. One of the most recent cases that involved stress related injury at work was Sutherland - v - Hatton 2002 which took place in England. The government undertook a swift response to this review in support of this recommendation for improved outcomes to improve health at work. Hansen, R. (2010. However, stress may also have a positive effect on employees. thank Work Related Stress Essay you. There is much controversy on whether or not the workforce should look to reduce stress on the job, or if stress is needed to get the job done. "Work-Related Stress and Burnout" is a perfect example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. In 2009 the HSE commissioned a review of the Standards, to assess strengths and weaknesses. Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. Whilst the report demonstrated little variance across the different sectors, public sector organisations did present the highest percentile of causes of work related stress were to workload and organisational change. One of the most common kinds of stress is work-related. Employees who are suffering from work-related stress can lead to lower productivity, lost workdays, and a higher turnover of staff. Found insidemeetings with and tended to delay essay consultations, should always motivate and ... Level of work related stress among teachers in elementary schools. *You can also browse our support articles here >. The central ethical principle of consideration will be of Autonomy and the participation of the selected respondents to be on a voluntary basis and be informed. Discuss the difference between a job and a career. This contribution begins by early identification of the principle cause(s), and making sufficient effort to identify what they can do to make things better. for only $16.05 $11/page. Thousands of students made their choice and trusted their grades on homework writing services. It has become a major concern among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. 7-27). Each of these stages stimulates a different emotional and psychological response within an individual. IvyPanda, 29 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/job-stress/. Our online essay writing service delivers Master's level writing Work Related Stress Case Study by experts who have earned graduate degrees in your subject matter. Work-related stress arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person's capacity and capability to cope. Master Live Review. Type of assignment. Works Cited. It is well documented within existing research that stress can have a negative impact on individual performance, behaviour and health. 1. The interviewees will be provided with the opportunity to decline any question which they will feel uncomfortable to answer. Stress In The Workplace Essay 1575 Words | 7 Pages. IvyPanda. Abstract Background: occupational stress is a negative physical and emotional response for the mismatched between the demand of work and capacity and needs of individual employees. To identify directions for future studies in the professional area. Stress as the modern day back pain Abstract. This pressure can be positive and motivating but sometimes this pressure can be excessive . Discuss the benefits of a mentoring relationship. Numerous recent studies have explored work stress among health care personnel in many countries. How managers or employers can reduce stress at work. Sources of Work Related Stress The experience of stress represents a psychological state. Discuss the benefits of a mentoring relationship. These responsibilities include ensuring that they put in place and develop robust policies and procedures, effective data gathering systems and provision of appropriate training arrangements specifically targeted at stress management (HSE, 2010). Copper (2002) discussed the harmful outcomes of stress within the workplace and how its effects can be disruptive, negatively impact on the organisational effectiveness, achievements and impede efficacy. The main aim is to understand the differences in work health relationships among the selected countries in Europe. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. June.27 3. 150+ team of professional academic writers is a at your servise 24/7to take care of your essay and thesis writing problems. IvyPanda. The opposing definition however ‘distress’ is what is normally associated with the term of stress itself. An unhealthy personal and social life can in turn create more stress . Explore the impact of work-related stress. 1. In the healthcare workplace environments where workplace related stress is rampant, employees are usually involved in high demanding roles which increase their stress levels which also affects their health problems. However, such a situation is a rarity with us. Lazarus (1966) provided an early definition of stress, however one which still remains relevant today, putting forward his view that stress is an individuals’ perception to the demand placed upon them, and how this can exceed their capacity to cope with the situation. The level of job stress primarily depends on the prevailing work conditions and the ability of a worker to adapt to the prevailing work conditions. 2170 Words9 Pages. "Work Related Stress." Found insidewas I that it would affect their job security or promotion chances. ... it is a country full of busy, stressed and insecure people, who worry when business ... Coursework Help. This essay will focus on the definition of stress and two causes of stress - work-related causes and individual personality causes in the workplace. Found inside – Page 168Discussion or Essay Questions 1 Compare and contrast the disease prevention and ... 2 Critically evaluate the job demands-resources model of stress for the ... Show More. The outcome of such a position can lead to individuals feeling "bored and undervalued" feeling there is a "lack of recognition" (HSE, 2010). With reference to different areas of literature it will also examine the main causes of work related stress, the existing legislative arrangements and discuss whether the current support arrangements are sufficient in assisting organisations to effectively control and prevent the problem. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. The CIPD (2007) promote the organisational benefits from developing written policies which deal specifically with work related stress, however recent research identified the benefits of developing a wider reaching well-being policy (Black, 2008). However, there is no relationship between work control and the health of the hospital staff. In 1995, a landmark case was heard in the high court, John Walker v Northumberland County Council (1995). The survey also found that 62% felt that stress was the biggest and most significant hazard currently facing employees, this increases to 70% within local government which is relevant to the case study organisation. Lack of Job Security. Torrington et al (2009 p298) purporte that “people management activities are shared between the line manager and the HR specialist so that each can contribute according to their skills”. Percenta…. either monthly or weekly etc, and finally chronic stress which is constant and persistent events. The role of trade unions and safety representatives is also contained within legislation. Workers may either lose weight excessively or gain weight excessively. Managers therefore need the support provided by Human Resources to enable them to effectively carry out the supporting role of implementing employee well-being arrangements and reduce any additional pressures placed upon them (Yarker et al., 2007). 2.4.6 Trade Unions and/or Employee Representatives. The HSE also emphasise the shared benefits of the role of trade unions and safety representatives in advocating the use of stress Management Standards to assist managing work related stress. 3. our essay writing samples can give you an idea whether the quality of our essays Work Related Stress Essay is the quality you are looking for. Our Mission Client Satisfaction. There are many contributors to employee stress. Every individual will experience stress in one or the other time. This pressure can be positive and motivating but sometimes this pressure can be excessive . VAT Registration No: 842417633. Work-related stress occurs when there is a mismatch between the demands of the job and the resources and capabilities of the individual worker to meet those demands. There have been extensive studies examining the causes of work related stress within organisations, the particular research within public sector organisations (relevant to case study organisation) identified the principle causes of work related stress were workload pressures (58%) and organisational change (56%). Found insideAn Essay on the Political Psychology of Change R.E. Wilson ... Participation and getting the job done were certainly goals that the Puritans stressed. Work related stress being a major issue requires sufficient attention because of the adverse impacts on human beings. Relationships: this includes promoting positive relationships at all levels, such as managers, colleagues and subordinates all working together to avoid conflict and deal with unacceptable behaviour, such as bullying and harassment. The judge in the case was Lady Justice Hale. This was explored further by Cartwright and Cooper (1997) who discussed the impact of indirect cost of stress for organisations in relation to the rise in numbers of employees seeking recourse via litigation. Work Related Stress Essay, Compare And Contrast Writing Essay Example 3rd Grade, Tesis Hukum Pidana Militer, Steps In Writing A Synthesis Essay. We also have multilingual homework helpers so if anyone Essay Work Related Stress . Your privacy is extremely important to us. As a manager, supervisor, or employer, though, you can help lower workplace stress. Moreover, stress impacts sleep. Right Step, "Adult Alcohol Abuse Standards" July 4th, 2013 2. The essay site is designed very well. Good line management can lead to good health, well-being and improved performance” (2008, p59). Search for it on Essay On Work Related Stress the Web, as there are plenty of websites that offer online homework help. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. We will write a custom Research Paper on Depression and Anxiety due to School and Work-Related Stress specifically for you. 1426 Words6 Pages. In larger organisations, the health and safety provision is normally embedded within the HR function and works closely with other HR colleagues, occupational health advisors, employee representatives and line managers in providing specialist advice and support. In addition Hale et al (2010) described three different categories of particularized stress. All the contributors have been greatly influenced by the late Michael Argyle, to whom this book is dedicated. HR managers have a key role in the management of stress in the workplace. In formation on the effect of stress will be obtained through library research, relevant journals and publications which will constitute secondary research. Essay On Work Related Stress They obliged and provided me with adraft of the work which I Essay On Work Related Stress must say was a great piece of writing that impressed my professor as well. incorporate the process for evaluating the effectiveness of all well-being initiatives. Job stress: from theory to suggestions. Work related stress is one of the greatest impediments to the success of any organization, because it lowers workers’ motivation hence, leading to reduced output. The CIPD (2010) advocate that it is an employers’ responsibility to ensure they “identify any problems that your organisation might be having with stress at work”. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. It can result from exposure, or threat of exposure, both to the more tangible workplace hazards and to the psycho-social hazards of work. Found inside – Page 46... stress on some individuals, but there has always been workrelated stress. It is nothing new. On the national level, faster travel and communications ... Research undertaken by the TUC (2010) who surveyed trade union safety representatives, found that stress was a greater hazard in organisations which employ more than 1,000 people. 28. Its their job to make sure that it does not lead to any of these horrible outcomes. No plagiarism, guaranteed! 3. 100%. Considering the detrimental nature of stress on individuals’ well-being and level of work performance, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to adopt appropriate and practical stress management methodologies. Stress may cause emotional symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability or low self-esteem, or even manifest as physical . This paper focuses on understanding the main causes of stress at work. I received high grade and positive feedback from my instructor. We deliver Work Related Stress Essay polished, flawless grammar and composition to guarantee the academic success of ESL and American students. When you submit our work, you can be confident that it is ready to hand in to your teacher or professor. Work-related stress can be caused by various events. Stress. Work-related stress is defined as 'a harmful reaction that people have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work'. Found inside – Page 465One Hundred Essays from Colonial Times to the Present Phillip Lopate ... upon intensity of experience which such criticism associated with the work of art . 1. The term “stress” is a phrase which in itself is not always clearly defined within literature. Work Related Stress Essay. It might seem impossible to you that all custom-written essays, research papers, speeches, book reviews, and other custom task completed by our writers are both of high quality and cheap. 7 Recent Conclusions We've Come to About Stress. Work environment: Most of the previous causes of workplace stress are emotional; however, a subpar work environment can create physical stress as well. The CIPD (2010) reported that stress, although not specifically work related, is consistently amongst the top five reasons for both short and long term absence within the respondent organisations. In addition, the workplace stress can have detrimental effects to the health of workers and can reveal itself through the physical health problems, such as, anxiety or depression. Arthur (2005) gives emphasis to this, stating that stress “has so many different meanings that it is confusing, elusive, and heard so often its meaning is frequently distorted and its implications taken for granted”. Work-Related Stress and Stress Management Stress can be defined as an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to a person's well-being and usually described as a negative experience. Stress is the state of tension experienced by individuals facing too many demands, constraints or opportunities. Order Plagiarism-Free Answer. It has been estimated that the financial cost of sickness at work is £110 billion per year on the UK economy (Black, 2008), the actual financial cost of work related stress however varies enormously. Web. 6. All work is written to order. Stress is not only some unpleasant situation that makes us feel inconvenient, stress can even cause harm our health. Stress in the Workplace Essay. Work-related stress combined with lack of sleep intensifies its effects. Learn More. Most people feel some type of pressure from their daily duties in the work place. Therefore, this may result into symptoms of stress being further exasperated to people, particularly at the work place environment. Examples of such arrangements could include engaging with safety representatives and focus groups (where they exist), reviewing existing stress arrangements, analysing and/or actioning staff stress surveys, re-review of risk assessments and appropriate analysis of absence data (CIPD, 2009). Only premium essay tutoring can Essay On Work Related Stress help you in attaining desired results. Their response included a commitment to work closely with the TUC in support of greater involvement with trade unions and improved provisions for training for safety representatives (DWP, 2008). Company Registration No: 4964706. An unhealthy lifestyle and a poor social relationship is almost always a result of stress in the workplace. The TUC estimate that there are approximately 150,000 appointed trade union safety representatives within the UK. Explore the impact of work-related stress. Work related stress is something that people have. Found insideUse specific reasons and details to develop your essay. ... The job can be stressful at times and requires use of significant technical knowledge. Found inside – Page 393Discuss the issue of work - related stress . e Describe the nature and importance of ... Write an essay on the topic of " Occupational diseases , hazards ... IvyPanda. Found inside – Page 29Stress is probably not something you can “laugh away” because it tends to be ... of the essay — the opening, the body, and the closing — does its job in ... Right Step, "Adult Alcohol Abuse Standards" July 4th, 2013 2. Web. User Id: 325341 - 16 . Workplace stress is highly personal. The negative connotation and stigma attached to the term itself combined with a lack of stress education and awareness training are further rationale into why individuals fail to admit they are experiencing work related stress (Cooper et al,1997). Finally, it will review and evaluate the range of existing management theories and organisational approaches, aimed at raising awareness and seeking improved management approach and employee engagement within the case study organisation, Housing & Social Work Services, the second largest service within North Lanarkshire Council. Moreover, at our academic service, we have our own plagiarism-detection software which is designed to find similarities between . Within the Health and Safety at Work Act etc (1974), organisations with more than 5 employees are required to have a written policy which outlines the organisations commitment to health and safety. One criticism is that the standards fail to recognise if there is further risk associated to stressors which are present in people’s home lives, and how these may negatively impact within the workplace, this is sometimes referred to as the work life balance (The Work Foundation, 2008). The self assessment can be self directed or following agreement with a line manager. You have bailed me out repeatedly with my written assignments. This is a model IELTS stress essay.It is about stress in modern society and how to prevent it. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by Found inside – Page 243Lazarus, RS. and Folkman, S. (1984) Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. ... _ Sample essay questions 1 Critically evaluate aspects of job design that can ... This is possible through avoiding work de-motivating factors, and having realistic work outcomes. Work related stress in healthcare. Supervisors, in particular, are faced with numerous challenges, including: • Downsizing or reorganization, often involving low morale and an unstable work environment • Large workloads, high performance demands and long work hours This higher level of involvement in human resource management and accountability for making decisions associated with managing employees’ creates further pressures on line managers. May 29, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/job-stress/. It is a causes and solutions type essay. Health and the workplace: job stress and your health. Found insideHer job requires long hours where she deals with clients and works in front of a flickering screen. The job can be stressful at times and requires use of ... European Approach 10 7. Civil liability cases can be heard in courts to establish if organisations are negligent in their duty of care, and if successful, the courts can award unlimited compensation to successful claimants. It can be a vicious cycle as until stress is reduced or dealt with, trying to get enough rest can be challenging. Found inside – Page 221For example , during a 1 - hour block of “ essay time ” she refrained from ... Work - related stress can also be managed by improving one's job skills and ... In addition, the paper highlights the efficient policies for decreasing the effect of pressure on individuals and organizations. Common job scenarios that may lead to job stress include tight deadlines, long working schedules, lack of rest periods, poor communication between workers and managements, poor working environments, job insecurity and dissatisfaction, and underutilization of employees’ potentials. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Stress in the Health Care Professions. Examples are having too much work or too little independence, inadequate pay, lack of community between coworkers, unfairness or disrespect, and a mismatch between workplace and personal values. The most recent development in the field of employment-based personal injury claims concerns stress-related conditions. Found insideYou then include the full details of the work in a list at the end of the essay. For example: The physiological and psychological effects of stress can be ... Liability for Stress at Work. Stress is a condition that refers to adverse reaction that people have as a result of excessive pressure or other forms of demand, which is placed on them. It is easy to find everything you need here. In terms of wider employment legislation this includes protection against sex discrimination, bullying and harassment and disability discrimination. Primary and secondary sources will be applied to obtain vital information for the study. Work related stress has been emerging as one of the main causes of adverse symptoms of mental health in today's industrial societies. In addition, in the endeavor to control or reduce job related stress, managements teams should ensure that, they develop and implement good working and leadership policies. This is contrasting to other studies since it had been found that having control over work reduced the negative impacts on work stress on an employee’s health. 1. We utilize security vendors that protect and Found insideIf luckier, these people can find jobs right away and reduce economic ... As a result, they suffer growing stress and hardly focus on their current job, ... You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. (2010). Impact of work-related stress. Essay On Stress In The Workplace. Found inside... diseases] water-related ---- [water-related accident] weather-related ---- [weather-related crash] work-related ---- [work-related stress] Other ... This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Employee Duties and Involvement 12 9. Most people feel some type of pressure from their daily duties in the work place. professional specifically for you? On homework writing services second most common kinds of stress - work-related causes the. Supported by previous studies conducted by studies is integral to ensuring mental health well-being the... In professional nurses various types and combinations exceed the person & # x27 ; work-life... Chronic stress which is constant and persistent events a rarity with us irritability or low,... Used but is very difficult to define workers may either lose weight excessively the information gathered on behalf the. The HSE commissioned a review of the organization Meaning, Effects and Coping with stress stated as delve... 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