On July 15, 1971, Nixon announced on national television that he would become the first president ever to visit the People's Republic of China, a nation which had remained . Nixon signed the Paris Peace Accords in 1973, ending U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. "The 'Japan card' in the United States rapprochement with China, 1969–1972. Within a telephone conversation 5 days after the coup both Nixon and Kissinger make statements that suggests they both heavily influenced the policy (Henry 1973). Nixon's plans for Europe 2. Nixon Redefines American Foreign Policy: Nixon and Kissinger embraced is the foreign policy strategy called realpolitik. Terms and People. What Is The Significance Of Nixon's Foreign Policy. He said that if he won the 1960 election, he would have pressured Eisenhower to send the exiles into combat before his inauguration on January 20, 1961. [46], The outcome was quite different however. [7] It also came into play elsewhere in Asia including Iran,[8] Taiwan,[9] Cambodia[10] and South Korea. 1350 Words6 Pages. He also warned that the United States should . By the mid-1960s, China and the USSR had become bitter enemies. The two nations began friendly trade and political ties beginning in 1977 starting with a visit by President Carter. Offers a detailed account of the author's years at the White House that included Agnew's resignation, Cambodian bombings, and Watergate Nixon thereupon unleashed the full fury of air power to force Hanoi to come to terms. Nixon's Exit Strategy. However, in Nixon's Vietnam War, Kimball argues that Nixon arrived at the strategy independently, as a result of practical experience and observation of Dwight D. Eisenhower's handling of the Korean War. The agreement implemented a cease fire and allowed for the withdrawal of remaining American troops; however, it did not require the 160,000 North Vietnam Army regulars located in the South to withdraw. When Richard Nixon took office as president of the United States in early 1969, he and his An official in the Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush administrations, Peter W. Rodman draws on his firsthand knowledge of the Oval Office to explore the foreign-policy leadership of every president from Nixon to George W. Bush. "“Absolutes” and “Stages” in the Making and Application of Nixon’s SALT Policy." Everyone assumed, mistakenly, that Nixon's anticommunist reputation at home indicated a hard-line cold warrior. [27] After the meeting, China and the United States astounded the world by simultaneously announcing that Nixon would visit China in February 1972. What was his two foreign policy aims. WASHINGTON, Feb. 18—Following, as made public by the White House, is the text President Nixon's first annual foreign‐affairs message to Congress, which was submitted today. ", Evelyn Goh, "Nixon, Kissinger, and the “Soviet card” in the US opening to China, 1971–1974. He was an old friend of Nixon—a good administrator with little diplomatic experience and less interest in geopolitical dynamics.[1][2]. The agreement expired on December 31, 1985 and was not renewed. ", For a review of the historiography see Zakia Shiraz, "CIA Intervention in Chile and the Fall of the Allende Government in 1973. [81], The United States was by far Canada's largest market. Tapping into a wealth of recently declassified archives, Robert Dallek uncovers fascinating details about Nixon and Kissinger's tumultuous personal relationship and the extent to which they struggled to outdo each other in the reach for ... [14][6] Stephen Walt has argued that not many successful cases of madman theory can be found in the historical record. Détente focused on peaceful negotiations and weapon limitations between the two nations. Found insideAlthough much has been written about détente, this is the first scholarly study that comprehensively assesses the central role of confidential diplomacy in shaping America's foreign policy during this critical era. His assumption that Vietnamization had failed was soon proven wrong. Without constant American bombing it was possible to solve the logistics problem by modernizing the Ho Chi Minh trail with 12,000 more miles or roads. Those who share in this opinion focus only on the negative aspects of Nixon's presidency and fail to see all of the things he succeeded in doing. [63], Nigeria experienced a devastating six-year civil war during the 1960s and early 1970s. ", Kent M. Beck, "Necessary Lies, Hidden Truths: Cuba in the 1960 Campaign. Entering World War II in 1939, Nixon started working for the federal government for the Office of Emergency Management. To prevent the possibility of further U.S. intervention in Vietnam, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution over Nixon's veto. ", Kirkendall, Andrew J. He is credited with some for "thawing" US diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union during the . [5][13][1] Jonathan Stevenson argues Trump's strategy could have been even less effective than Nixon's because Nixon tried to give the impression that "he'd been pushed too far, implying that he would return to his senses if the Soviets and North Vietnamese gave in", whereas the North Korean government was unlikely to believe that "Trump would do the same" because his threats were "standard operating procedure", not a temporary emotional reaction. U.S. begins airlift of $2 billion in military supplies to Israel. Kissinger was seemingly resigned to the growth of Soviet military strength. [84][85] One result was to loosen restraints on the fast-growing economy of West Germany, freeing it to dominate the European economy. [49], After the failed Easter Offensive the Thieu government made a fatal strategic mistake. We can't restrain him when he's angry—and he has his hand on the nuclear button" and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace. At a July 1971 meeting with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Kissinger promised not to support independence for Taiwan, while Zhou invited Nixon to China for further talks. The foreign policy of the Ronald Reagan administration was the foreign policy of the United States from 1981 to 1989. The Air Force interpreted the quick settlement as proof unrestricted bombing of the sort they had wanted to do for eight years had finally broken Hanoi's will to fight; other analysts said Hanoi had not changed at all. ", Quint Hoekstra, "The effect of foreign state support to UNITA during the Angolan War (1975–1991). In 1969, a tax bill passed that held several Nixon ideas, including a repeal of the investment tax credit and removal of two million of the nation's poor from the tax rolls. [79], For decades historians have heatedly debated the role of the United States, focusing on four main issues: (1) Did the US attempt to spark a military coup to prevent Allende taking office in 1970? The Canadian economy became dependent on smooth trade flows with the United States so much that in 1971 when the United States enacted the "Nixon Shock" economic policies (including a 10% tariff on all imports) it put the Canadian government into a panic. 3. Nixon concluded that containment (which he saw as a Truman policy) had failed. [59][60] Congress effectively ended any possibility of another American military intervention by passing the War Powers Resolution over Nixon's veto. American foreign policy is very much a part of the struggle for power at home. By Ken Hughes. With Mr. Nixon's approval, Mr. Kissinger set out to restore confidence in the very department he had helped weaken and to "institutionalize" foreign policy. Dr. Henry Kissinger National Security Adviser (1969 - 1975) Secretary of State (1973 - 1977) • visited 57 countries • traveled over 560,000 miles . What is the epidemiologic triad of a disease? It can, thus, hardly be said that Nixon's trip to China was intended to create a new de facto Sino-American alliance against Moscow at a time when détente was Nixon's primary foreign policy . President Richard Nixon's policy sought on détente with both nations, which were hostile to the U.S. and to each other. ", Komine, Yukinori. The Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy team went to work, beginning with Vietnam. Triangular Diplomacy A. The Nixon administration signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union and organized a conference that led to the signing of the Helsinki Accords after Nixon left office. "Becoming a “Good Nixon Doctrine country”: Political relations between the United States and Singapore during the Nixon presidency. Unless a crisis erupted on other matters, they let the State Department handle it with secretary William P. Rogers in charge. Click card to see definition . Perhaps the most successful U.S. diplomacy of the past half century was the management by Richard Nixon, aided by Henry Kissinger, of relations with other major powers in the early 1970s, and in . Objections from South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu derailed this agreement, and the peace talks broke down. ", revolutionary rapprochement turning China from enemy to friend, Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, Foreign policy of the Gerald Ford administration, "Making More Enemies than We Kill? In January 1942 he took a job with A successor to START I, New START, was proposed and was eventually ratified in February 2011. Nixon's policy of détente - a French word meaning 'release from tensions' - marked a crossroads in American foreign policy and a timely commitment to reduce U.S.-Soviet tensions. [66][67], Sadat asked Moscow for help, and Washington responded by offering more favorable of armys financial aid and technology to Anwar Sadat of Egypt; as a result the Soviets were forced out of Egypt in 1971. Europe is "irrelevant," throwing U.S. weight around in the Caribbean and Latin America is a given, and Americans who oppose him are "confused and frustrated." So say former . At the same time, he has written a biting and often savage indictment of Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger. How did the Nixon Doctrine affect foreign policy? Using a wide array of recently declassified archival materials in the United States and Western Europe, this collection offers new insights into the changing dynamics of transatlantic relations during the era of détente (1969-1980). [37] The war was broadly unpopular in the United States, with widespread, sometimes violent protests taking place on a regular basis. The key provisions included legitimizing the current borders, and a pledge by each nation to respect the human rights and civic freedoms of their own citizens. Détente (a French word meaning release from tension) is the name given to a period of improved relations between the United States and the Soviet Union that began tentatively in 1971 and took decisive form when President Richard M. Nixon visited the secretary-general of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid I. Topics: United States, World War II, Cold War Pages: 3 (667 words) Published: April 20, 2016. While not necessarily in complete agreement with the preceding (President Nixon's writings provide a detailed insight into his perspective on American foreign policy), it is safe to bet they were on his reading list. [21] By the time Nixon took office, many leading foreign policy figures in the United States had come to believe the U.S. should end its policy of isolating the PRC. ", Geoffrey Warner, "Nixon, Kissinger and the breakup of Pakistan, 1971. International Security 15.2 (1990): 103-146. [32], Nixon and Kissinger discussed a range of issues with Zhou and Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Communist Party of China. Nixon's foreign policy focused on détente with the Soviet Union and China, as he sought to move away from traditional ideological conflicts and the policy of containment. Nixon Powerpoint. Roots of Détente. Vietnamization was a policy of the Nixon administration during the Vietnam War soon after President Nixon took office in January 1969. [64][65], Nixon continued policies of Kennedy and Johnson regarding the anti-colonial struggle that began in 1961 in Angola and continued until the coup d'état. Nixon's presidency encompassed great achievements . The result of the coup was long term authoritarian control of Chile by General Augusto Pinochet who supported American interests and brutally crushed the left wing opposition. Since the end of the Chinese Civil War, the United States had refused to formally recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the legitimate government of China. How long does it take for a loan modification to be approved? Using unprecedented access to the private post-presidential documents at the Nixon Library, Pipes reveals inside information that has never been reported about Nixon’s successful campaign to repair his reputation and resuscitate his ... They cite three main reasons: (i) target states fail to receive the message that the "madman" thinks he is sending, (ii) target states do not see the "madman" behavior as credible, and (iii) target states do not give into the "madman" even when they believe the madman rhetoric, because the madman is perceived as being unable to make credible assurances of future behavior. The expansion of the Vietnam War into Laos and Cambodia hindered, but did not derail, the move towards normalization of relations. Thanks to negotiations in Helsinki, Finland, in November 1969, SALT I produced an Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and an interim agreement between the two countries. The geopolitical and structural President Nixon's foreign policy was manifested in the fact that he shifted the American ideological conflict with China and USSR towards a containment policy. Kissinger says Trump, Nixon foreign policies similar, warns Biden on Iran Kissinger said the progress cemented by Trump with Israel and the Gulf states should not be diluted by the U.S. reaching . Nixon's policy of détente - a French word meaning 'release from tensions' - marked a crossroads in American foreign policy and a timely commitment to reduce U.S.-Soviet tensions. In a 1972 speech in Ottawa, Nixon declared the "special relationship" between Canada and the United States dead. Which president opened up trade with China? Americans received their first glimpse into Chinese life through the cameras which accompanied Pat Nixon, who toured the city of Beijing and visited communes, schools, factories, and hospitals. [47] As in Tet, the peasants refused to rise up against the GVN. By 1970 the United States economy was heavily dependent on oil for cars, trucks and heating; domestic production had fallen and more and more was imported.. Fuel efficiency and new supplies were urgently needed so Congress approved an pipeline to reach the oil fields in far northern Alaska. [17], Nixon and Kissinger achieved breakthrough agreements with Moscow on the limitation of Anti Ballistic Missiles and the Interim Agreement on Strategic Missiles. The war resumed as North Vietnam and South Vietnam violated the truce, and in 1975 North Vietnam captured Saigon and completed the reunification of Vietnam. ", Rüdiger Graf, "Making Use of the 'Oil Weapon': Western Industrialized Countries and Arab Petropolitics in 1973–1974. Hoff shows that Nixon's reforms in welfare, civil rights, economic and environmental policy, and reorganization of the federal bureaucracy all greatly outweigh those things for which we tend to remember him. Especially concerning was continuing inflation in the U.S., increasing unemployment, and a growing trade deficit. ", Thornton, Thomas P. " US-Indian Relations in the Nixon and Ford Years," in, Winger, Gregory. Overcoming significant congressional opposition, Ford continued Nixon's détente policies with the Soviet Union. Their strategy in the war consists of supporting governments of countries who are against the communist bloc. On May 26, Nixon and Brezhnev signed two landmark nuclear arms control agreements. Biden's offering, instead, is personality- rather than policy-driven: "Why America Must Lead Again: Rescuing U.S. Foreign Policy After Trump." . According to Ray Price, he sometimes took them together. Found insideIn Destined for War, eminent Harvard scholar Graham Allison masterfully blends history and current events to explain the timeless machinery of Thucydides’s Trap??—??and to explore the painful steps that might prevent disaster today. Hanoi was evacuated. A former White House Counsel and one of the last surviving major figures from Watergate uses his own transcripts from hundreds of conversations as well as documents in the archives to definitively determine what Nixon knew and when he knew ... foreign policy were recognized by only a few figures, most notably Foreign Affairs editor James Chace, Paris-based . [72], As the Yom Kippur war ended in defeat, the oil-producing Arab nations, organized as Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, embargoed oil shipments to US and Israel's supporters. A doctor. Logevall, Fredrik, and Andrew Preston, eds. His foreign policy was very controversial and eventually almost everyone hated it. A journalist for The Washington Post offers an eyewitness account of the changes in China over the past forty years as he recalls his stint as a twenty-year-old exchange student from Stanford at China's Nanjing University and the lives of ... Bundy's principled, clear-eyed assessment in effect pulls together all the major issues and events of the thirty-year span from the 1940s to the end of the Vietnam War, and makes it clear just how dangerous the consequences of Nixon and ... India resented the American role for decades. The second failure of the Cold War detente was arms control agreements with the Soviets. The US foreign policy during the presidency of Richard Nixon (1969–1974) focused on reducing the dangers of the Cold War among the Soviet Union and China. Both Nixon's daughter Julie Nixon Eisenhower and friend Billy Graham acknowledged this fact, after his presidency. Show More. With massive tactical air support from the US, it held the line. The NLF and Viet Cong had largely disappeared. Although President Richard Nixon is known more for the Watergate scandal and as the only US President to have resigned from office, he was responsible for introducing a number of bold and innovative foreign policy When Nixon took over the office of US President in 1969, the Vietnam War was the main issue in the Read more about President Nixon's Foreign Policy Successes and Failures[…] Nixon got the united states out of the Vietnam war. Describe Nixon foreign policy. Saigon had started to exert itself; new draft laws produced over one million well-armed regular soldiers, and another four million in part-time, lightly armed self-defense militia. Robert A. Pape, "Coercive air power in the Vietnam War." [83], The Administration made drastic changes in international finance with its 1971 New Economic Policy and again with a second devaluation of the dollar in February 1973. This type of foreign policy was adopted from West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, which eased tension between West Germany and East Germany. It defeated the breakaway attempt by Biafra, the richest province. Found insideSecrecy in US Foreign Policy examines the pursuit of strict secrecy by President Nixon and his National Security Advisor Kissinger in foreign policy decision making in relation to the US rapprochement with China. Look at the Cold War through new lenses. Nixon Domestic/Foriegn Policy Worksheet. under the title . He won every state but Massachusetts. The Nixon administration marked the end of America's long period of post-World War II prosperity and the onset of a period of high inflation and unemployment-"stagflation." Unemployment was unusually low when Nixon took office in January 1969 (3.3 percent), but inflation was rising. It caused a worldwide energy crisis and severe damage to world economy as fuel was much more expensive and in short supply. Nixon came up with his own way to wage the cold war and containing the Soviet Union. On other side, the PAVN had been badly mauled—the difference was that it knew it and it was determined to rebuild. In the end Pakistan lost and Bangladesh became independent, but the USSR did not expand its control. At worst, Hanoi was bound to feel less confident if Washington was dealing with Moscow and Beijing. During the quiet year 1971 that saw the removal of nearly all American ground forces, Hanoi was building up forces for a full-scale invasion of the South. Richard Nixon: Domestic Affairs. To help my thinking about President Nixon's historical legacy, I accessed the Nixon Library's excellent web site and reread the . Major effects included an 8% devaluation of the dollar, as well as new surcharges on imports, and unexpected controls on wages and prices that had never been used except in wartime. The main goal was winning the Cold War and the rollback of Communism—which was achieved in Eastern Europe in 1989 and in the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. A major long-term goal was to reduce the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and China, so as to better enable the détente process to work. [70][71], In October 1973, Syria and Egypt attacks Israel in order to regain the territories they had lost in the Six-Day War of 1967. 34 strategic bombers have been destroyed or damaged. They changed for the better when Trudeau and President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) found a better rapport. One of Richard Nixon’s most incisive works on American foreign policy, Real Peace argues that lasting peace can only be achieved through “hard-headed détente”—a pragmatic mixture of military preparedness, effective arms control, ... Furthermore, having rich allies meant the American economy no longer could dominate or control the world economy. The guerrilla war had been decisively won by GVN. Nixon and Kissinger planned to link arms control to détente. I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. Operation LINEBACKER II, in 12 days smashed many targets in North Vietnam cities that had always been sacrosanct. DIPLOMACY should be read for the sheer historical sweep, the characterisations, the story-telling, the ability to look at large parts of the world as a whole' Malcolm Rutherford in the FINANCIAL TIMES The advantages included Egypt's expulsion of 20,000 Soviet advisors and the reopening of the Suez Canal, and were seen by Nixon and Kissinger as "an investment in peace. [6] International relations scholar Roseanne W. McManus argued that Trump's statements that he was relying on madman theory made the approach counterproductive, as he was undermining the belief that his "madness" was genuine. That medicine is usually prescribed for anti-seizure attacks, but in Nixon's case it was to battle depression. The CIA convinced the Chilean generals that Allende was plotting against the army. "The Nixon Doctrine and US Relations with the Republic of Afghanistan, 1973–1978: Stuck in the Middle with Daoud. The U.S. had instead supported the Republic of China (ROC), which controlled Taiwan. Explain Nixon's Vietnamization policy and the rationale for an expanded war in Laos and Cambodia. [16], The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) led to START I and START II, which were Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties with the USSR. Brazenly, he even constructed a pipeline along the Trail to bring in gasoline for the next invasion.[50]. [82], Relations deteriorated on many points, including trade disputes, defense agreements, energy, fishing, the environment, cultural imperialism, and foreign policy. [8], The administration employed the "madman strategy" to force the North Vietnamese government to negotiate an end to the Vietnam War. Nixon's Foreign Policy. - Paul Hogroian. [3], Political scientist Scott Sagan and the historian Jeremi Suri criticized the theory as "ineffective and dangerous", citing the belief that the Soviet leader Brezhnev did not understand what Nixon was trying to communicate, and considering the chance of an accident from the increased movements of U.S. A conservative faction of Republicans led by Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan strongly opposed a rapprochement with China, while Lin Biao led a similar faction in the PRC. Politics, not military need, still ruled the South Vietnamese Army. [55], In the aftermath of the Easter Offensive, peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam resumed, and by October 1972 a framework for a settlement had been reached. The visit was carefully choreographed by both governments, and major events took place during prime time to reach the widest possible television audience in the U.S.[33] When not in meetings, Nixon toured architectural wonders including the Forbidden City, Ming Tombs, and the Great Wall. Though rapprochement with China and détente with the Soviet Union were ends in themselves, I also considered them possible means to hasten the end of the war. "China's Elite Politics and Sino-American Rapprochement, January 1969–February 1972. [27] Due to a misunderstanding at the 1971 World Table Tennis Championships, the Chinese table tennis team invited the U.S. table tennis team to tour China. The year 1971 was eerily quiet, with no large campaigns, apart from a brief ARVN foray into Laos to which was routed by the PAVN. This was conventional old- fashioned warfare, reminiscent of North Korea's invasion in 1950. [76], “I was hard-line on Cuba,” Nixon told Jules Witcover in 1966. Diplomacy between the U.S., __China_____, and _____Soviet Union___ B. We'll just slip the word to them that, "for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about communism. In August the government had made a new plan for the economy with rather extreme measures, measures which would later be dubbed "Nixon Shocks". Ease tensions and bring an end to the Vietnam War. End of Vietnam War. [34] China provided assurances that it would not intervene in the Vietnam War, while the United States promised to prevent Japan from acquiring nuclear weapons. In February he visited Beijing, setting in motion normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China. (4) Was the US involved in the plotting and execution of the successful 1973 coup? The plan was to train, equip and expand South Vietnamese forces so that they could take over more military responsibilities for their own defense against the North communists, and at the same time, allowed the U.S. to gradually withdraw its combat troops from . Using a spider map, students will outline, define, and explain the foreign policies initiated by Nixon during his presidency.. Ford, however, re-opened the Watergate Scandal when he granted Richard Nixon a "full, free, and absolute pardon . [12], Some have characterized US President Donald Trump's behavior towards allies and hostile states as an example of madman theory. [7], In October 1969, the Nixon administration indicated to the Soviet Union that "the madman was loose" when the United States military was ordered to full global war readiness alert (unbeknownst to the majority of the American population), and bombers armed with thermonuclear weapons flew patterns near the Soviet border for three consecutive days. Nixon Foreign Policy Analysis. A. Nixon's Appointment's B. A second PAVN force of 20,000 crossed the border from their sanctuaries in Cambodia into areas north of Saigon. >> good evening. During his term in office president Nixon was extremely passionate about two specific policies that were very . [14] Nixon's utterly unexpected trip to China in 1972 was set up by Kissinger's negotiations using Pakistan as an intermediary. [18], Nixon and Kissinger set up the international "Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe" (CSCE) in Helsinki, bringing together nearly all of Europe in 1973. Canada reacted by introducing an Employment Support Program, stepping up the tempo of discussions on trade matters, and meeting with international bodies. Nixon's Foreign Policy. The application of the Nixon Doctrine "opened the floodgates" of US military aid to allies in the Persian Gulf. (3) Chile's economy went into free fall as copper revenues plunged and food prices soared; was the US responsible? When Nixon took office, the United States had approximately 500,000 soldiers stationed in Southeast Asia as part of an effort to aid South Vietnam in the Vietnam War. US-Nigerian relations were strained under Nixon, who seemed to favor Biafra but in the end formally supported the national government. [57] By March 1973, U.S. military forces had been withdrawn from Vietnam. Specifically: The Doctrine was exemplified by the Vietnamization process regarding South Vietnam and the Vietnam War. [26], Both sides faced domestic pressures against closer relations. The Nixon approach to foreign . ", Chua, Daniel Wei Boon. It began in 1969, as a core element of the foreign policy of U.S. president Richard Nixon, in an effort to avoid the collision of nuclear risks. Nixon ended American involvement in the war in Vietnam in 1973, ending the military draft that same year. International relations scholars have been skeptical of madman theory as a strategy for success in bargaining. The U.S. would keep all its treaty commitments. ", Bruce Muirhead, "From Special Relationship to Third Option: Canada, the U.S., and the Nixon Shock,", Lily Gardner Feldman, "Canada and the United States in the 1970s: Rift and Reconciliation. The linkages never worked out because of flawed assumptions about Soviet plans. The Nixon Doctrine At Work in Vietnam. Nixon's domestic policies aimed to solve several issues including the Vietnam War and the relationships with China and the U.S.S.R. Growing trade deficit Nixon signed the Paris peace Accords in 1973 the military draft that same year Chile in,! Used by President Richard Nixon 's promises to Saignon the full fury of air power the. In 1972 fight against the German, japanese, and italians and Berlin launched a innovation... 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Synthesize how Nixon conducted History 11 objectives: 16 & amp ; 16.1 achieved!
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