The interviewer was a male native English speaker, while the interpreter was a female native Mandarin speaker. There is not much quantitative research on coping strategies in the local context. Methods This study aims to explore the stress and coping strategies of Chinese BCSs, which provide … On the days where greater physical activity was possible, treats were often external to the home and involved activities which had been enjoyed pre-diagnosis such as shopping, visiting friends or playing with grandchildren. This study extends this knowledge by confirming factors in a larger, longitudinal study with a population of those with advanced cancer and, through its explicit focus on unpicking and understanding pragmatic coping strategies, the basis of potential interventions to promote and support such effective strategies. When describing days where symptoms and side-effects were problematic the impact of fatigue was most commonly mentioned. Focus groups of participating patients and carers were specifically asked to prioritise the coping strategies which emerged from analysis of individual interviews, and then to discuss how such strategies could be enabled for people. I am sick and unable to help my family. However, it does not cover outpatients costs, which often constitute the majority of expenses associated for TB/MDR-TB patients [25, 26]. The time point for the second interviews ranged from 4 to 12 weeks after the first interview. PLoS ONE 12(1): By exploring individual patient and carer perspectives on the development, use and appraisal of specific coping strategies the study addresses this gap in knowledge. Found inside – Page 290Examples for Discussion and Analysis Sharan B. Merriam, Robin S. Grenier ... Scott (2004) finds that, in most research studies, most coping strategies ... Found inside – Page 147... in terms of coping strategies in this sample, remains unresolved. Further exploration (e.g., qualitative studies) is suggested to uncover whether old ... Google Scholar. This study provides further insights into factors driving the higher TB burden and slower declines in prevalence in rural compared to urban areas in China [24]. Written consent was given by all participants. So, the researcher employed cross-sectional qualitative phenomenological research design in order to achieve the research objectives and address the research questions. As a nurse working in a TB designated centre in Kunming explained: Staff also donated money in the past, but this is not sustainable. …I’ll talk to my husband and tell him more things, and perhaps my best friend and my daughter. Y1 - 2018/1. Health Econ. This meant that patients, especially those coming from rural areas, were presented with considerable financial challenges regardless of actual coverage levels. Article This model guided the study throughout, in particular the conceptualization of the interview topic guide and interpretation of data. 2014;9(3):e90596. Convergence of the Tuberculosis and Diabetes Epidemics: Renewal of Old Acquaintances. 1), it’s about 130 km and takes about four hours. Wingfield T, Boccia D, Tovar M, Gavino A, Zevallos K, Montoya R, Lönnroth K, Evans CA. On a few occasions support was accompanied by serious questions as to the value of pursuing a course of medication and all the associated costs, when there was no guarantee whether they would be cured or not. Infect Dis Poverty. Minority Data were collected on encrypted digital audio devices, and downloaded as soon as possible to a secure password protected server at the host University. It was clear that many wanted this mentoring to be a personal, individual experience rather than a support group or similar, although some were flexible about a group: P4: Yes, but people don’t necessarily want to go to a group. x��=]s�F�����x%Q��` ��Rg��F��$kkok/�I\`�@����R"1vv9Х��===�=��7m_.�������7}���b��ru�l�yu��W?g�������>l�{��}�-���o��7�o�_� �K�����hH/Qb�&^[�~�����ׯ��^���Nx1[�~%`p� /��Xzq�#��}�Q�{���Sb>����_�ۺ/Z�hv��zv�Y������_V|��rv�|�C^5���������芬����2��_����2燇�����廬�#��L�~?�?���L��]GC To reduce financial barriers and improve treatment outcomes, there is a need for further research into the total costs of seeking and accessing TB and MDR-TB care. AU - McCann, Terence V. AU - Lubman, Dan I. PY - 2018/1. In this context, expectations and priorities ranged from the minutiae of everyday life based on a pre-diagnosis ‘normality’ such as eating particular foods or having meals at habitual times to more aspirational targets such as holidays abroad. 2014;9(2):e88290. BMC Public Health. Using a qualitative study design, we conducted five focus group discussions and 47 in-depth interviews with purposively sampled TB and MDR-TB patients and healthcare providers in Mandarin, between August 2014 and May 2015. 2015;20(3):304–11. Third, we found growth under pressure, which included increased affection and gratefulness, development of professional responsibility, and self-reflection. The interviews were recorded using a He has been on and off treatment for over 10 years. We emphasised the anonymity and confidentiality of participants’ responses throughout the study and that this would be maintained for any subsequent publications. The objective of this study was to explore the experiences and feelings of older adults with MCI during the COVID-19 outbreak in Chile and to know what strategies they used to overcome social isolation. Progress in tuberculosis control and the evolving public-health system in China. 2012;7(8):e40850. Those who experienced cognitive and functional control of the situation reported a positive and empowering experience. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. Research Article. People with advanced cancer were eligible to be recruited to the study if they met the following inclusion criteria: With the permission of the person with advanced cancer, their family or other informal carers were also invited to participate if they met the following inclusion criteria: The anticipated sample size was 30 people with advanced cancer, and 30 of their family or informal carers. Ethical clearance was obtained from FHI 360 Protection of Human Subjects Committee, LSHTM Research Ethics Committee and Yunnan CDC Ethics Committee, prior to data collection. so I go all the way round my friends, they’re all doing one or two, so it’s not one person doing it, because it’s unfair, that. Health professionals are well placed to identify people with advanced cancer and carers who might benefit from access to such information about effective coping strategies. 2008;7(1):17. TN P d, Wada N, Guidoni LM, Golub JE, Dietze R, Maciel ELN. Found inside – Page 17The more general approach instructed respondents , for example , to focus on ... respondents were asked to consider a list of coping strategies and check ... Liu Y-X, Pang C-K, Liu Y, Sun X-B, Li X-X, Jiang S-W, Xue F. Association between Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Risk Factors in China: Applying Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. With the exception of PL all members of the team are female. The objective of this exploratory research was to collect data on how POs describe the experience of traumatic accidents, the emotional consequences and the strategies they used to cope with these events. Background Although adolescents are highly vulnerable to mental health challenges, they receive little attention, especially in developing countries. (DOCX 12 kb), Annex 2 Interview Guide - Health Professionals involved in treatment for TB. Chambers, Debbie Ann S. A century of psychological research exists on the impact of unemployment on individuals. What is needed is further research on the dynamics of wellbeing and coping, particularly within patient/carer dyads, to expand understanding of the way in which psychosocial support needs might be addressed[32]. Cognitive coping strategies included trying to forget and praying. Found inside – Page 123Coping strategies that were deemed ineffective included the golfers trying ... Qualitative research techniques have also been used to examine how athletes ... e0169071. Found inside – Page 175Applications to Schools, Well-Being, Coping, and Internet Use Kathleen A. Moore, ... Thus, future additional, different qualitative research strategies, ... The aim of the study was to examine the relation between personality factors and self-reported health status, and the coping strategy that employees had used in a self-chosen stressful situation at work. A total of 122 employees (84%) returned completed Zhang T, Liu X, Bromley H, Tang S. Perceptions of tuberculosis and health seeking behaviour in rural Inner Mongolia. impoverishment, strained relationships and social stigma) of costs associated with TB/MDR-TB care would strengthen the development and implementation of any interventions based on quantitative findings through providing relevant contextual data to improve delivery and targeting. CAS There are important differences in the content and style of peer interactions in comparison to those with health professionals[57], and so we expect peer mentoring to have different outcomes to professionally mediated interventions. I love it when that door is shut and I can just lie on there with nothing on my head. %PDF-1.5
So yeah it was quite shocking when I was first told. 2 0 obj
tions and coping strategies of lay rescuers following the provision of CPR to OHCA victims. Wang L, Zhang H, Ruan Y, Chin DP, Xia Y, Cheng S, Chen M, Zhao Y, Jiang S, Du X, He G, Li J, Wang S, Chen W, Xu C, Huang F, Liu X, Wang Y. Coping strategies. Found inside – Page 37Early qualitative studies exploring high performance athletes' coping strategies ... additional research which suggested that athletes' coping strategy use ... At intervals the coding structure and anonymised data extracts were discussed and revised with the research advisory group to facilitate a range of clinical, academic and lay perspectives in the analytical process. Such rich understandings can help provide the practical guidance that health care professionals and people with advanced cancer need to understand what are realistic and workable everyday pragmatic strategies to promote coping and wellbeing. Whilst all participants appreciated the value of a ‘treat’ in ‘lifting spirits’ it was not always a ‘treat’ for the person speaking. The conceptual basis for the study is the process of adaptive coping, a model which highlights how the development of ‘positive emotion’ is not only the result of coping strategies but also simultaneously underpins ongoing positive coping[36, 37]. <>
Method A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in Malaysia to evaluate coping strategies of community pharmacists and pharmaceutical services provided during COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of TB patients reported opting for the free TB medication provided at CDC treatment centres. Global Strategy and Targets for Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control after 2015. Perception, Resiliency and Coping Strategies of Filipinos amidst Disasters 3 METHODOLOGY The research is designed as a descriptive case study. In ‘being realistic’ participants often remained reluctant to make immediate plans for future events and demonstrated the desire and ability to compartmentalise, especially in coping with fears for the future. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. Importantly, although questions about clinical aspects may arise from peer communication, participants focus mainly on non-clinical information. The successful selection and implementation of such policies and interventions could benefit from supplementary quantitative research, which documents the magnitude and central determinants of patient costs, including, demographically disaggregated data on indirect costs, economic contributions of patient coping strategies and costs of care relative to household incomes [21, 27, 33]. In addition, associations between quality of life, depression, self-esteem, self-criticism, and obesity are now established indicating a need for a better understanding of the links between self-evaluation, affect-regulation and eating behaviours. a service designed to help individuals live as comfortably as possible until they die. The successful application Find out moreabout the program. I feel so sad. Du J, Pang Y, Liu Y, Mi F, Xu S, Li L. Survey of Tuberculosis Hospitals in China: Current Status and Challenges. Participants are identified in the data extracts below by alphanumeric code where P = patient participant, C = carer participant, IV 1 or 2 = whether first or second interview and FG 1 or 2 = focus group by recruitment site (P or C number for focus groups = speaker order and does not relate to study ID). To better understand their strategies for dealing with the traumatic event, we used a quantitative-qualitative method. The aim of the current study is to explore the coping strategies used by medical students and interns to cope with different stressors. PLoS Med. Found inside – Page 119For example, a recent qualitative study of religious/spiritual coping strategies of children with cystic fibrosis pointed to a unique coping strategy that ... 3 0 obj
Rural residents, farmers and ethnic minorities were the most vulnerable to these barriers, and patients with MDR-TB reported a higher financial burden owing to the centralisation and longer duration of treatment. Although most of the barriers were reported across gender, age, ethnicity, prefecture of residence, educational background and socioeconomic status, how they manifested, their impact on a patient’s treatment course, and the extent to which they were experienced varied according to these same factors. It doesn’t have to be anything special…, P3: …it can just be sitting in the gazebo in the garden reading and just not having a day with any pain in my arm. Data collection was effected by Dr DR (PhD), Research Associate, University of Manchester who is a Social Gerontologist experienced in qualitative longitudinal interview, focus group and narrative research. All in-depth interviews were conducted in Mandarin via simultaneous translation to English by a professional interpreter and digitally recorded, while the researcher took extensive field-notes. These approaches do not reflect increasing demands for participatory, community approaches to care based on social action models which are not necessarily professionally mediated[70]. This dissertation, "Stress and Coping Strategies Amony Primary School Children With Dyslexia" by Shui-ngor, Miranda, Lin, 連瑞娥, was obtained from The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong) and is being sold pursuant to Creative ... PLoS One. The changed everyday reality which results from living with advanced cancer also links not only to what people learn but also how, when, where and from whom. To facilitate the visibility of longitudinal factors in analysis data codes were colour coded to flag the point at which they emerged in the data collection process. 2015;10(5):e0128298. The results of this study are important as they demonstrate that people with advanced cancer do cope well, but that such coping strategies are unlikely to be promoted or discussed during their interactions with health care professionals. 2001;52(6):935–48. Nevertheless, people spoke about the importance of ‘managing’ who gave support and in what manner. No, Is the Subject Area "Cancer detection and diagnosis" applicable to this article? Found inside – Page 170Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods W. Alex Edmonds, Thomas D. Kennedy ... Coping strategies and styles of family carers of persons with enduring ... Services and individual health professionals need to recognise patients’ and carers’ desire for information beyond the clinical and to embrace the potential offered by informal, pragmatic input from patient/carer peers by establishing and signposting appropriate initiatives and opportunities. Patients thus continue to face barriers to diagnosis, treatment and care, resulting in long delays in access to services and inequities in population burden of TB and accessing care [4–6]. PubMed Privacy A second key difference between TB/MDR-TB treatment for rural patients, is that the former is decentralised to the county and village level, while the latter at the time of the study was centralised to Kunming (see Fig. Male farmer with TB rational cognition of FHI 360 Yunnan and the strategies adapted can differ by individuals indebted the... Care seeking to diagnosis: obstacles to tuberculosis care in rural China ability to develop coping strategies on individuals rural. The farm the aim of the situation reported a positive and empowering experience method was used to adjust to changes! Furthermore, front-line providers were limited in their capacity to give directly via personal donations of,! 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