/K [22] These eccentric exercises are a vital part of breaking the cycle of pain, atrophy, weakness and re-injury. /Type /StructElem It often forms the main component of the rehabilitation programme (see page 7). 723 0 obj /S /Span /Pg 37 0 R endobj /ActualText (Experimental group) /Type /StructElem /Pg 40 0 R 478 0 obj /Pg 41 0 R /P 1094 0 R << /P 12 0 R /S /P 486 0 obj /S /P /P 844 0 R 58 0 obj /Type /StructElem /S /Span /K [545 0 R 1408 0 R 1409 0 R 1410 0 R 1411 0 R 1412 0 R 1413 0 R 1414 0 R 1415 0 R 1416 0 R /S /P endobj /StructParents 29 614 0 obj /Type /Page /ExtGState << << /Pg 40 0 R >> /S /P /P 1087 0 R /Type /StructElem /P 1261 0 R 34 0 obj endobj /Dialogsheet /Part /Pg 39 0 R << /Type /StructElem /S /Span /S /LBody >> /Pg 53 0 R 619 0 obj /K [41] 246 0 obj 672 0 obj /Group << /S /P 148 0 obj /Type /StructElem << /Alt () /GS7 886 0 R /K [7] 556 0 obj /S /P /Type /Group /P 12 0 R /P 1257 0 R << endobj 218 0 obj /GS7 886 0 R endobj endobj << /S /P 270 0 obj /ExtGState << endobj 842 0 obj /Pg 61 0 R /Type /StructElem endobj endobj 356 0 obj /K [0] /P 1079 0 R /K [37] << endobj /Pg 33 0 R /Pg 38 0 R /ActualText (16) The approach here is based on the concepts set out by Dr. Herman Kabat and taught by Margaret Knott, and this second edition adds many new illustrations including demonstrations of the techniques and pictures of actual patient treatment. 501 0 obj endobj endobj /Pg 41 0 R /Pg 22 0 R endobj endobj 788 0 obj endobj /S /Span endobj 472 0 obj /P 1164 0 R endobj /Type /StructElem /P 1277 0 R /F6 898 0 R endobj /K [6] /P 12 0 R 173 0 obj << >> /S /Transparency >> >> >> endobj endobj 259 0 obj What it does: Strengthens the hamstrings and glutes through eccentric lowering. /MediaBox [0 0 595.4 841.6] /P 1273 0 R /S /P /S /L >> << /P 12 0 R endobj endobj /F1 883 0 R /Type /Group /Pg 40 0 R /Pg 34 0 R /Type /StructElem /P 12 0 R << 156 0 obj << endobj endobj /F2 884 0 R >> /Font 874 0 R endobj endobj /ExtGState << /K [23] endobj /P 1141 0 R /P 12 0 R /Pg 61 0 R /K [1] 608 0 obj >> 257 0 obj /Type /StructElem /Parent 9 0 R /F3 885 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.4 841.6] /S /Span /Resources << /Group << /P 1163 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [2] /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem 545 0 obj /Type /StructElem /Pg 55 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.4 841.6] >> endobj Eccentric hamstring exercises intensely activate the muscle fibers in your hamstrings. endobj endobj /S /Span endobj /K [4] /Group << 81 0 obj /P 12 0 R 639 0 obj >> /F1 883 0 R /Type /Group /Tabs /S << /S /Span /Pg 38 0 R /Contents 915 0 R /K [1280 0 R 1281 0 R 1282 0 R] << endobj /K [4] /P 12 0 R /S /P endobj /K 67 /Pg 39 0 R /CS /DeviceRGB 104 0 obj 415 0 obj >> /K [28] endobj /Pg 58 0 R >> /Pg 57 0 R endobj /Type /StructElem >> /S /Span /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem endobj /S /P /S /P 36 0 R 37 0 R 38 0 R 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R /S /P >> /S /P /Type /StructElem /Pg 57 0 R 2019-01-09T09:51:08+05:30 /Type /StructElem /K [9] /S /P >> endobj >> /S /LBody /Type 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/P 12 0 R 611 0 obj endobj /Pg 51 0 R /S /Span /Pg 38 0 R eccentric hamstring exercises can prevent hamstring injuries in adult, male soccer players. 315 0 R 316 0 R 317 0 R 318 0 R 319 0 R 320 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R 323 0 R 324 0 R There is a general consensus that the exercise is e!ective in reducing hamstring injuries with a recent systematic review suggesting a potential 51% reduction in hamstring injuries following implementation of a NHE program(3). /Type /StructElem endobj /K [29] /P 1036 0 R /Type /StructElem /Group << /Type /StructElem /P 12 0 R endobj /S /L 764 0 obj 749 0 obj /S /Figure /Type /StructElem /P 834 0 R /Font << << /Type /StructElem /Contents 936 0 R /Contents 926 0 R 15 0 obj Found insideIn Running Rewired, America’s leading endurance sports physical therapist and coach shares a program for runners to become stronger, faster, and more durable. /K [14] endobj << /Pg 55 0 R << << /S /P /P 12 0 R /GS8 887 0 R /ActualText (15.68) 112 0 obj >> /Alt () /Pg 50 0 R /P 12 0 R /S /LBody /K [16] /K [6] endobj /S /P endobj /Type /StructElem /Parent 9 0 R endobj endobj /StructParents 39 endobj /Pg 41 0 R /S /P /K [2] 787 0 R 788 0 R 789 0 R 790 0 R 791 0 R] /K [11] /P 1176 0 R /P 1091 0 R /Type /StructElem /S /Span >> endobj /K [31] >> /K [0] /K [50] >> /Group << >> /P 1292 0 R /P 12 0 R /S /P /GS7 886 0 R /K [28] /K [3] /Contents 944 0 R endobj /S /Transparency /Type /StructElem /P 12 0 R 269 0 R 270 0 R 271 0 R 272 0 R 273 0 R 274 0 R 275 0 R 276 0 R 277 0 R 278 0 R << /Type /StructElem endobj /Pg 38 0 R << /Pg 38 0 R >> 441 0 R 840 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 482 0 R 841 0 R 498 0 R 499 0 R 500 0 R 94 0 R 95 0 R 828 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R 102 0 R 103 0 R 104 0 R 146 0 R 147 0 R /S /P /S /P /K [11] 809 0 obj 188 0 obj /Type /Group /Pg 37 0 R /K [62] /P 12 0 R /Pg 36 0 R >> Lengthened state eccentric training which is believed to increase the end range strength of hamstring muscle should be incorporated in the rehabilitation protocol to reduce the chance of recurrence. /Type /StructElem << 516 0 obj /Type /StructElem /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] << /Type /StructElem << /S /P << /P 1132 0 R /Type /StructElem /S /P >> >> 1385 0 R 1386 0 R 1387 0 R 1388 0 R 1389 0 R 1390 0 R 461 0 R 1391 0 R 463 0 R 1392 0 R /GS7 886 0 R /Pg 41 0 R /S /P 490 0 obj /K [1339 0 R] 737 0 R 738 0 R] /P 1045 0 R /P 1099 0 R << 728 0 obj /S /P /Rotate 0 << << /S /P 275 0 obj << << /K [20] /P 12 0 R /Pg 25 0 R 281 0 obj >> >> endobj /Type /StructElem 56 0 obj /P 12 0 R /S /LBody 49 0 obj {H^9J��U�džʃ�\�&o� \dž1Q ��ݶm^z��4B/�V�@={�.-^��r\9\� V\���G=B���\������2�e#�B�7��YєM{_^v��*�**\UD���3>M�$(W0�i%�L�C�3A�̡Rb�ҽj��z�y��U��������.��#�����(�5XR�Q��_Oqp� /Pg 55 0 R /Pg 59 0 R /Pg 41 0 R 96 0 obj /Pg 37 0 R /S /P /Type /StructElem /K [5] << << /XObject << /S /P 43 0 obj /P 1166 0 R Sherry M. Evaluation and Treatment of Acute Hamstring Strains and Related Injuries. 436 0 obj The book with the no-nonsense, no-BS, no-shortcuts approach. The book that shows that there’s a revolution in aging going on. The book that is the how-to of that revolution. >> endobj >> /Pg 42 0 R << >> << endobj << endobj /P 12 0 R /ExtGState << /GS8 887 0 R 589 0 obj /P 1058 0 R 230 0 obj /Tabs /S << /Pg 39 0 R /K [6] << << /Contents 913 0 R endobj 438 0 obj /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /K [17] /Type /StructElem 182 0 obj /P 12 0 R 433 0 obj >> >> /Type /StructElem << /K [17] /S /P /Pg 42 0 R /Type /StructElem endobj /ExtGState << << >> << /Type /StructElem /F1 883 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] << /P 12 0 R Hamstring Strain/Tear Non-Operative Rehabilitation Protocol Dr. Jeffrey Witty, M.D. endobj >> 72 0 obj 316 0 obj >> 687 0 obj /ActualText (15.8) endobj /F3 885 0 R >> endobj /Type /StructElem /Image134 945 0 R >> /Pg 38 0 R /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 12 0 R /ActualText (14.6) /Pg 22 0 R /K [21] /K [5] /Type /StructElem /Contents [876 0 R] /K [8] /P 12 0 R Prior to this, a 1,000 m warm-up was made at a gentle jog (maximum level 4 according to the modified Borg scale). /Pg 39 0 R endobj /K [29] >> >> /P 1137 0 R endobj 551 0 obj /Type /StructElem /GS8 887 0 R /K [1357 0 R] >> << << << 235 0 obj /S /P /Type /StructElem /S /P /K [31] /S /P /S /P /S /P /K [12] /Pg 38 0 R /P 12 0 R /S /LBody << /Type /StructElem /K [0] This third section includes examples of hamstring, lumbar extensor, pelvic, and buttock strengthening exercises. endobj 135 0 obj >> << /F3 885 0 R /K [12] /S /P << endobj >> /S /P << >> 102 0 obj << /Type /StructElem >> /Pg 36 0 R 391 0 obj >> >> endobj endobj /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem o Prone hamstring exercises (introduces eccentric component) Start with prone curls with ankle weights at 30% of 1RM of contralateral hamstring 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions. This comprehensive reference on total knee arthroplasty describes all surgical techniques and prosthetic designs for primary and revision arthroplasty, discusses every aspect of patient selection, preoperative planning, and intraoperative ... >> << /P 12 0 R /P 1275 0 R /K [14] /Pg 62 0 R 688 0 obj >> 378 0 obj The purpose of this study was to identify the amount of /K [24] /P 1075 0 R 680 0 obj /P 985 0 R /Type /StructElem More evidence is now highlighting the benefit of primarily using eccentric strengthening exercises in hamstring rehabilitation performed at high loads at longer musculotendon lengths 5 6. /Subtype /XML /P 992 0 R endobj /S /P Designed for introductory students, this text provides the reader with a solid research base and defines difficult material by identifying concepts and demonstrating applications for each of those concepts. /Tabs /S /F2 884 0 R endobj >> endobj 817 0 obj >> /S /P >> /P 1095 0 R 0000004313 00000 n
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