An Address on the Occasion of Jalsa Salana - the Annual Conference, U.K., Held at Islamabad, Tilford, on 27th July 1986 Found inside... such as 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him' and another specifying that a Muslim's life is only taken for three crimes: murder, adultery and ... [12], One must also bear in mind that this hadith is not the only evidence for the punishment of apostasy in Islam as unanimously held by the jurists of all the schools of thought. Yeah..indeed a great article. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Vote. As far as I know, loans at interest (you can call this usury if you want…credit cards usually are usury, no exaggeration there!) Found inside – Page 77The relevant ḥadÄ«th reads “whoever changes his religion, kill him”.74 “Religion” here means Islam only and not other religions, because Prophet Muḥammad ... Hill and kaw I couldn’t imagine how a person switching religions could be interpreted as an act that could undermine the foundation of an entire society. One passage advises the death penalty for murder, adultery and apostasy. Yunus, 99: You are a disgrace to civilization and civility, just gutless! I don’t like fundemental christians but I it appears to me that they are more likely to leave the death penalty to God. Some lame brain always pops up to try to counter the well justified criticism of Islam with chunks quoted out of the Old Testament but he always seems to miss the fact that nobody is actually doing the stuff he quotes. LONG LIVE ISLAM IT LIVES FOREVER ALL OTHERS DUMPED IN THE GUTTERS. I know I’m not as proficient as you but let’s try to come to a common conclusion. but you abandoned for Paul! The following bible verses speak for themselves: 1. Islam is the best religion why you say that ?? (Quran 9:5), – Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. I have read two respected translations of the Qur’an, and it does NOT depict a peaceful, merciful religion. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB), Death for Hitting Dad If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. > > Islam acrually draws this policy from an earlier book called the Bible. I don’t either nor do I like the way they treat women but that doesn’t give me or you the right to undermine their beliefs and system. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things . Jesus fulfilled the Law; Christians therefore look to the perfect and peaceful Son of God as their role model for behavior. Finally, the person who gives up the prayer is asked for three days to repent and pray; if he does so, nothing is inflicted on him; otherwise the Muslim's ruler kills him. I've heard it before from my Muslim friend, but she doesn't say like that proverb is a l. He is to be told, "the heat of war is fierce, but more fierce is the heat of Hell-fire" (Sura 9:81). This was recently demonstrated by some rulings made by Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti of Egypt. This hadith is not the only evidence for the punishment of apostasy in Islam. The Prophet reportedly sometimes demands the death penalty for apostasy, the most obvious example of this being the hadith "Whoever changes his religion, kill him" (Bukhari, Sahih , 9, 84, hadith 57). They’re finding it hard to maintain the façades and to simultaneously remain faithful to the harsh doctrines that are essential to the practices of authentic Islam. Belief in Islam is only from Ignorance and arrogance. I think I have found the truth already as you say, thanks to modern technology, and I am very grateful for it, the truth really is that Islam is an ideology of conquest and subjugation of all non-Muslims disguised as a religion and that being the case, I shall certainly have to devote a good part of the rest of my life fighting back against something that is little more than religious Fascism. Whereas ‘Ikrimah falls only in the isnad of the hadith when reported by Ibn ‘Abbas the hadith has been narrated through other companions as well. It doesnt exist. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57) - Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. The Handbook of Leaving Religion introduces a neglected field of research with the aim to outline previous and contemporary research, and suggest how the topic of leaving religion should be studied in the future. What the Taliban are doing in Afghanistan today is no different from what "privateers" of Barbary Kingdoms of North Africa did when they attacked American ships in 1784. Why is that? As actions always trump words. Tsk tsk tsk! Jesus taught to love everybody, even enemies. They do not ask people persistently [or at all]. is good to kill someone who leave Islam to another religious?what ai the reward for the person who kill him or she,is what God said? Islam permits freedom to join its ranks, but prohibits Muslims from leaving. Such evil must be purged from Israel. Sura 4:137, Ibn Abbaas said : The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever changes his (Islamic) religion, kill him.” Al-Bukhary (number 6922), Abd-Allah ibn Masood said : The Messenger of Allah said : “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except in one of three cases : a soul (in case of murder) ; a married person who commits adultery ; and one who leaves his religion and separates from the main body of Muslims.” Sahih Al Bukhary number 6484 and Sahih Muslim number 1676. Now, show us real life examples in the post 9/11 world where Christians have put into practice, those words stated in there holy book. And, assuming that it could, would denial of the facts change anything ? In order to avoid any unwanted attacks to non-muslims houses Islamic governemt appointed soldiers to guard non-muslim houses and territories. Please don’t believe this guy, all the surah is altered and are false. Next you attempt to deflect the focus from the shortcomings of Islam by attacking the way Christians practice their faith. Thank you for this. At that time he was trying to win the support of the Arabs by peaceful means. . Five other companions and two of the tabi’in have also reported this hadith without ‘Ikrimah falling in isnad of any of their reports. I suggest you open your eyes to what muslims are doing to others on a daily basis!! 2) All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. Ibn ‘Abbas is not alone in narrating this hadith. It will never work…and there is a very good chance someone will get hurt. Do you know there was a written constitution (in fact one of the earliest written constitutions of the world) which gave equal rights to muslims and non-muslims in place during those time itself? One do not do this he is hipocrat. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57), – Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. Ibn 'Abbas said: 'If it had been me, I would not have burned them; the Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'No one should be punished with . Except for you, poppet, as you tend to blather on and on about lies surrounding Islam and what the alleged truth and Islam is…insert snicker here! Verse 2.256 states: "There is no compulsion in religion." Type only the surah number for example . I love so much as my religion. And when you are among them and lead them in prayer, let a group of them stand [in prayer] with you and let them carry their arms. -he commits treason to the Muslims with his deeds like causing “fitnah” among Muslims or fighting against Muslims with those who are enemies of Islam. In recent times certain revisionists... ‘Abdul Majid al-Turkamani* English adaptation by Waqar Akbar Cheema[1] Abstract It is a common misconception that Abu Hanifa and the classical scholars of his school of thought preferred qiyās over... Waqar Akbar Cheema* Abstract Lately Pakistan’s blasphemy laws have been subject to much controversy. Why would you use a website against Islam to teach you more? A priest’s daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. Mu'adh asked, 'Who is this (man)?' The fact that it has been mentioned so many times and not once including a legal sanction is a clear Indication of it being a personal matter between Man and God. Christianity is far larger. 'It's a miracle': Toddler's family finds power in prayer during heartbreaking diagnosis, Fifth Grade Catechism FREE Online Classes. Islam stands or falls on its own merits. In Islam JESUS AND MOSES , IBRAHIM , NOOH,YOUSAF AND MANY OTHER PROPHETS BEEN MENTIONED AND THE NATIONS THEY WERE SENT TOWARDS, ALL THEIR STORIES AND WHY THESE NATIONS WERE BEEN DESTROYED AND BEYOND THAT, and it’s clearly known that our PROPHET MOHAMMED PBUH WAS ILLITERATE , couldn’t read or write so how he’s gonna know all these things which had happened from Adam and even well B4 that. You gotta love how the Old Testament is quoted to somehow excuse the violence in the Quran… and nothing is EVER quoted from the New Testament. The Quran does not allow Muslims to punish those who leave Islam to join another religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. Is this the sort of religion that a God of love and justice would create?”. Ok, I said enough, I’m out. Found insideNarrated Ikrima: “Allah's Messenger said to the people: Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.”192 Narrated Abu Musa: “A man embraced Islam and ... It is the doctrines of Islam and the example set by Muhammad that make Islam so despised by the world. Making stupid, non-sequitur comments reflects badly on your religion. He says of Islam, and I quote. A creed that advocates lying, rape, child sexual abuse, misogyny, murder, imperialistic expansion, the subjugation of persons who disagree with its tenets, etc., deserves scorn and condemnation, not respect. - Muslims are to be "ruthless to unbelievers" (Sura 48:29). An Apostate in Islam is a Muslim who rejects Islam after being either born into it or after embracing it as a convert from some other religion. We have 22,000 + reasons to neither love Islam or trust it’s followers. Muslim is the peaceful religion. Start, with killing all the unbelievers. SO ” RIP OUT” THE TREES PRODUCING BAD FRUIT ….. & BURN ‘EM [ WITH THE BAD FRUIT ] = WISDOM OF YHWH . And here is the continuation of Sura 4:101 that is sura 4:102 what you have to do to protect your fellow Muslim who is being attacked by non believers while they are praying. You come on this site moralizing about advocating pluralism, yet make not one single critic towards those who kill, rape and abuse to ensure the homogeneity of one single faith. Islam is Peace, educate yourself trust no one, research yourself. Many inquiring souls in the West venture into Islam. Found inside – Page 378... but I would certainly have killed them according to the word of the Apostle : Whosoever changes his religion , kill him . ' " - Al Bukhari . Muhammad is a false prophet Apostasy of the tongue would be any words that question the authenticity of the Quran and the tenets of Islam. Then it says “Well your Old Testament is just as bad.” even though nobody actually acts on what the Old Testament says because we’re just not as crazy and backward as you Muslims, still without any equivalent of our Enlightenment and you will always remain in your ignorance and intellectual destitution until you take that book and free yourselves from it with some equivalent of the Enlightenment of your own. “If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB), Kill Fortunetellers ( In order to understand verse 9:5, you must read verse 9:1 until 9:4. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. BUT THE ISLAMIC OEOPLE FONT SEE THAT THERE UNDER DRUGS OR DISABLED IN THERE LITTLE MIND, Islam and Moslems. And please don’t post here again until you have done so. However, this counts as only one text conveyed by a single conveyor of tradition ( ḥadīṯ al-aḥad ) and thereby does not belong to those texts with . You don’t believe me go and research you self. However we are not mindless savages like you and it will be ultimately your choice …coexist in peace or be annihilated…your choice -you stupid and ignorant retard. May God send u to hell, U follow your path and I will follow mine, Brothers in this blog I know u all are unhappy at the events happening around you but if a person sins please blame him not the religion he follows Answer: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Lorenz. There is another obstacle, and that is Western culture’s own sense of guilt and suspicion of what it regards as Christian hypocrisy. But hidden apostasy may be left to the mercy of God and be judged by Allah in the hereafter. Then you got puppets like Al-Baghdadi on the other side of the hemisphere doing their thing, and what you get in effect is the West hating on muslims which pretty much creates the prerequisite for the laws of war to be usable considering that if you go in Iraq or Syria nowadays and ask why is US or the West waging war on them they’ll be like ‘They’re waging war on Islam’, not really but quite close, they’re waging on the spread of Sharia in fact since they don’t want it to get one inch closer to the West but you get the idea. Only Muslims are ‘human’, infidels are the ‘vilest of creatures,’ LOL! He also asserted that although such conversions are sinful, that God, rather than man, would enact the punishments in the Day of Judgment. Wouldn’t like it now would you so why would you do someone else is family member or friend ?? Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. Being wholly occupied in fighting loses meaning in English. No, it’s not and how you all get that Islam is a peiceful religion it’s not ! Mufti Barkatullah said that some countries would follow the Shafi'i school of thought and eschew the death penalty for apostasy. Islam only the peaceful religion. NOTE1: First, Mohammed got his instructions from Allah, not the Christians. Nobody is claiming that people can’t belieb whatever they want, but they _cannot_ be allowed to let their backwards, ignorant, superstitious beliefs inform their actions without meeting the consequences of their violent actions. Vote. Addition to what i posted before Please remove this blog, you are spreading lies and rumors about Islam. 1. the holy Qurran is the most beautiful book or revolution from Allah you guys will ever see,it’s miracle that after 1500 years has passed , but there’s no difference in the Quran no matter where ever it is in this world Your societies are degenerate. 'Whoever changes religion kill him' . On the other hand, perhaps you are familiar with true Islam, and are simply lying to present your faith in a positive light. Hitler also told the truth, just like you. abdul, (*Fitnah means lying or spread rumors about something that is not true that will cause harm to others). BUT THE ISLAMIC OEOPLE donNT SEE THAT THERE UNDER DRUGS OR DISABLED IN THERE LITTLE MIND. “According to Mufti Abdul Barkatullah, senior imam at North Finchley Mosque, North London, Islam simply took over biblical tradition and practice in this regard. But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors. u gonna kill me???????????…. In fact, modern Jews do not adhere to the more violent dictates of the Mosaic Code either. The world was made from Chaos. - Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. [al-Ma’idah 5:51.11]. ‘It is the war of Muslims against infidels. The Ulema are agreed on the obligation of killing an apostate, because of the saying of the Prophet: "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." (2) and " It is not permissible to spill the blood of a Muslim except in three [instances]: the married person who commits adultery, a life for a life, and the one who forsakes his religion and separates . An apostate should be given a chance to repent before passing judgments. Found inside – Page 97The justification for this sentence stems from a hadith in which Mohammed proclaimed, “Whoever changes his religion kill him.” However, some have noted that ... Found inside... of political “religious” extremists—reject the idea of contextualization ... Prophet is said to have stated: “Whoever changes his religion, kill him,” ... There have been many examples of people who have claimed to have been Muslims and then would “convert” to become disbelievers. Associations with any deities such as Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and claims that such possess divinity that parallels that of Allah would be apostasy by the heart. That’s not piece. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. (Exodus 22:19 NAB). Bible Popular Verses John 3:16 James 4:7 Psalm 23:1 Romans 8:28 Matthew 6:34 Hebrews 11:1 Who want to know the truth , read Holy book yourself, First learn to respect other religion faith then every body respect islam religion. The ayah, “The religion in the sight of Allah is only Islam” (Qur’an 3:19) makes it clear that religion in such rulings means only Islam. ( The question is why do we fight them ????). So is Islam. Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. Saint of the Day for Friday, Sept 24th, 2021. Finally, the reality is that Muslims adhere to widely varying beliefs and practices. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. This is a true story..during the regn of second khalifa of Islamic empire, the immense growth and power of Islamic empire attracted attention all over the world. LOL! THE GREATEST INHUMANE ACTIONS ARE FOUND IN THE BIBLE. The truth is mamy muslums, including educated ones, beleive their relugion does call for the death penalty. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57) - Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. The text, quoted exceedingly conspicuously, is traceable back to Muḥammad's dictum: "Whoever changes his religion, kill him" (Buḫārī) (Arabic: man baddala dīnahu fa-ʾqtulūhu). KILL THEM WHO WORSHIP OTHER THAN TRUE GOD – BIBLE, Deuteronomy 13 New International Version (NIV). When Islamists quote the Mecca verses that sound peaceful and conciliatory they know full well that those verses have been rendered obsolete by the more recent Medinian verses. However please note that the Modern Technoloy and New Communication method have actually made is easy for the people to reach the truth and understand Islam more who is aspiring to do so. Do not murder. That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt, 17 and none of the condemned things[c] are to be found in your hands. Therefore I prefer that Islam to Christainity. The only way that Islamists like the Mufti can continually get away with such deceptive maneuvers is for us to allow them to do so. Muslim extremists justify this treatment based on the words of their prophet Mohammed: "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." "And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death" (Rev. I hope you all can be understanding to that. Everyone don’t have to believe the way they do and if someone leaves there religion which is good they shouldn’t kill them . Found inside – Page 234... (and perhaps the most important) hadith that is cited in support of the death penalty for the apostate is, 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him'. But the Lord was angry with Uzzah; God struck him on that spot, and he died there before God. An insightful article on apostasy, taqiyya, and several other aspects unique to Islam. No, hatred of Islam comes from education in what Islam actually teaches, along with education about its bloody history. these taliban arent real these are your nato and fbi etc agent & i hav proof …… so think before u speak …… and that perso is a cunt he is no mufti if he said so. 4. Were you nothing more than a snot ball at one point and the creator fashioned you and gave you life?? By the way Kez, as I do not believe in disembodied spirits, I am certainly not a Christian, though I am Christianity-friendly as it pleases many and does not threaten me at all. Have you done your research ?? – If a Muslim does not go to war, Allah will kill him (Sura 9:39). Required fields are marked *. Please stop spreading lies about Islam brother. Thank you for your comment, Shaikh Najib A K , but my question for you is, do you have any qualification with respect to your ability to speak on the merits of Islam? Apostate Christianity misapplied scriptures is weak and will perish under its iniquities. What will happen that more and more you write people who are really interested to know and understand truth will themselves go into details to read and understand Quran and Hadeeth with meaning and explaination rather than depending on people like you and or grand mufti of cairo who are not representing the total islamic world……….so keep writing and keep trying ….may be you will find the truth yourselves one day….Insha Allah……. Mufti Barkatullah said that some countries would follow the Shafi’i school of thought and eschew the death penalty for apostasy. Ibn 'Abbas said: "But the Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'" Apostasy in Islam is a sin punishable by death. He will increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your ancestors— 18 because you obey the Lord your God by keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes. (Quran 69:30-37) Thank you. Today, we humbly ask you to defend Catholic Online's independence. Now I won’t tell you about all the deceptions on all this shit you’re all buying into but let’s just say the muslim clerics had this ‘wonderful’ idea of trying to religiously conquer the West, alright? Or have other meanings to them as well that change their meaning completely , In Qurran you can not pick 1 thing up ,everything is said in context and different back ground and different situation , I have read Qurran translation that’s why I can assure u. Al Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. (Quran 9:5) - Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Quran 8:12), – They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides. There is no waiting period for anyone who is indicted for purposely attempting to bring harm or insults to Islam, the Quran, and Mohammad. Sometimes things are just what they are, here it is verbatim and in full context. Original Sura 9:5 Imagine an American citizen joining Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria and try to kill the Americans, Would not such an American face the court martial and convicted for a long prison sentence, However, there are certain regulations and restrictions, Declaring a Muslim an apostate is a very complicated issue. Think you have already done so the unfolding of human prosperity State that renegades (:! More along the same form context to the people by the attacking hordes: 'Whoever changes his religion kill! He is Egypt ’ s means please be quit of al Azhar is towards! Religions from Islam ’ s means please be quit non-muslim houses and territories title the of! His father or mother must be put to death right before their eyes and Christ isn ’ know. People by the QurÉn are horrified and disillusioned when they discover what this creed really.! 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