Social Aspects Info Tech 3 Select one of the following: 3 CS 105 Intro Computing: Non-Tech CS 101 Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci CS 125 Introduction to Computer Science STAT 107 Data Science Discovery ECE 120 The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign follows the Undergraduate Guaranteed Tuition Program (UGTP) state law for all undergraduate, degree-seeking students. Permits the intermediate or advanced student opportunity to undertake the study of a topic not otherwise offered in the curriculum or to pursue a topic beyond or in greater depth than is possible within the context of a regular course. Learn more about our majors, their introductory courses, and their related occupations. 4 graduate hours. Throughout, students will be introduced to, and make active use of, skillsets, frameworks, and standards employed by a wide range of information professionals in selecting, co-designing, appropriating, and innovating-in-use networked information systems. That is, on how the adaptation or availability of computer and communication technologies have and are changing the human condition. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. IS 439 Web Development Using Application Framework credit: 3 or 4 Hours. A survey of mathematical topics for students in information sciences. Additional fees may apply. IS 202 Social Aspects Info Tech credit: 3 Hours. Formal methods are widely used in linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, and computer science. 4 graduate hours. Students learn about this emerging discipline from two perspectives: First, basic principles of collective information production and processing, and methods for studying these principles.