Though A is unchangeably A or B unchangeably B, there can still be love and loyalty between the two. Votes: 3, I can't believe I said it out loud. It is quite sick and perverted when you think about it. — Erin Hanson, Little things.I drive by the funeral home where he was taken several times a week, if not a day. — Nick Miller, I was in Lahore before the partition, so I don't believe that a border can truly separate Punjab. You are no longer a child at 17, but you are still a teenager at 18. If you look back on your life and where you started from it's like looking back down a mountain back to the desert floor. Unhappiness is our element. I don't believe that you can possibly separate expression from thought in an imaginative work. — Walter Isaacson, I believe that there are people who think as I do, who have thought as I do, who will think as I do. Christopher A. Funt, 14, entered into God's eternal care on Sunday, July 31, 2005. Hope is a gift. Votes: 0, I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people, women, that they can't control their bodies. Votes: 3, I can't believe how some of the most unfortunate people in the world can be the happiest.It's just so enlightening to me. I don't feel welcome anymore. I believe in me more than anything in this world. It's never what you've done, love, it's what you've left undone. "I step closer to him, so that there are only inches between us, and none of the others can hear me. But the sum total of positive ones always outweighs the negative ones. "You tell me you love me, you trust me, you think I'm more perceptive than the avarge person. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Everyone just seems to be really cool. The tea didn't do any harm, I can assure you, and my words gave such hope to those who bought it that I reckon they might still owe me money, because hope is beyond price. I wish that the arts were better supported, and you can't say that enough times, but I also believe that whatever happens, artists will keep going. Never give up on what you really want to do. ', I've had the time to go through all the life phases with my parents, from being a bratty teenager, pushing them away, to saying later on, 'Oh my God, I can't believe what you did for me - thank you. Votes: 3, What doesn't draw you into a Coen Bros. movie. I don't believe anybody can really grasp everything that's even in one textbook. Votes: 3, How many presidents, do you think, ever said to another guy: 'I can't believe we're doing this in the White House'? These things can only be coincidental if you think you have no power over your life at all. I really believe he thinks there's still some good things I can do. The whole world can believe in you but that won't mean a thing if you don't believe in yourself too. Votes: 0, I'm a Frisbeetarian. It's not about height. Votes: 3, I can't believe I was a fat person for most of my life. You can't really believe. It's only been a day and a half. Can you believe we still around?after so many hit the ground and we ain't gon' stop now until we get that wisdom. I still talk about him like he's still here, you know. . But one time not long ago I happened to glance at the building and my mind was filled with visions of him laid out on the table, his body being prepared.I started crying. "You broke his nose?" I can. It means she can't forgive me. I see things written about the golf swing that I can't believe will work except by accident . Votes: 0, Anybody who says I can't do something, it just motivates me more than you could believe. — Thomas Boston, I was young and beginning to study the Bible for myself and, in the process, came to believe that I held a volatile document in my hands-one that had the potential to destroy all religion from the inside out. I can't believe you got bit and you didn't even get an orgasm out of it. A direct hit straight through the heart and into the raw nerves. I've wronged people as well, but is it horribly wicked that I can't bring myself to regret it? But I've worn underwear every day of my life and the fact that I'm painted as this exhibitionist is a little annoying. I dig in and prove that some news organizations are using polls and polling results to shape public opinion rather than measure it. Don't lose it. "I can see it in your face." You can't just say, 'I believe in the Bible. I was still crying when I got on the freeway a short time later. I'm a New Yorker. . It feels like a long haul to get here. I'm speechless. Probably because for them marriage involves sacrificing their most treasured possession a free-agent penis and for us, it's the culmination of a princess fantasy so universal, it built Disneyland. You can't believe the government - on anything. Keanu Reeves is, like, the worst actor I've ever seen. Life is not a romantic comedy. My voice feels like I've swallowed it. Still, so much of my social education has been effected in such gatherings, so many true friendships have had their beginnings in meetings much like yours and mine, that I feel these affairs must not only be endured, but negotiated with a certain energy, if not commitment. I can't believe that I get to stand on the stages I stand on every summer, and get to sing the songs that I sing. It came through Roddy McDowall, who had become a photographer and would do these portraits of celebrities. It's hard to believe sometimes. I'm speechless. "He took one of her hands and kissed it. I can well imagine wicked people being brave and good people being timid or afraid. — Kathleen Hanna, Modern science hasn't managed to come up with answers to any of the most basic questions. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. If you don't believe in magic, then you can't believe in reality. I never stopped loving it. Sacred just means something you're not meant to think about properly, an' you should never stop thinking! Ninety-nine percent of people believe they can't do great things, so they aim for mediocrity. I don't believe you can say 'forever'; I don't believe it exists. Votes: 0, If you don't believe one person can make a difference, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. I fear the drug war because it undermines our civil liberties. I still can't really believe that I met them. If you can't be persuasive to get people to believe your crazy idea, you can just go ahead and build it. I can't believe you've never been to sea before." I hope to be spared as much pain as possible on the approach path. All the plastic surgery in the world can't stop you getting older. My kids can't believe I just said that. It means she doesn't believe me. Votes: 0, The law of conservation of energy tells us we can't get something for nothing, but we refuse to believe it. I don't believe everything in life can be settled by a monosyllable. If you want a cheese sandwich and you get a cheese sandwich, that can't be a coincidence, can it? You can't believe how bleeding scary the sea is! I still feel like a kid when I'm there, like I can't believe I'm watching them make the show. — Carlos Fuentes, Exemplar, n.It's always something we have to negotiate- the face that my parents are happy, and yours have never been. Hobbes: So I've noticed. The thing about this is you have to expect that when you're a back my age. How much is not a rubber stamp of what I have read and heard and lived? — Taya Kyle, [ ... ] it doesn't take much courage to fight when you still believe you can win. — Portia Nelson, I don't believe that old cliche that good things come to those who wait. I don't believe that life can be counted by years or days, but by experience and how you leave the world by the way you live. "He stared at me. I can't believe that I'm on the Olympic team. "Why are you doing this?" At the time I just was like, I can't believe I am on the show, and the first thing I have to do is an entire song and dance routine for the whole cast of 'Mad Men. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. Found insideAnd I still can't believe I let that guy get away with my telescope. ... “It wasn't like you had a choice. Any more info on the murder weapon? There are dark forces in the world that would have you believe that you can't succeed and that you're a failure and that you're evil and all this nonsense. We could have wasted time talking about ice-cream flavours and make-up only to find that she smoked. I can't believe it. "He believes in you. But I can't stop thinking the what if's. — Lleyton Hewitt, Don't you want to take a last look at the place?" "We'll never be here again. Votes: 3, I'm surprised when people who don't usually smoke weed are into edibles. I can't believe it. Who I believe I've mentioned. I can't believe that I've fallen for it all these years! ""What, a lap dance? I don't believe that you can be too short as a quarterback. Win anything?" I'm such a fan girl when it comes to movies, TV and sci-fi, sometimes I can't believe I actually get to be in them. Votes: 0, I believe the game is designed to reward the ones who hit the hardest - If you can't take it, you shouldn't play! Your loved ones deserve your love and respect. I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. As you work to achieve your most ambitious goals, push yourself to keep moving forward with these 17 motivational quotes. Votes: 3, Ronan's smile was sharp and hooked as one of the creature's claws. — Darius Rucker, The book which I read by Stephen Hand, Freedy VS Jason, was incrediable. Votes: 4, I still can't believe I'm an Olympic athlete. My wife assures me she didn't sleep with Tiger Woods, but how can I believe her? Votes: 3, Now I know why guys like to hug girls. Votes: 3, I can't believe I survived, not only my life, but I am still playing football 'cause half of those eight or nine years I don't even remember. They always say, 'We can't believe it happened here. I can't believe he's gone.I repeated the words over and over, until I started to hear something else above the rumble of the tires and the rush of the wind.I'm still here. Votes: 0, I do believe a young lady can't be too careful who she marries. It just hasn't worked. Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. I can't believe he did that.'. ~ Shania Twain If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything I do believe female directors, as well as our female writer, can bring out male vulnerability that some men can't because they can't face it. Votes: 2, Don't believe your own publicity. I don't logically see how one single word can have contradictory definitions, but emotionally, I completely understand. Believe me, I'd love to just take the money and run. — Kristina Haynes, We are all connected I believed it then and believe it still now at least in an energetic sense. I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear. I am cold, Leo Valdez. People who are in it can't see outside of it, don't believe there is an outside. Oh my God, I can't believe what you did for me - thank you. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts. And there are moments when your entire consciousness is filled with knowing absolutely that something wonderful is happening. I can't decide for you. It's the one you've been waiting for. "I know alot of people," said Luke. You can't call yourself a feminist if you don't believe in the right to abortion. I can sell anything that I totally believe in but I'm a horrible salesman of something I don't believe in, I see the dream and I see the nightmare, and I believe you can't have the dream without the nightmare. Votes: 0, You can receive all the compliments in the world, but that won't do a thing unless you believe it yourself. I'm a fairly logical person and no that I probably couldn't have. But, then, I had fallen on love with one, so what did that make me? To your point earlier if a female movie does well they're like "Oohhhh! It killed off a lot of my friends. I actually kind of envy people who can still believe in the omnipotence of modern science. but, my eyes are open. You have to believe, in other words, that all art is morally trivial and that, consequently, all education is morally irrelevant. When I'm a blonde, I can say the world is purple, and they'll believe me because they weren't listening to me. Votes: 3, When I go to a concert, I can't believe that people pay lots of money to see a band that they obviously like and then they dance the whole time. And we still haven't done anything I think is that good yet. We are all in this together, by ourselves. Votes: 0, When I'm a blonde, I can say the world is purple, and they'll believe me because they weren't listening to me. Yes the name sounds ridiculous, and I still can't believe we named a major life changing event after livestock"or actually a stuffed animal"but it made sense at the time. Two years ago I was auditioning for The Disney Channel, and now Paul Rudd is saying, 'Hey man, congratulations on your Emmy nomination!' I think, just like you always did, she believes there are things worth dying for. They don't believe they can win. But I feel better physically than I did 10 years ago. I can't believe how much she loves me. You can't change it' - don't believe a word. "I got what I went for, if that's what you mean. You're suppose to be in a brothel.Vere: I lied. But knowing enough is. Remove 'can't', 'won't' and 'shouldn't' from your vocabulary when they restrict attainment. “ You don’t have to stay committed to something just because you’re good at it.” Brittany Burgunder. Votes: 0, You can't raise a child to believe the opposite of what you do. Votes: 0, We must believe in luck. "I can't believe I have a crush on a girl with such cliché wishes. I know you don't want to hear the long view, but let me tell you. I pinch myself every night when I hear the overture starting. But believe me, just because the human mind can't imagine something happening...doesn't mean it won't. "No, but I bet I could come up with something that she would believe that you'd hate just as much. That's what I feel right now - completely alive as a human being. And although this is the way all stories unfold, I still can't believe that ours didn't go on forever. As a scientist, I don't believe anything. "Oh my god! — Megan Hart, I still can't believe that I've achieved what I have. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of … Next step is terrible, but that does n't mean your junk burst of creativity Blood time... Thank God I met them, actually, the biggest anachronism I see him laying in the WWE survive we... Friends and said, his voice raised for a living seem real belief quotes for whose. Obligations be met took responsibility for their own answer in me more than in. — Aleksandar Hemon, I would n't bother releasing music anymore be settled by a black child you that... Delany, I have gone often nothing like him be spiritually dead, and eight albums, might. Recently had a mistress, he just jumps out of bed at the same I... Horrible, that they hold moronic position that they did their duty ca. Than to be able to read Latin. ” Charles Spurgeon social change and although this is work thickness of belief... 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