To us it seemed out of nowhere, she really showed no signs prior to those two days. So we put her to bed rest, put a pee pad down next to her, with food and water to minimize her movement. Thanks again for what you said. The procedures under anesthesia went well… no problems found in her mouth, but Chloe’s hematocrit was 16 – a difference of 8 in 5 days! We did stay with her to the end, as the meds were given, and it was indescribably heartbreaking to feel her leave. Brooklyn was my baby, my shadow. know how to deal with all the emotions.She used to come to the door when I left for Just getting worse by the day. That is VERY kind and considerate. Thank you for the very kind thoughts. So, in a small way I’m doing better because of that knowing he went as painless as possible and didn’t just have to hide somewhere in pain not wanting to be found which is common for animals to do. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I feel like its my fault. May you know you’re not alone – may you find people and resources to comfort you, and give you strength to move forward. You gave Nigel a warm loving happy home for 15 years. That is so sad, so tragic — what a terrible accident. He trusted me completely. I tried everything but nothing worked and he was in pain. It really helps and I am sure I will refer to them often. I feel so guilty. Thank you. You took good care of your dog or cat in many important, kind, compassionate, real ways. Your pet was suffering, and in pain. They quickly administered medication in hopes that they could control it. And I think KJ was 100% right that sometimes our pets encounter things we can’t control, like illnesses or the veterinarian’s decisions. Those cases will sit with you for a long time, but you have to have confidence that you help animals and people a lot more than you hurt, and the next animal will live because you learned something. Now that our cat is gone, I realize that I was just awful to our cat in her final year. She was my baby and always with me. I think it’s important find the balance between expressing how you feel, and accepting that she’s gone and it’s time to move on. One thing that struck me is that in most of the photos with both my cats, they are touching or grooming each other, so the disappearance of Maggie may have impacted him more than I thought. She offered to go in and cover Sivy up. I feel that I groomed her 5 months back. My beautiful Lilly- only 4 years old- and, I know everyone says it, but the most unique cat ever. Letting go of guilty over a pet’s death is difficult, but it’s necessary. Being in a studio apartment no matter where we are or what we are doing we feel the loss,looking at our printer without her sleeping on it seems so odd. How could I have not thought this through more thoroughly? The topics discussed include practical suggestions for grieving, ideas for remembering and memorializing one’s pet, understanding the many emotions experienced after the death of a pet, understanding why grief for pets is unique, pet funerals and burial or cremation, celebrating and remembering the life of one’s pet, and coping with feelings about euthanasia (including guilt about putting an animal to sleep). At night she always put her little head on my cheek for a few minutes before going to sleep. Anyway, here I go rambling…such a hard day. You won’t be judged or condemned here. I feel if i had her she would not of died. Sunday morning he had another seizure and they put him on valium and other meds. They’re not physically with us, which is indeed a palpable loss to us, but their spirits remain vibrantly alive if we’re open to perceiving the signs they send. So I knew. She’s probably being an even bigger, happier, more lovable goofball in doggy heaven! I listened to her constant mews through the door, until they suddenly stopped. I would never have imagined this nightmare. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It’s so difficult to lose a pet, and thinking you caused your pet’s death makes things so much worse. They gave her back to me dead. This time we were “prepared” – can you ever really be? You were doing the best you could to take care of him. Usually I respond much sooner than this; I’m not sure how I let you slip by me…. I cannot articulate how I feel. There are three ways of halal killing: slitting of the throat (dabh), plunging the knife into the dimple over the breast bone (nahr), and killing in some other way ('aqr). We got her cat carry, and she walked right into it, looked at us one last time and laid down, almost relieved. They left the dog there for the day and my sister decided to walk him. She said no he is not that bad. You have to remember that you made the best decision you could at the time. I’m so sorry to hear about your dog Kettle, but am glad to know she is no longer in pain. I love her so much but I don’t want to prolong her suffering. Lucky allowed me to place it on him with no hesitation. She passed away on Saturday. Anyways, I’ll try to sum up. I, sadly, had to keep him, eventually, out of my bedroom which still makes me cry (as does everything) now… as he always slept with me. I wish you and everyone peace of mind and send my love to you all. I thought it was weird because the night before and the morning when I left for work she seemed totally fine, I was really hopeful she was recovering and pulling through. And… even with everyone… 2 different vets and people alike… telling me, “Matt, it wasn’t the valium incident”, it hard for me not to think that that wasn’t the bridge which linked him to getting faster towards his end. The truth is that you never ‘get over it’ after you lose your dog. If I get a puppy, his name will be Oliver. She was my little baby. I put her through surgery and the pain of recovery for nothing. Your heart, soul, and spirit have experienced the unconditional and amazing love of a dog – and you’ll never be the same. I hope you’re doing okay, and that you’re able to let go of the guilt. =( What a horrible thing to have had happen, to push him away, I don’t know how it happened. I decided to have them go ahead and remove the liver masses (after all she had been a happy and healthy dog prior to this) and then we’d enjoy whatever time remained of her life. I was watching him while I paid a lot of money for my ferrets’ treatment. I’m so sorry you lost your dog Twinki. She has been my bestfriend for a long almost 10 years. I miss her so much, and when I came home today and she wasnt there, I lost it. I’m doing ok now, and my friends/family have been supportive. He was on medication for seizures which may or may not have been the cause. I am so sorry for all your lost loved little babies it breaks my heart and I have cried through reading every one of your stories of your beloved little ones. This book will help you understand why your feelings are so overwhelming, and help you cope with the guilt you feel about your pet’s death. However, a decision had to be made & we thought that the IV could possibly help him. But the thoughts that come into my head are less and less that day at the vet, and more and more her getting between me and my computer, yelling at me if I wasnt paying enough attention to her and waiting for me to roll over into the fetal position when I slept to crawl under the covers and sleep between my knees and my chest. I recently wrote How to Forgive Yourself for Not Protecting Your Dog, to help readers with guilt about pet loss. I am beating myself up today over the things I didn’t do, and just hope that she wasn’t in too much pain for very long. I stayed with him as I kept trying to cover him with the cool water. But you need to let go of your guilt so you can mourn him in a healthy way. Unfortunately I had to put my much loved dog down yesterday. Doc gave her three to six months. My belief is that we will see our beloved pets in a future life…heaven or otherwise. You made the best possible choices — and if you knew he was going to die, you would have made different choices. You were loved very much. I used to sing to her all the time, and I just cant remember if I did that week. He only weighed 4.47 lbs he was about 8 lbs back in the middle of August beginning of Sept. Afghanistan dog hero accidentally euthanized. It came back as thyroid cancer. Hugs…. The vet bills were huge and none of it helped. They hooked her up to an IV and in the afternoon she already seemed much better but I was told she had to stay in the clinic as they had diagnosed Parvo. I honestly don’t know or remember. Thank you Robert. On Monday, my cat was put to sleep after 21 years together. I wont right a book about it, but that is not something I feel guilt over. Wish i took her out of the cage and let her out. It is very comforting to know that many others are feeling the same way that I do. He was, obviously, really gorked out (still eating though… and walking…though sluggishly around.) I wish i could’ve been there when he passed and he wasn’t alone and scared. I thought he was dead then because I saw no movement. High body temperature. I wanted to speak to the vet before they did the procedures. I then had to make a decision and I decided to have him put to sleep, which the vet agreed with 100% as he said he would not bounce back and he will have damage from the seizure. Thank you so much for your comforting words. My kids and I went out to do errands, and when we came back, found him lying on the cold kitchen tile floor. Found inside – Page 40On January 8 one larva cut through the skin 512 inches above the incision . ... Of these 28 animals , 2 were accidentally killed and not examined . He looked dehydrated, had more crust than ever around his nose, so I made an appt. (recursion, backtracking , possibly dynamic programming). My sailboat is parked otside the fence about 15-20′ from the jeep I had worked on earlier. As chance would have it, they found three ten-day-old abandoned kittens at my vet’s practice and I took one of them, so at least his presence and having to take care of him brings me some comfort. The following day (Sunday) we were not allowed to visit but the doctor promised me he would update me via WhatsApp. Did our neglect that week lead to her death? My heart is broken, and I don’t think it will ever heal. You’re not causing your dog’s death, you’re putting her out of suffering. How to Kill Animals Humanely, 1879. We spent so much time with our friends and family that I dont remember seeing her. I also suspect his dryfood helped with that. But the worst guilt is that the night before, I was outside(after i got home from work) and did not see him, apparently he slept thru the morning til early afternoon. How do you force yourself to make that decision? She was alweys there for me when I neded a shoulder to cry on. I then rushed him to the vet and they figured he would die right there on the table and gave me the option to euthanize I said no please do whatever you can (because I just had an increase on my credit care so I knew I could pay for it). He could’ve been here with us playing by the fireplace. The thought that this poor budgie starved to death just inches from where I sat every night. Love Isabella, I am so sorry to hear about your puppy dying. Thank you for sharing and it helps to see someone else can make the same mistake. There was slight anemia, per my vet – the hematocrit was 24…but she said this was not due to the kidney disease because the Creatinine was only 3.4. Maybe I would have seen him, maybe I could have helped him. We asked Sheldon Rubin, 2007-2010 president of the American Heartworm Society, to separate facts from the myths about heartworm infestations in dogs.. Q: How do dogs get heartworms?. I lost my cat yesterday. Although now with thinking about it, the fact that there was no noise coming from the animal was because my car ran over its body and more than likely crushed its lungs and rib cage. Thank you, laurie,thankyou for your kind words,tanya and i are devistated and lonely ,our house just isnt the same,time seems to go by so slowly now ,we pledged to never bring another pet in our lives but that lasted about 6 days,it is not like us to not love or not be loved by another pet,healer is the name of our new companion and we believe hanky would have wanted it this way,though it has not been very long since hank has been gone we believe this is our way of healing and to honor hank with all that he taught us,it is unbelievable just what everything the little guy had done for us,hank gave and recieved more love in 5 1/2 years than i could give in my lifetime,thanks again your pet loving freinds from nebraska. My husband doesn’t understand why I am blaming myself, he was the actual owner of our cat (took him in 10 years ago as a stray) and was mostly responsible for his care. I know we & the Vet made the right decision but it’s so difficult. Coping with guilt after pet los takes a long time – unless you know how to love and forgive yourself (and perhaps even live like you’re forgiven and free!). It’s all MUCH appreciated. Please love your pets everyday and show them compassion. What did I do wrong? If you did not deliberately set out to harm your pet, then you have nothing to feel guilty about. You didn’t cause your cat’s death. I insisted on taking him home and caring for him with medication and to my (and their) surprise (which after reading online about seizures, I’m not sure why they seem to know so little about them), Peanut recovered and was the healthy 13 year old he had once been. I had had another cat years back (older) who had had thyroid issues, and the symptoms seemed similar, so I, naturally, thought this might be the case as well. It has already happened. Found inside – Page 306Over the past 500 years, as humans' ability to kill wildlife at a safe distance has ... a lot of land animals get accidentally caught in snares and traps, ... I lost my little Petey last Monday at 9:40 a.m. She evidently had a heart attack two days previous the vet said. Why didn’t I walk over and see what the noise was???? 9: Plants. He was such a big part of our lives. We love them, and they know it, end of story. She also used to be quite obese (without anti-depressants!). Noone remembers because he was in and out of the house. TLDR: My van pooped feathers. It won’t bring him back. But I do. The vet kept trying a number of treatments, including acupuncture, which seemed to help in the beginning, but was less effective from one session to the next. It would be too much to bear. I got my horrible wish. Pet loss is a huge blow, and people take it really hard. Thank you all for your stories and allowing me to share mine. but now… I could tell they were really hurting, and so I knew he was going to need one… but I – of course – didn’t want to do one yet after what he had just been through. They kept him at the surgery for two days and gave him antibiotics (his second lot) and monitored his situation. Consider your homeowner’s insurance first. I cannot accept what I let happen to her. Saying goodbye means you cherish the best parts of your relationship with your pet dog or cat, knowing you’ll always carry your pet’s life in your heart. Once in a while while driving, I'll accidentally hit something, whether it be a squirrel or a bird or a rabbit, but no big deal and I just continue on. If you knew your kitty cat would have died this way, you would never have left her. Other than my husband and maybe my child I have been beaten up about the way I am feeling. When your thoughts start getting self-critical and negative — when you start flagellating yourself for the only decision you could have made — I want you to tell yourself that you did the best you could. And, give them time to recuperate. Your email address will not be published. At the time when I was inspecting the dogs condition, a part of me felt that I should comfort the animal with petting it while it died which is what I done. I also realized that last year, when I said that I felt guilt over not having the vet run more tests, was a difficult one for my human family. I kept thinking if it wasn’t for her I would probably be in a much worse mental state after the crash. She was a tea cup Yorkie. She had not been to vet in 10 years, because she would fight me fang and claw when I tried to get her into a carrier. Their arms are around each other’s little cat shoulders, just like the buddies they are, and they are watching you with love. After a week the diarrea was not getting any better so I stopped the special food and went back to giving insullin once a day. She stopped eating and the vet found a large tumor in her stomach. I felt so terribly guilty. If you had known he was going to die, you would have done things differently. You took her to the vet when you felt the lump, which was the right thing to do! She was hit by a truck because she was trying to protect us. How could I act that way? You think you could have prevented your beloved pet from dying…but you’re wrong. What caring owner does that?!! How will you remember him? I’m not sure how I will ever be able to live with this. BANDIT was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and best 10 years of my life. I feel so terrible knowing I caused that by putting the perch back and can’t imagine the pain and confusion he was in, and I wasn’t there to see him or say goodbye. I am so very very sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend’s cat’s death. I would give her food and she would eat some (or attempt to because she couldn’t lap yet). A big, fluffy B&W cat. I thought I was a tough, mature 40 something year old. i let her down and she died . I am so sorry to hear how you’re coping with grief and guilty after euthanizing your beloved dog…it is so heartbreaking. I’m feeling heartbroken today as I mourn my loving cat Mushy. Found insideMourning Animals investigates how we mourn animal deaths, which animals are grievable, and what the implications are for all animals. Robert, His breathing was labored and raspy, and he was drooling. A very Tragic accident. He will be missed immensely! He barely ate so I resorted to giving him pureed baby food (chicken with veges, etc). I feel awful because we assumed his weight loss, constant eating and throwing up somehow related to the fact that he was diagnosed as ocd when he was 9 or 10. This morning my boyfriend and I paid our last visit to Mystery in an examining room, talking to her, petting her, and saying goodbye. Our pets are love itself, with no strings. I thought he was doing ok, a little better each day, but by the 72 hour mark… things worsened. They were so good to me and since my daughter was born 3 years ago and them getting older, shedding more, and one incontinent, I’ve barely given them the time and love they deserve, and that guilt is just piled on to the most obvious part. Believe me, if you ever want to see what makes a 6’4 man cry, take away his friend of 23 years. And he always had a big appetite. It is painful as I know, but all you can do is cry to get the “ya ya’s” out and deal with it…,you did not “ramble on”, you got yr feelings out which you need to do. An xray of Daisy’s chest showed lung metastises. But I also know that this experience will give you strength and courage, and open your heart to love in a whole new way. BUT.. regarding everyone telling me it wasn’t the valium, that incident will always be the link which ‘sped things up’ in my mind. Your generous gift will assure that we can continue to take on cases that advance the interests of animals. And I can’t. How could I let this happen to my own baby girl? My daughter called me devasted as I stayed home and I chose not to go, I just knew in my heart this was not going to be good. It killed me, I felt like I didnt get to say goodbye. It was obvious he was in pain. I found him in the road dead, only about 10 minutes had lapsed and we live in rural Maine with a huge backyard. The days leading up to her passing were very busy. Both my children have asthma and are allergic to cats. I am feeling very guilty, that it wasn’t intentional but I could of caused my pet to die. he said I told him to take her out, but I do not recall that. It isn’t nice….. My beautiful Dog Brooklyn a Maltese Shtz Tzu would have been 5 years old this March 11,2017. Perhaps pet ownership is not for you. This fact always disheartened me. To teach “leave it,” first put a treat on the floor. She tried to eat occasionally but still had problems – she would lick foods that had a lot of gravy. I finally had to make the choice this past Monday to let him go. Poor kitty, he probably never knew what hit him :-(. It was moving as if trying to get up but there was no sound coming from it at all. Found inside – Page 335Serious health concerns in modern America are related to Over the past 500 years, ... a lot of land animals get (e) None of the above accidentally caught in ... Found inside – Page 10Point allocations reflecting relative concerns for the accidental deaths of domestic animals such as dogs and other pets , coyotes that have not killed ... Was it her time? So we took her to the vet. And I cant stop thinking that if I didnt leave it there, and she didnt fall, maybe she would be ok. Maybe her hip injury was to much for her and she gave up. I can’t help feeling guilt on so many levels. A little warm inside the boat, but tolerable. She was so tiny and defenseless. Is it unprofessional to join a Microsoft Teams Meeting (audio) without saying hello until I speak. I laid down on the couch for a while. I know i caused the death of my beautiful cat, and i can never forgive myself Oliver was perfect in every way He was funny and loved playing with our two dogs. I have barely eaten since this happened, cannot stop crying and am now in physical pain from an old car accident injury that hasn’t bothered me in years. We were there when she took her last breath. He did like to go in the garage where it was cool. I thought she would be fine for a little while. Allow yourself to grieve but never forget that you loved your dog with all your heart. Does anyone really know for sure that you did the right thing? He had hip problems and was falling and injured his back. You won’t be asked to pay for the treatment given or for the deceased animal. So after she told me my male cat Elvis seemed to be not to badly sick I really didn’t think it was as bad as it originally was:(. It is now 3 days later and it is a total blur. I am doing much better already at accepting my mistakes. I hope you’re feeling better these days, and hope you come back and let me know how you are…, Laurie… My husband and I are both overwhelmed guilt over not replacing or repairing our dog Sophie’s extended rope. Because we needed to take my housemate to the ER, I filed a bite report with the Animal Services. Lisas. We named him Romeo the lover. I feel guilt over not spending as much time with him and making him a lower priority in my mind. or something like that, then it may be more acceptable for the site. I’ve cried everyday since Leona’s passing and I talk to her spirit when I’m in my car alone. Your cat is waiting for you, and you will be reunited with him one day. Found inside – Page 108I have made repeated search for these parasites , and several years ago ... had been accidentally killed on the fields during the past four years have been ... but the beach said no dogs. It’s so sad, and it will take time for your daughter, son-in-law, and sister to heal. It does make me realize that my husband and I need to focus more on the positive side that Sophie and Tater provided to us. You need evidence of the injury or death in order to bring a successful lawsuit. If you accidentally harmed your dog, first forgive yourself. Last week his skin turned yellow. Today we put our 13yr old german sheperd down. I said “I must not have latched the basement door…”, and as soon as it got out, I looked past them and saw Sivy lying on the floor. Over the past few days, I have been able to work through my guilt and realize that, yes, Nigel did have a long and wonderful life filled with lots of love. Let’s just say I too, lost track of our pet and she got locked somewhere to suffer a horrible death. She just laid there, I dont even think she knew we were there, or she was even there. Everyday I came home I picked her up and spent time with her, I really did love that cat. He used to be on a special diet when he was 5 after he had surgery to reconstruct his uretha. I hope you can take a deep breath — breathe in the regret, pain and guilt about your lizard’s death — and exhale forgiveness and peace. And amazingly enough that’s true. My wife was very compassionate and understanding to our cat, I was the jerk. sixteen days, By [unconsciously] killing a dog, one should zealously drink milk for I did not want to see her crash. I put the top back on the bird bath. The last couple of months he has been deteriorating a little more rapidly. Outside temperature. I tried to make Piper feel part of the family too, by letting her in the house. When I woke up a few hours later, I came to my senses and realized how incredibly stupid and reactionary I had been. I’m suppose to care for her. He said considering I was giving him insullin for 5 years without any complications that was amazing and that there were many underlying other issues that he more than likely had, but he was at the point where he was too ill and the diabetes was uncontrollable. (3) We’ve had him since the beginning of our marriage. I had a feeling that she was near the end, but I didn’t want to accept it. 3 days later I decided to stop the Pred – I did not think it had to be to tapered off (per an internet site). My husband thinks that we should quit talking about her because all we do is cry. But, now she has her good days and her bad. Work through your grief I ran over our little kitten, whom 've... Growled at Piper and never accepted her into the next day ( Sunday we! 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