Questing Beast is by far the best 4-mana creature green has to offer in Magic Arena. Hanovi Braddock Ayesh knows that danger lurks in the Miritiin Mountains, and danger is just what she wants. I would happily play these alongside Fatal Push to cover both the small creatures and the bigger ones. Alternatively, you could use the mana that Burning-Tree Emissary produces and go for a Primal Might or Stomp to remove an opponent’s creature. Instead it asks the caster to put those onto the bettlefield, and the rest (i.e. No more retrieval decks! This is such a broad category that I simply decided to include Veil of Summer as the art, as it is one of the best color hosers ever printed. Today I'm going to restrict myself to Legacy's "fair decks" since the question of mana in combo decks is fairly complex and needs to be handled case by case. If you see a deck like this, you sort of have to win around turn 4. Remember, an Ooze with just two +1/+1 counters on it can deal a whopping 10 damage if you manage to put an Embercleave on it! For one mana you can stop a lot of things with this card. If you see Lurrus, keep Klothys hands even if you don’t have many other plays. This is my PSA that Settle the Wreckage is legal in this format, and it is still a great magic card. The way you side these cards into your mainboard varies from deck to deck. After you exile it they just get to refill their gy again. Just like Blue, Green is not a color that is known for their removal. Just jump online, mulligan until you have a decent hand with some 1-, 2-, 3-curve action, and just smash your opponents into the ground! Need to deal with *almost* anything? Doesn't kill the combo but makes it much harder to go off. Grafdigger's Cage also hits things coming from the library - it turns off Collected Company as well as making sure Persist/Undying creatures don't come back. Namely Robber of the Rich or two copies of Gallia of the Endless Dance. The 2 main modes are of course 4 life and forcing your opponent to sacrifice, but surprise blocks with creatures can easily blow someone out. And coincidentally, some of them say destroy on them so we can count that. Remember that we've had Modern Horizons for less than 2 weeks of play. The only other flashback cards I can think of that are relevant are ancient grudge (which coincidentally kills the cage) and lingering souls (which is also just fine without flashback). It’s probably still better to be conservative with your attacks and swing for only what you need. This is one reason why Collected Company is a great card to have in creature decks since it functions basically like a flash deck where you get to place creatures during your opponent's turn. Being an aura means it is especially vulnerable to flicker effects, and it is a sorcery and can’t stop combos such as Saheeli-Felidar. And with how many powerful Planeswalkers have been printed recently, having an answer for them is important. There are some rare decks that use God-Pharaoh’s Gift as their win condition, putting it into play with Gate to the Afterlife. If you see a Yorion, make sure you have a very good curve in hand full of 1-, 2-, and 3-drops into something like Embercleave. For one mana, Grafdigger shuts down a lot of different strategies. Titanshift, Affinity, Merfolk, Living End, +Many More. +2 grafdigger's cage (stop snapcaster and nahiri ultimate) abzan coco-2 spellskite (not much removal to deflect) +2 grafdigger's cage ( stop chord of calling, collected company, persist creature)-3 ratchet bomb ( their creature are of various cmc, not effective) +3 pithing needle ( naming visera seer, burreton tenderfoot, gavony township) This is a great addition to the Collected Company decks and is a valuable tool for any Selesnya deck. I don't understand what this card is trying to accomplish. Gaining life for destroying creatures can buy you a couple of turns while they try to rebuild which is perfect for a control deck. A turn 1 Llanowar Elves opens up a bunch of combos. Not targeting Planeswalkers is a problem, but doesn’t stop this card from being good. Collected Company is back and I'm thrilled, but that means you gotta play through the hate. Instant speed lets you hold up countermagic, being able to target any nonland permanent is much better than Stasis Snare, cycling keeps it from being dead when you don’t have 4 lands, and one white pip makes it very splashable. You could go straight into a 3-drop on turn 2 or play a Pelt Collector into a Burning-Tree Emissary into something like Zhur-Taa Goblin. Notably, this card also dodges Spell Queller which is going to be a major player in this upcoming format. Until the meta changes, Klothys is likely going to stay in the main deck for quite some time. A Relic early game can shut down a graveyard with just it's tap ability, but late game it's only good when you exile it and everything else. If they have a much larger creature, spend as much energy as necessary to deal with it. Having a 4-attack body also synergizes well with Pelt Collector, helping it grow to 4 power if it has two +1/+1 counters already. Klothys, God of Destiny | Illustration by Magali Villeneuve. Just to name a few, it stops Saheeli, Oko, Teferi, Aetherworks Marvel, Walking Ballista, and Steel Overseer. Cage does not completely stop the graveyard decks like Rest in Peace does, but for what Affinity is trying to accomplish it works wonders. You take full advantage of that as Gruul. Your email address will not be published. Blue is a great color, and limiting its removal to counterspells and bounce spells is reasonable enough. Hopefully, something better comes along for Green. This three-part, action-packed story opens up the beloved Magic: The Gathering set, Shards of Alara Once upon a time, the plane of Alara was shattered into five planes, each distinctly populated with relative mono-magical culture that ... Colorless doesn’t really have a true removal spell like Modern does with Dismember, but there are a lot of great sideboard options available in colorless that are worth talking about. and the RTR block charms may be useful. Grafdiggers cage seems to be infinitely better right now. The opposite is to be said for your opponents, literally and figuratively. I grouped this card away from the other 2 mana removal spells for a few reasons. Esper Control. It screws up more or less everything else graveyard based, as well as chord of calling and collected company though. Grafdigger's Cage Graveyards are becoming increasingly relevant as time goes by. This is usually enough. Go hyper aggro against them and hit them hard and fast. This is a static ability that changes the rules of the game for as long as the . Mystic Repeal | Illustration by Tyler Walpole. Getting to hate on 3 different archetypes in one card is fantastic for a sideboard card, and while it may not do any job spectacularly, in an unknown format, having that versatility is important. Among the cards I'm most excited for are a set of juicy effect lands, an intriguing foretell spell, some promising hate cards, and a new cycle of Gods more tailored to Modern than any previous incarnation. The way you side these cards into your mainboard varies from deck to deck. Against all graveyard and Collected Company decks out there, like every deck, Grafdigger's Cage is your friend. This means that playing larger creature spells is not as punishing, which pushes the format to be a little slower. We can then take two creature cards that cost a total of 3 mana combined (or less) and then put them onto the battlefield. Vs. It can also just ping away at a graveyard too. Therefore, swapping out all four copies of Questing Beast may be the best option alongside adding two copies of Chandra plus two copies of Glorybringer instead. Holy Moly: Kaldheim Spoiler Review. Pioneer seems to be a format that is shaping out to have more creatures attacking on average, so this should be able to put in some work. While the deck is very low curve and extremely fun and fast paced, most games that you do lose will ironically be because of mana issues. Questing Beast | Illustration by Igor Kieryluk. For 1 mana, Grafdigger's makes it so players can't bring creatures onto the battlefield from graveyards or libraries. If someone were to ask me what the best removal spell in white is, this is at the top of the list, which isn’t saying much. We’re in a metagame where we have access to tons of fast dual lands, though, so in Historic especially it’s less of an issue in contrast to Standard. Be careful swinging into 2WW, unless you need all of your basics for a massive Torment of Hailfire. Normally, I don't talk about Modern two weeks in a row, but Grand Prix Charlotte unveiled some pretty insane . The only thing holding this card back is sorcery speed. If there are any removal spells you feel I missed, please tell me about it in the comments below. In a deck with creatures, Grasp of Darkness can serve as a combat trick, and shrink an opposing Scarab God into lethal range. Cancel is still not the greatest Magic card, but Disallow is the best counterspell we have with no strings attached. Whether you play Downfall or Swift End is very dependent on your deck, but both are good options to consider when deckbuilding. If you have the mana for any of these cards, you should probably be playing a copy or more. I mean, the other player can exile your graveyard, but as long as they don't do . I wouldn't be surprised to see Grafdigger's Cage hitting $20 the weekend of Grand Prix Indianapolis if dredge has a good weekend at the Invitational. Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are some of the most powerful removal Magic has ever seen, and as a result, they haven’t gotten much since Conflux. February 5, 2015. 1 Rest in Peace Notably, it does all of this without shrinking the Tarmogoyf. No matter how many times you play this card, you always end up in a situation of, “Oh! When a young apprentice plans a birthday party for her wizardness, there's so much to do and so little time. How will she manage it? Abracadabra--by magic! Includes 25 jewel-like stickers in five different shapes and five different colors. You’ll likely draw into blockers anyways. Sometimes that means having to get rid of a 1-drop that can protect Spiritdancer, but you always have Primal Might to finish the job the next turn. Despite its awkwardness at times, Syncopate will still be a valuable card for control decks moving forward. Let’s dive into it. Hi! In this article, I want to analyze the removal spells and sideboard options in Pioneer, and how this can potentially shape the format. This is a true removal spell for colorless and does a lot of neat things for 2 mana. Giving them clue tokens for each creature exiled isn’t that big of an issue as long as the game is finishing up at a quick pace, but sorcery speed is what kills it. Luis Scott-Vargas plays, writes, and makes videos about Magic. As it turns out, making Murder a creature is pretty powerful. Use midrange creatures only to stop the bleeding and go into "combo at all cost". Plummet is admittedly a pretty narrow effect, but when it’s attached to a 3/2 body I don’t mind it nearly as much. Shocking their creature and destroying their Smuggler’s Copter is going to be a beating. While cage is good, I normal would rather run other graveyard hosers. It’s almost identical to the first deck, except it runs a playset of Collected Company instead of 4- and 5-drops to try and fetch two 1- to 3-drops off the top of the deck at instant speed. If RR is not a problem for you, and you don’t need to synergize with Eldrazi or flyers, Anger of the Gods is one of the cleanest board wipes in the format. Klothys keeps your opponent’s graveyard clean so they can’t return Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger or re-use cards with Dreadhorde Arcanist. Similar cards: Rest in Peace. It’s simple, but effective, and I expect many of these to be cast in the lifetime of Pioneer. Another use of Grafdigger's Cage is against Collected Company. 2 Grafdigger's Cage. Given enough time, they’ll just shock you to death with various 3-damage “bolts.” Find a midway between aggro and control. Pay 3 mana and 3 life. If you know your opponent is going to be playing around Settle the Wreckage and need a hard answer to the board, Fumigate is one of the best options printed. Pheonix, dredge, collected company, rally the ancestors, and chord of calling are all very powerful cards/strategies that are stonewalled for one mana. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Lacking Lightning Bolt is a massive downside for red, but they still have plenty of other spells to make up for it. The way to beat Goblins is to delay their Muxus, Goblin Grandee play. It's almost identical to the first deck, except it runs a playset of Collected Company instead of 4- and 5-drops to try and fetch two 1- to 3-drops off the top of the deck at instant speed. Because the mulligan somewhat revolves around deciding if you want to keep Klothys, God of Destiny, especially in a hand with no other 1-drop or 2-drops, there’s a little trick I use to decide if I keep her in hand or not. If your metagame has a lot of Jund or Death's Shadow and not much Hollow One or Collected Company decks, you could replace this with a second Rest in Peace. A 2 mana permanent detention sphere is definitely a great effect, but being sorcery speed is the main thing holding this card back. They have widely varied creatures and they get bigger and wider faster than Humans does. It is the Murder of white, and while that isn’t saying much, this is the closest any other color gets to Murder. Still, being able to clean up lots of different tokens, or crank it up each turn to threaten everything is a nice place to be. Pioneer is the format that makes black the king of killing creatures. With Stomp tied to it, though, it’s perfect as an early removal spell or, in some cases, an early burn spell if you have nothing to curve into with your Burning-Tree Emissary. Not mentioning chained to the rocks is criminal. Living end is such a very small part of the meta that the advantage of costing less than most graveyard hate and ability to play it in any color deck make usually makes up for the drawback. There are plenty of decks in the Historic meta and sideboarding can vary from matchup to matchup, but it’s generally pretty straightforward with Gruul. ET.. Deal with any threat for as little as one mana at instant speed. 3 damage not enough for you? I might keep a graveyard hate hand instead of a lot of removal only to get beaten to death by a geared-up Kor Spiritdancer. Unsubstantiate isn’t the kind of card you play when you are looking to prolong the game for as long as possible. Continuing along with the Hieromancer’s Cage variants, Conclave Tribunal serves as the polar opposite to Cast Out in what decks it wants to be a part of. Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan is almost upon us, and with it Modern will return to the biggest stage of competitive Magic for the first time in two years. The latter is especially useful against colorless ramp. If you really need to fight something, Voracious Hydra is the card to do it. The main problem is that they disrupt our combo plan easily and we cannot interact with their plan almost in any way. Bonecrusher Giant | Illustration by Victor Adame Minguez. The Ruins also don’t target your opponent, so it’ll still hit even if they have hexproof . A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Magic: The Gathering's Modern format! Reality Shift is another option to have that is much better against aggro but loses a lot of efficiency. I forgot it did that!” Just look at this magnificent beast. Scale Up: A Guide to Modern Infect. By relying on these creatures we can pretend our opponent's life total starts around 10, and that they cannot gain life. What do you think about Walking Ballista as a colorless removal? This card sees play in lots of Modern sideboards, and in a smaller format Ratchet Bomb should do well. Need to exile their creature so they never get it back? If force of negation es a problem a card that I found works surprisingly well and is super fun to play is Mana Tithe. However, the more delve spells you start to play, the worse this card gets, and if your opponent identifies your deck as one to bring in Rest in Peace, Murderous Cut loses a lot of its luster. For those who are playing the energy package, you get access to a synergistic removal spell that can change based on your needs. If decks like Spirits prove to be top contenders in the format, Kraul Harpooner will serve as a great maindeck option to beat them. Notable things it doesn't affect are Living End and Life from the Loam. With options all along the curve, all you have to do is find out what works best for your deck and make the necessary adjustments for these cards. Unlike Fragmentize, however, not hitting artifacts and enchantments with cmc 4 or greater is a big concern. But the problem is if it doesn't work, that if you treat it like it does work, then you can install your own creature, but then you also can't sell their kitchen. This is extremely important for the second or third game in a match where you need a cage to stop Collected Company or a needle to stop a combo piece. Now that Historic Anthology 5 has landed, it's time to look at some decks for it in MTG Arena! Triggering revolt is obviously much more difficult, so I wouldn’t rely on this as your only removal spell, but if you throw in a few things like Field of Ruin or Fabled Passage, it’ll be easier to remove those Siege Rhinos when you need to. There is a deck that comes and goes in Modern popularity based around using the cascade mechanic to cast a Living End. Combine this with a nice creature base, and you have a multi-purpose spell that can stop Assassin’s Trophies (more on that card later) and kill their Grim Flayer. Phyrexian Revoker is another option, if you having a creature is more important, or if you want to see their hand Sorcerous Spyglass is pretty good as well. Ratchet Bomb is a card that is a colorless board wipe for only 2 mana. If you would like to support my local game store, be sure to check out Combo becomes much more difficult to play, and in a less efficient format, disrupting their curve becomes way more valuable. The deck is sometimes so easy to navigate that it almost plays itself! Druid Combo has adopted Heliod, Ad Nauseam has new tools, and Underworld Breach is inspiring entire new builds. Hipsters is proudly sponsored by: Since the introduction of Theros Beyond Death, combo decks have taken hold in Modern. It’s a versatile card, but admittedly not incredibly powerful at what it does, but it does a lot of things for cheap. This may not be a 4 of in every control deck, but I will enjoy casting this card again. The leaner a format gets, the worse this card is, but without any significant one or two mana threats, Unsummon might prove to be a useful tool in tempo decks. The Magic Prerelease Primer: Everything You Need to Know, At least one playable creature for turn 2 or 3 if you have a turn 1-drop, or a playable creature for turn 2, You have three perfect lands that help you fix both double green and double red mana, plus a bunch of playable creatures. With aggro being as good as it is, Thoughtseize is held back from being format dominating, but this is still an extremely powerful card in blacks arsenal and should always be considered if you are playing swamps. You attack in with as many creatures as possible, cast the cleave, attach it to your biggest creature, win the game. Grafdigger's Cage - Rulings Asked by T e h G r i e f 4 years ago. I know that it is a much "harder" graveyard killer, but it doesn't hit living end. If you would like to support me directly, you can also support me on patreon at Conversely, you can attack with it every turn. It’s one of the best 2 for 1’s in the game, and will always be relevant. With the release of Kaladesh Remastered, the high power level of recent sets means fewer cards that are interesting for Gruul. At best, it bricks an aggressive deck's entire offense and buys you time to combo. The main aggro decks that might be problematic are goblins, mono red, and maybe mirror matches. The Spellbreaker makes sure if you select it as the carrier of your game-winning equipment, that during that turn at least your opponent can’t stop it from doing its thing. James H. A specific hate card, but a welcome one, Grafdigger's Cage is a way to impede graveyard shenanigans and slow down effects like Collected Company. "Grafdigger's Cage prevents creatures from entering the battlefield from the graveyard and graveyard only. Being an enchantment is a problem, but if you need a specific creature gone, Stasis Snare doesn’t ask any annoying questions. It’s playable, but certainly not great. I have tested the card in the main deck and have found that even though Chandra used to be an absolute powerhouse and is still great in the aforementioned paper formats, it is not as efficient in Historic. What this means is that creatures that possess 3 toughness are much more viable than they would otherwise be in Modern, as getting removed for 1 mana is much more difficult. Pre-release weekend is near and everyone's hyped for Assassin's Trophy Guilds of Ravnica.The return of fair decks in Modern is coming as they say, so everyone who will be trying to take care of their prized possessions from the hottest thing in town should find a new tech that will keep their permanents from becoming a . A shortlist of cards includes Devout Decree, Aether Gust, Noxious Grasp, Fry, Veil of Summer, Shifting Ceratops, and Mystical Dispute. fadam posted: Ya I think access to the boar, the huge asses on everything and its tendency to go wide and gain a bunch of incidental life gain makes it really hard for sac to deal Ol’ Faithful will never let you down, no matter what kind of deck you are playing. The best part of this combo is that anti-graveyard cards like Grafdigger's Cage can't stop it. I don't want to draw to cages versus Bant Spirits so I play a single copy. Moving away from the enchantments, we start to get the conditional removal spells. After boarding, the longer the game goes, the smaller are our chances to win. If your combo is being squeezed by Stony Silence, Pithing Needle, or similar, the Construct can just start bashing.On average, a Turn 3 Construct will be about a 3/3 and it shouldn't be hard to have a 5/5 on the following turn when it's ready to attack. While the text on the card is simple, the play patterns surrounding Unsummon are actually pretty complex. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Jeskai, Burn, D&T Variants, Anything Loam. Grafdigger's Cage fails to prevent any part of this. Return their Negate back to their hand and resolve your Jeskai Ascendancy. There are several ways to build a Gruul deck. Free spells are great, and Stoke the Flames holds up this trend with flying colors. Finally, we have Klothys, God of Destiny. 1-2 Collected Company; That's all for part one. Exiling everything may prove to be important, and 3 damage kills most things in the format. Some a properly made Grafdigger's Cage back to MTA. The main question as to whether these will see play or not is based on whether colorless matters decks become a thing moving forward. But I do not understand Grafdigger's cage. As much as possible, use Collected Company at the opponent's end step to prevent them from immediately destroying or wiping your creatures off the board. Embercleave is the embodiment of aggression. Either way, you can put a Tibalt or two in a Zhur-Taa Goblin slot. Expect to see this in many different sideboards moving forward, and be prepared to answer this card if your deck depends on any of the above strategies. Some of White’s best removal in Pioneer is largely enchantment based, which while it can be powerful, is not a permanent solution. Grafdigger's Cage. Getting to disrupt their combo at instant speed for 2 mana is very valuable, and it can be useful against any deck that goes tall. Murder is not the best, but I will happily pay 3 mana to kill their Lyra Dawnbringer. Sure you always have a few cards that get shut down by Cage be said for your opponents, and. Based around using the cascade mechanic to cast out has a prolonged lifetime in,... 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