I was very healthy when deployed and when I got home but as time passes these problems started to plague me I tried to stay in shape but it has gotten progressively harder.benn denied by VA once ,now trying again haven’t been able to work for years now ,and scared to drive as I get lost sometimes. I dont know if anyone else suffers from a damaged endocrine system, but if anyone would care to collect information on me for a study that might lead to some answers, feel free to reach out to me or ask me to get in touch with you. You see, when your hair grows back, that’s an indication of a level of healing due to improved homeostasis. For those who believe that the stories of being spit on and being called baby killers and other injustices is crap than you are living in a dream world. In any case, we who served our country continue to die on a daily basis in greater and greater numbers. it is a battle and I am trying to file for disability but cant get diagnosis or multi diagnosis from the va so far… it’s just deny deny deny cover up and lie…. Michael D. "Moon" Mullins with his usual flair has found a perfect way to bring life to the stories of America's Warriors. This period of each day is known as siesta. What do this mean for veterans filing for disability for any of the gulf war illness/sickness. All kinds of chronic diseases can be reversed or halted. 1995 (census figures). Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to GWIC@bu.edu if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. With pains whenever doing actities such as PT, yet the VA couldn’t find anything wrong with this then young soldier, I would love to speakout to the public about what we as DSS vets suffered and still suffering from yet VA continues to deny til we die…BRO I SAID ALL THIS TO SAY YOU ARE NOT ALONE THEY ARE DOING THIS TO THE MAJORITY OF US!! If your a pharmaceutical hack just making veterans sicker ending their lives sooner don’t contact me and stop treating symptoms with chemicals that their bodies can’t handle. This is a long, lonely road, but I hope for medical insights soon that can help us all live better as we advance in age. If you are having difficulty receiving adequate care, we recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service (https://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/). “Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veteran’s Feel free to email me or call me at We were told they were all false alarms. Vietnam Veterans are far less likely to be in prison - only one-half of one percent of Vietnam Veterans have been jailed for crimes. Thank you- jc. Has the WRIISC taken DNA sequencing into account when drawing veterans’ blood- and, if noted- in turn, asking about health of children of the veterans? This conference is a form of hope for so many left fighting a system of delay and deny.” The BMJ is an international peer reviewed medical journal, updated daily online and available in print every week. Bill. I thought I was the only one….:(. I have 9 stints a defibrillator ,skin rashes borderline diabetic, and since January I have developed pain in shoulders ,hands ankles , knees my primary care promised help in January now it is May no help yet the only way I can function is ibuprofen which I not supposed to take because of my heart meds so what do you do. That contract may have already been extended further. I was a aircraft sheetmetal repairman. Starting to live with zest at 60 ain’t so bad. Thanks for all your help for the vets. They found that male Gulf War veterans were more likely to report high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, arthritis, and chronic bronchitis than their non-veteran male peers. Millions served in Vietnam. But then again I was only 27 yrs old when I got out! For the first time, one book gives voice to the haunting, painful, tender, and healing tales of those who lost so much in America's least popular war. Too busy with their new found ww2 victory and t.V. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out against that war, and many in the civil rights community turned their backs on him for it.King broke his silence, calling Vietnam “a white man’s war, a Black … Like they say, “The VA, giving veterans a second chance to die for their country since 1930.” It took me 9 years and a hearing in Washington D.C. before I got approved. i was as directly involved in the fighting as anyone else in e-troop. Here’s the rub. Can you provide more information on this? http://501medmen.bizhosting.com 1/8. As Lilley, 41, reflects on President Joe Biden's decision to end America's military mission in Afghanistan on Aug. 31, he expresses love for his country, but disgust at its politicians and dismay at the blood … If you live in the UK has your socialized medicine health care system taken care of all your related health issues and provided you with funds if you can no longer work? i forgot to mention in my above comment,that i was in the first infantry division,(the big red one) ,charlie company,2nd battalion,16th infantry regiment,rangers,in vietnam. In VN I was exposed to Agent Orange Documented and in the Persian Gulf to Sarin Gas from exploded enemy Artillery destroyed by us. We old Vietnam vets greet each other with a knowing and wry "welcome home". Magazine, the Public Information Office, and the HQ CP Forward Observer – If you found a helpful physician, I would be interested in that as well. Check Out these links society. See their chosen photo and… If you need any other resources, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at GWIC@bu.edu or 617-358-1717. I never want to see another hurt person as long as I live. On MSR fox. We recommend you ask your primary care doctor to refer you to the WRIISC (https://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/), which can help to provide diagnoses and healthcare for service-related illnesses and injuries. Ischemic heart problems. I’m currently going through all of this. I remember that night being given the BP tablets and watched as took the first dose. We are sorry to hear about your health problems. http://edschultz.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=63544, MY MINISTRY: http://web.mac.com/rthorne2/Site/TRUTH_REVEALED_MINISTRY.html, De Nomie, William D.  Sgt. But no one spoke of the incident, nor was the media permitted to cover it as WE did not have missiles yet and did not want to alarm the public. And I have had since i was 38 after leaving the military. Call me next week sometime, and I will help you with the stressor stuff. They are treating me like a normal human who has never had any exposures and assigning diagnosis that doesnt fit…. best regards. Trump was in a military academy/ROTC, but when he came up for the draft, he pretended to have ‘bone spurs’ to avoid service (despite being very active in college sports). Gulf War-era veterans now account for the largest share of all U.S. veterans, having surpassed Vietnam-era veterans in 2016, according to the VA’s 2018 population model estimates.VA estimates for 2021 indicate there are 5.9 million American veterans who served during the Vietnam era and 7.8 million who served in the Gulf War era, which spans from August 1990 through the present. I volunteered for research and will be participating in a study for inflammation reduction. We recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service (https://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/). Walking a mile or more a day will stimulate and help the gut to lower the chronic fatigue and the other stuff. But the VA often gets it wrong. 1/3rd of all the U.S. Vets who served in VietNam ?!?!? The burial allowance is a tax-free benefit paid automatically. We are sorry to hear about your health problems. My son served with 1st CAV Div from Ft Hood He also suffers from all the things you mentioned. We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. Here at the end of America's longest military conflict — after 20 years of invading, occupying, fighting in and helping rebuild Afghanistan — nine veterans and the families of soldiers slain while serving reflect on what it has meant to them. Patsy T. Mink, (U.S. House of Rep-Hawaii) get honored with a burial in Punchbowl. Did anyone check with the 101st, 82nd as we both had/have medical BN and our medical was 50% females. Ten new names were engraved in 2020, including the name of a Marine corporal whose 2006 death was determined to be the result of wounds received in action in … Continued Vietnam veteran Hank Lemoine wants to come home.It appears to be a simple request. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to GWIC@bu.edu if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. When I got out I had to learn how to walk, brush my teeth, use utensils to eat with etc… all over again. When I asked if they would put them on my medical records, they said no. I feel for you. I am at 760-550-8083  We can work on both at the same time. Contrary to that information my primary care provider has called gulf war illness a mystery disease not based in science and told me it’s all in my head. No more studies, no more assessments, Veterans- more and more are joining the 22+ a day because of the apathy within the VA system, “Lt. Not likely. We were in the area were our engineers blew up Iraqi ordinance containing sarin. I’ve had countless tests done over the last 20 years and still having tests done. Richard Trumbull who served with the Royal Air Force during Desert Shield/Storm….your interest in being a GW1 research participant is laudable. A committee of Vietnam veterans and one Korean War dog handler was formed, about $200,000 raised and a sculptor chosen. In case you haven’t been paying attention these past few decades after you Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. Hard to explain to VA when it was not in your medical records. I went through Desert Storm with 3rd ACR 3rd FWD support platoon. Walker another 4 year RA , he left Germany volunteered for Vietnam, assigned to Sorry about the delay here in answering. At 50 I got VA non svc connect pension. If you need any other resources, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at GWIC@bu.edu or 617-358-1717. Took pb tabs and other stuff during and after desert storm. And no military doctor then would give me a PT profile for it either. I was young and graduated college. My Primary doctor blames everything that has ever been wrong with me on my weight. Lawsuits might wake them up…. Give me a week. Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 800,000 living Vietnam veterans? The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10, 1982, with 57,939 names. Stop eating anything with pesticides. Check with your local VA claims agent. I was with the 101st AB DV 326 Med BN and took the PB tablets too and to this day have the S/S related of urgency to void that seem impossible to control. When I got back couldn’t pass my PT test because I had trouble breathing, I would get massive headaches and couldn’t pass my runs. The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. Those medical members have had difficulty getting service connection too. Afghanistan Veterans Max Donahue and Don Jones. If you would like to learn more about our study or want information about seeking health care and treatment, please call us at 617-358-1717 or email us at GWIC@bu.edu. My cholesterol continues to climb although I eat healthy. Everything I’ve been reading from all of your problems are my problems to a tee ! Someone has to realize that some of us work till we are overcome physically and mentally. Glamunyon@aol.com. i cam back from nam in july of 70 all my decorations and cbi badge and never heard or spit upon, i think a lot of this is bullshit!!! We had the same thing take the pills and get shots. I spent nearly thirty years as an officer and still teach them. Vietnam vets can get service connection presumptively from dioxin exposure (as a contaminate in Agent Orange) for diabetes, ischemic heart disease, prostate cancer and cancers of the respiratory tract, but Gulf War 1 vets exposed to the same toxic dioxin, (from burning plastics in burn pits), cannot get presumptively service connected for the same illnesses! With the Vietnam veterans' pool fast approaching 80, Delasanti sees a growing number of veterans seeking to process Agent Orange claims. How can I get help? Brian Busch, same here brother 3/319th AFAR 82nd. Thanks for the clarification. He had his first heart attack at 42, followed by triple bypass, several angioplasties and stents, finally suffering a fatal heart attack at age 60. I had a Compensation employee tell me it will be years before the VA will recognize what we suffer from and the see any help. Before I turned 40 I needed thyroid hormone replacement. “They pay for the caregiving I get in the mornings. My American Journey is the powerful story of a life well lived and well told. It is also a view from the mountaintop of the political landscape of America. I now have Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Anemia and numerous skin rashes and medical problems. Yer pal, Ferraeri Bubba. This is a Congress issue more than a VA issue. If this jogs someones memory than please write on this blog so we can perhaps chat sometime. Some may have escaped the digs and harsh words and that is good but make no mistake those things did happen. But for the time being, we will just all hang together here and beat the odds. Two of my long-time friends are in-country veterans. I too am a Marine  Vietnam Veteran; (7th Marines 67-69), with multiple diagnoses. Write your president about not privatizing the VA. Tell our Congress to prioritize Gulf War Illness research and make VA physician education on Gulf War Illness MANDATORY, since it is optional now. I took the PB pills as instructed.. Sept 30 2016 I had my heart attack. Getting ready to possibly deploy to Desert Shield/ Desert Storm… we were given the PB tablets to take “Beforehand” for possible deployment. 5. Same residuals. As of right now the rest of my health is good but I do try to eat right and work out 5 times a week. Thanks After all these past years, I’ve never left country, took me years to live again. Somethings I’ll never do: i was in a compound & seen them spraying – and the next day everywhere they sprayed was brown. Dr. Lee told me at the time my diagnosis was complicated and couldn’t be explained easily. I know my joints hurt all the times and I do forget stuff a lot. Lets all prove the stats wrong. Lynda Van Devanter, an Army surgical nurse in Vietnam whose autobiography focused attention on women's struggles with post traumatic stress syndrome and chemicals including Agent Orange, has died. Had I been a youth I’d have been a giant by now, but as my growth plates are mature, I just sloughed off the excess calcium to deposit in the kidneys to make some spectacular stones over a period of about 2 decades or so. I just saw this article appear on my phone news feed. Then, on March 10, 2010 the Secretary makes a statement detailing a new plan to automate AO filings that will speed up the process. The effects of the Vietnam War, and the way veterans were treated upon their return, have lingered with so many people, Paul said. We need to show the american people the true costs of war because they are NOT COUNTED!!! Did not know his name but I couldn’t bring myself to walk by his A/O after this happened. We’re going to demand an official review to a hearings officer. 82% of veterans who saw heavy combat strongly believe the war was lost because of lack of political will. If any health organization is interested in actually healing sick vets by way of my prescribed method of nutrition contact me. Congrats! What do you think about that? The figure that floats around alot and that Vet Centers sometimes mention is about 111,ooo  from 1973 to 1997. I take ware hearing aids and to this day I’m always vigilant when I’m out always I have been searching a long time for information on people who could help me find and interview pilots of either the Navy or Air Force who took part in Operation Rolling thiunder or Operation LineBacker 1and2. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Found inside – Page 1This is the fourth volume in an operational and chronological series covering the U.S. Marine Corps’ participation in the Vietnam War. The “Dangerous” Veteran: An Inaccurate Media Narrative Takes Hold. This figure far exceeded the expected suicide ratio when balanced by demographics and applied to ONLY those that had served in country. I know I have same issues as rest of you… who knows? In my mind they were throwing out a SWAG. It wasn’t a bad idea at all, as I’ve learned everything on the Kinah making aspect in this game. I am in an almost identical state as you described. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam while on active duty are eligible for disability compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as long as they were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. at the time i wasn’t concerned, though, some of the guys working as fo’s, who were planning on a military career, were trying to get cib’s. Last name: I experience deep joint, muscle and nerve pain which upon return home it began once in a while and now has me crawling across house floors every evening after work because of the tremendous pain. The hour opens with one of those veterans protesting the twisted image of Vietnam vets put forth in movies and TV: "We're ordinary people, have ordinary jobs, pay ordinary taxes, and we … I too am a Life VVA member and Past President. Low testosterone, high blood, headaches, memory loss, can’t sleep without meds, light Sensitive. If we want to give this intelligent and resplendent parrot a future, we need to act now – before it’s too late. We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Biostatistics and Epidemiology Data Analytics Center (BEDAC), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, Global Network of Practicum and Internships, Resources for the Community in a Time of Grief, Boston Gulf War Illness Consortium website, https://nvf.org/veteran-service-officers/, https://www.karger.com/article/fulltext/345123. Lost contact with him years ago, wish him the best. I am currently not on any VA disability. UK doctors must engage with the assisted dying debate now, says The BMJ. In 2000 at the age of 45 I had to have double hip replacement. The VA just continues to deny claims until enough of those vets just die off. Dealt with oil fire smokes, pesticides, burn pits, burning shit, chemical alarms going off all the time. Good luck to all you and good health, or at least better health. Was in first gulf war with to indicate what they want but I do have to believe that these may be close 800k approx left, sort of sobering uh. The Vietnam Veterans' Morbidity Study, completed by nearly 85% of all Vietnam veterans, shattered all Australian records for response to a Government survey. I recommend veterans get this article and share it with their physicians! Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides.It is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. "The Vietnam vets have shown us so much more support than anything they ever received. According to federal law, the United States' military involvement in the where did this nunber come from, the  people I am dealing with look closely at source material and I would really like to use this. Thank you for your interest in our research. Wheat has a ton as does corn… Just eat rice and potatoes for a weeks and see how you feel. Nutrition defines homeostasis…each type of tissue requires an exact type of nutrition, each process within each internal organ requires an exact type of nutrition. “It’s all in your head.”. and counseling even before they get out of the service and checks nearly immediately upon discharge in the event of a disability. kept the flame burning so that others all across the world could share it. The VA has also adopted a Whole Health treatment approach for what ails vets, Tai Chi, yoga and acupuncture. Just finished writing a book about an incident in Vietnam that tells a story about how twisted and asymmetric that war was. Cited by THE NEW YORK TIMES as One of the Notable Books of the Year "Superb." TIME "From the Paperback edition. You can reach me at JasonGunn20@yahoo.com. This is real. Found insideOr both. Veterans of the war remain largely anonymous figures, accomplices in the mistake. Critically recounting the steps that led to the war, this book does not excuse the mistakes, but it brings those who served out of the shadows. while i was with e-troop, i noticed after any contacts or firefights these e-troop guys were receiving cib’s. Hope to have it out this year if I get the bucks together. Regardless, just wanted to sound off. I’ve had so many X-rays and MRI’s and blood test down to the cellular level. Had my good times, as well as bad times, after leaving the US Army,  April 10, 1970 I always look at that date as my second Birthday They are moving thru Veterans Claims extremely fast now so you shouldn’t have to wait more than 14-16 months for a decision. Mike, If true, 390 VN vets die a day so in 2,190 days from today, lucky to be a Vietnam veteran alive….. in only 6 years.. It ruined me. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to GWIC@bu.edu if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. returned from Vietnam , the clock has been ticking. 3 months later I received my diagnosis. They all understand. the word from the rear was we weren’t authorized cib. I have never received a diagnosis of anything. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to GWIC@bu.edu. I pray that you have good luck… and do not give up appealing your case until you get granted some compensation money for you and your family. My opinion is she is afraid she will lose her pension if she helps me. slang Vietnamese for "go quickly" dink derogatory term for an Asian dinky dau to be crazy district team American personnel assigned to act as advisors to Vietnamese military and civilian officials at the district level. I was in 887 Engr Co 326 Engr. As a mental health nurse in the 1970’s who worked the suicide prevention and crisis unit for 4 years, I can tell you there were alot. Very sad my fellow brothers and sisters have to go through this after serving our country. Jim and I flew from Da Nang, to Kadena Okinawa, and then after an attempt to fly out of Kadena in a “Flying Tiger Line” plane one of the 4 engines quit in mid-air, and we made an emergency landing back at Kadena, we stayed overnight and flew out in the same – repaired – airplane on to Travis A.F. Backstreets devoted issue #72 of the magazine to a Vets Show retrospective in 2001, anchored by a Q&A with Bob Muller, whose leadership shaped a movement of service and healing for his fellow Vietnam Veterans. Was nearly arrested for trying to defend my honor and service against that idiot 27individual devices sounded the.!, etc. ) kinds why are vietnam vets dying so fast chronic toxicity, carcinogicity, utergicity, tritogicity ; they 're legion... H. some of the political landscape of America with gastro and she did day... Must engage with the first author is dr. Roberta White from the Corps! In Lincoln Park in 1969 defoliant used in Vietnam a friend of mine in the early 1980s Strategic! I applied i got VA non svc connect pension, still living but living Texas! 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