Commissioned by GIA with funding by William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, and Barr Foundation, the report and its interactive website share an overview of the Solidarity Economy, culture-workersâ role in it, and what grantmakers may do to support it through recommendations and an action checklist. twice the COVID-19 death rate of White people in the US. Community ownership and democratic governance that builds political, As the website landing page of the report states: "No one knows what arts and culture will look like after the pandemic… 63 percent of creatives have become fully unemployed [through the pandemic and] one-third . It added: 'Today there . Resora / New Communities, NDN Collective, Center for Heirs' Property Preservation, Ohketeau Center. What do these things have in common? Black Lives Matter The Partner-Up fund has opened for applications for funding from collaborative arts-for-social-change initiatives. We bring together heroes, communities and NGOs to work with solidarity to overcome difficult times. The Solidarity Economy is a term used internationally to describe sustainable and equitable community-control of work, food, housing, and culture using a variety of organizational forms. City employees and residents paid in local currency: Yamato, Japan; Calgary, Canada, Maricá, Brazil. The Resilient Sector makes available in an updated form the concise overview of the state of health of America's nonprofit organizations that Johns Hopkins scholar Lester Salamon recently completed as part of the "state of nonprofit America ... Key questions include: How can we ensure that communities of artists, culture-bearers, and people who have been most harmed by our current systems have community ownership? economic power. There are many facts about Bruce Lee that are well-known: that he was the first Asian-American actor to ever have a lead role in a Hollywood film; that he was nicknamed 'Little Dragon' (he was born on the Chinese Year of the Dragon, on the Day of the Dragon, and on the Hour of the Dragon, after all); or that his super speedy kicks were too fast for the cameras to follow during filming. Black, Indigenous, People of Color, disabled, queer, trans, and working As the authors of "Solidarity Not Charity: Arts and Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy" explain in their report, "solidarity economy" is a relatively contemporary term used to . To contact the authors or for interview requests with interviewees, you can email Caroline Woolard at Public Calendar. Asian Women Giving Circle, Buen Vivir Fund, Lunar Project, Massachusetts Solidarity Economy Initiative from the Center for Economic Democracy, Headwaters Foundation. The cultural sector is actively seeking alternatives to business-as-usual to create economic and racial . We Found insideCovering an empirical sample of 24 eco-social organizations, projects, and groupings in the city of Stuttgart (Germany), the book drills down into the social, spatial, and strategic dimensions of transformation. âThis work is not new. The cultural sector is actively seeking alternatives to business-as-usual to create economic and racial justice in the sector and beyond. (link is external) In this unique collection, distinguished arts researchers demonstrate how an emerging policy community can prepare the arts sector to wisely meet diverse challenges in the new millennium. | Solidarity Not Charity: A Rapid Report 4 Grantmakers in the Arts is the only national association of both public and private arts and culture funders in the United States, in- market-priced housing who will have 4 hours a week for Center culture in community benefit agreements. Nati Linares and Caroline Woolard, Solidarity Not Charity: Arts & Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy: A Rapid Report, Boston, MA: Nonprofit Quarterly, May 2021 [summary slide deck produced for NPQ]. Buildings are moved from the speculative market to a co-op that serves people rather than profit. Center for Cultural Innovation, Barr Foundation. The cultural . Email: nati conrazon, caroline woolard democratically managed investment fund in the country Fund communications strategy and media at Solidarity Economy institutions and networks. People exchange an hour for an hour, meeting one another's needs without money. The cultural sector is actively seeking alternatives to business-as-usual to create economic and racial justice in the sector and beyond. NARROW your results by selecting more terms. For Areas of Interest, click the category, and then click a subcategory to get results. The fund has been created by Collaborative Change and Take Note, two social-change initiatives incubated by ftwork , a charity that galvanises new ways of working to bring . Found inside – Page 1Named for the only insect that is able to move in any direction when its four wings are working in concert, this book Reveals the four "wings" of the Dragonfly Effect-and how they work together to produce colossal results Features original ... Weavers Project, Boston Ujima Project, Springboard for the Arts, Alternate Roots. Los Angeles has covered the people, food, culture, arts and entertainment, fashion, lifestyle, and news that define Southern California since 1961. Contact GIASign Up for GIA News & UpdatesBecome A GIA Member, 522 Courtlandt Avenue, 1st Floor, Bronx, NY 10451-5008 | (929) 452-3740 | Southern Solidarity is a grassroots, community-based group of volunteers in solidarity with the unhoused in their quest toward liberation. Well known examples include the National Trust and the RSPB but there are thousands of small organisations that rely on a dedicated group of volunteers to deliver their work. Revise investment policies and mission/vision/bylaws to include support for the Solidarity Economy. The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (EBPREC) centers their work in the Black Arts Community, making space affordable for generations to come. Highlander Center, Sol Collective, New Economy Coalition. Step 2 - Select one or more of the other terms. He should have given to charity for the sake of giving. We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, wherever they may be. We use the term BIPOC to highlight the unique relationship to whiteness that Indigenous and Black (African Americans . Please share this report in your communities and networks, using the hashtag #GIArts. Community ownership and democratic governance builds political, cultural, and And yet, foundation giving in 2020 documented that only 5 percent of We embody the revolutionary spirit of the 1680 . Grantmakers in the Arts, 522 Courtlandt Avenue, 1st Floor, Bronx, NY 10451. Found inside – Page 220Also , it is common sense that most businesses will not fund any ... on and fewer smart grant makers at the companies to advocate for the good charities . Histories of cooperation and economies rooted in cultural traditions must be retaught and relearned. Our goal is to use art to embody and inspire solidarity-making in our . “cultural workers are economy builders.”. EngAGE connects. In Washington, the Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective is organizing free food programs for kids hit by school closures. Fund permanent research centers for Solidarity Economy and culture. Add GLOBAL Grantmakers to your search to list funders who provide support worldwide. In Letting Go, Ben Wrobel and Meg Massey tell the story of the funders who have chosen to cede decision-making power to people with lived experience of the problem at hand. Convene Solidarity Economy lawyers and financial innovators and center culture-bearers, artists, and culturally-grounded organizations. Our present actions will be decisive in achieving a more equitable and sustainable world. This book provides an opportunity to recall the achievements realized so far and inspire our future efforts. by transforming affordable senior and multigenerational apartment communities into vibrant centers of learning, wellness, and creativity. No one is doing this yet. Behold I do not give lectures or a little charity, When I give I give myself. Economy groups, East Bay Permanent Real Estate Investment Cooperative, Institute for Local Self Reliance’s MuniNetworks, Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive (CoFED), Leeway Foundation’s transition from family-control to community-control, The Contribution of SSE and Social Finance to the Future of Work, SELC Webinar on Worker Self-Directed Nonprofits, The Case for an Emergency Charity Stimulus, Guiding a Giving Response to Anti-Black Injustice, Leveraging Investments in Support of Social Justice, Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice, On Common Ground: International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust, Building for Us: Stories of Homesteading and Cooperative Housing, The UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy, International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy, Center for Cultural Innovation’s AmbitioUS program. White-led and White-culture organizations can serve everyone and deserve to receive the majority of programmatic, financial, and informational resources, Culturally-grounded and community-based organizations serve their people and receive an equitable distribution of programmatic, financial, and informational resources, Collective, cooperative, worker-managed nonprofit, guild, mutual association, LLC, 501c4, unincorporated, Culture-bearers, collectives, rotating co-leaders, culturally-grounded orgs, Charity, “we know what is best for you,” proud convener of artists, Solidarity, reparations, “we follow your lead,” humble attendee of artist-led gatherings, Written word, delegation, strategic planning, research, measurement, analysis, Storytelling, power analysis, conflict transformation, facilitation, organizing, Grants, peer lending, mutual aid, community currency, non-extractive finance, Daily practices, member gatherings, trusting relationships, long term infrastructure, Grassroots advisory board, participatory assembly, ripple granting, Emphasis on regional, rural, and virtual support, Assembly, encuentro, ritual, deep dive, unconference, Granted by the owner (or not). Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world. For example, when grantmakers support community-controlled, permanently affordable infrastructure and space they create long-term efficiencies in their giving practices as grantees who benefit are no longer spending large portions of their organizational overhead on rent. Last week, we launched the report, " Solidarity Not Charity: Arts & Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy " which was commissioned by Grantmakers in the Arts and written by yours truly and Caroline Woolard. Grantmakers can shift their position from experts and curators to supporters and co-learners who are following the lead of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, disabled, queer, trans, and working class creative people who are building economic democracy in their communities now. Director, 32° East Ugandan Arts Trust, Uganda, Program Officer, Black-Led Movement Fund and the Communities Transforming Policing Fund, Borealis Philanthropy, Organizing Manager, Free Press and Media Reparations 2070, Director, Reinventing the Commons Program, Schumacher Center for a New Economics, Associate Professor of Political Science, Haverford College, Executive Director of Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, Doctoral Candidate, Ethnic Studies, University of California - San Diego, Director, Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, Netherlands, Director, National Accelerator for Cultural Innovation, Arizona State University, Historian and Organizer, Union for Musicians and Allied Workers, Chief of Strategy and Revenue, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Program Manager, National Accelerator for Cultural Innovation, Arizona State University, Storyteller, Researcher, and Co-Founder, Art.Exit, Executive Director, Cooperative Development Institute, Director, Racial and Economic Justice, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, Founder, Repaired Nations and Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Sustainable Economies Law Center, Co-Director, Wellspring Cooperative Corporation and Coordinator, US Solidarity Economy Network, Executive Director, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, Program Officer and Director of Artist Fellowships, McKnight Foundation, Program Officer, AmbitioUS, Center for Cultural Innovation, Investment and Fundraising Director, East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative, Creativity and Free Expression Team, Ford Foundation, Program Coordinator, National Accelerator for Cultural Innovation, Arizona State University, Philanthropic Advisor and Organizational Consultant, Professor, Community Justice and Social Economic Development, Department of Africana Studies, CUNY, Director, Performing Arts Program, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Director, Sustainable Economies Law Center, Senior Program Associate, Office of the President, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Vice President of Programs, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Communications Director, Boston Ujima Project, Vision Keeper / Executive Director, Alternate Roots, Associate Director, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Chair and Associate Professor of Economics, Drew University, Director, East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative, Assistant Professor, Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder, Sherman Cultural Strategies, Consultant for ArtPlace America, Executive Director, Guild of Future Architects, Previous Senior Program Officer, ArtPlace America, Co-Founder and Director, Center for Economic Democracy, Lead Artist and Director, Mississippi Center for Cultural Production, President and CEO, Grantmakers in the Arts, Program Director, Thriving Cultures, Surdna Foundation, Co-Artistic Director, Double Edge Theatre, Director, Schumacher Center for a New Economics, Creative Strategist and Cooperative Organizer, Director of Arts & Creativity, Barr Foundation, Executive Director, Springboard for the Arts, oldest non-extractive Venture Capital firm in the US, A co-op giving 35,000 freelancers the benefit of full-time San Francisco Foundation, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, St. Paul Foundation, Springboard for the Arts. There is great evidence that the Solidarity Economy provides resilience amid crisis and has lasting impact, when supported as a holistic ecosystem. Do diversity, equity, and inclusion training that is led by artists and culture-bearers. This work is part of an emergent movement in the United States that is known globally as the Solidarity Economy. Culture bearers lead the of shared livelihoods rooted in cultural traditions. remaking of culture This repairs inequity in the sector and allows those who have been most harmed by our current systems to achieve cultural, economic, and political power. Explore the report and interactive website here. Community Supported Agriculture: All CSAs! The Solidarity Economy is not a buzzword and must be cultivated with long-term accountability to the communities that have been most harmed by our current systems of neoliberal governance, extraction, and narratives of racial difference. Key questions include: Who makes the decisions? Solidarity will ask of us what charity never can. Community Gardens: All community gardens! Americans for the Arts. People helping each other meet their needs, often with a shared political commitment. This is a website for arts and culture grantmakers to learn about the Solidarity Economy. 4) Advocate for Policies that Support Solidarity Economy Infrastructure. BROADEN your results by deselecting any term. Just like art, housing and dignified work are human rights. Make bold investments in the Solidarity Economy. Engage in somatic and embodied leadership training that addresses social position, rank, trauma, and race. Solidarity is a pathway to spiritual development Be early investors and technical assistance providers for community-owned businesses. Foundations (partner with a nonprofit to) provide fiscal sponsorship for investment cooperatives and mutual aid groups. Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) is a national association of private and public arts funders, including large independent foundations, family foundations, community foundations, national, state and local arts agencies, and nonprofit organizations that make grants to artists and arts organizations. Support the development of relationships and collaborations between strong regional networks with a focus on culture and the Solidarity Economy. Download the Statement on Cultural Equity. Found inside – Page 76This data has not been lost on women's funds in terms of how we promote the ... Volunteers as Valued Resources Jewelle Gomez , writer , arts grantmaker ... All around the country, the people who have been most harmed by our Solidarity Not Charity - Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy. This report is made possible by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, and the Barr Foundation. Having a more secure and hospitable home has meant that we are now also beginning to flourish as a community group, with about a third of our volunteers being from the refugee and asylum seeker communities. Use your assets to secure loans for BIPOC arts and culture groups. Work to reach outside of your network because evidence suggests people tend to build networks within their race or ethnicity. Engage artists and staff in transformative justice and conflict transformation work. worker co-ops, The COVID-19 death rate of Black and Indigenous people is more than Set internal and external benchmarks and practices for repair. The Center for Cultural Innovation, Barr Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Invest4All, Detroit Entrepreneurs of Color, Libra Foundation, EBCF, San Francisco Foundation. was co-founded by a cartoonist. It provides resilience against crisis and has lasting impact when Grantmakers can play a role in the transformation of the sector by following the lead of BIPOC creatives who are innovating models for self-determination and community wealth. Found insideDecolonizing Wealth is a provocative analysis of the dysfunctional colonial dynamics at play in philanthropy and finance. Video from the GIA 2020 Virtual Convening are now available for streaming. Support artists, culture-bearers, and cooperative and solidarity entrepreneurship programs in public education and in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Movement leaders and community members make decisions as non-board members or board members. The organization hosts arts and cultural programming. have in common? Dynamic collaborations between grantmakers, government agencies, and federations of cooperatives have produced thriving Solidarity Economy ecosystems around the world with tailored tools of support, training programs, financial vehicles, and policy platforms. Be early investors in cooperative financial institutions. A range of institutions and funds — including non-profit banks, credit unions, loan funds, and venture capital funds — that exist to grow community wealth for low-income communities. We are a tax-exempt 501c3 organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. Claudio Hummes. Support the organizations that are already doing Solidarity Economy and co-op Policy Advocacy advocacy. Read the book “Collective Worker-Owned News Media: Media Reparations, Associated Press, Devil Strip, Community Radio: KOJH 104.7 FM (Mutual Musicians Foundation), Platform Cooperatives: CRUX, Guilded, Ampled, and internationally Stocksy in Canada, Smart in Belgium, Arctic Co-ops in Canada, and Doc Servizi in Italy, Solutions Journalism: Solutions Journalism Network. class creatives who are innovating models for self-determination and See the list of people interviewed for this report and consider hiring them for individual consultations. Prudential Financial, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. Organizations and institutions that serve Humboldt Park's Puerto Rican community are uniting to help neighbors in need during the coronavirus crisis. Many charities and non-profit organisations rely heavily on their membership. Consider DAWI’s Seed Fellowship as a model, shifting the focus to arts and culture. Grantmakers can […] Find your local credit union, worker co-op, or time bank, and join it. Found inside – Page 55Arts Funding and Policy 1 55 the work that has gone into the vol- this area ... provided by the volnition of " voluntary sector ” or “ non- untary sector is ... A community makes decisions together about a pool of money because they will be most impacted by where it goes. East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative. Focus on: individual property and assets, Co-decided by co-producing users. Home Philanthropy 'Solidarity Not Charity': . Llame al 1-800-232-0233. winners take all and the rest are left with crumbs. HereâWhether or not we choose to see Children, both in the arts support for arts... Your communities and NGOs to work with Multiyear grants, loans, and Equity investments Solidarity! Frequently updated news and resources for artists and culture-bearers, the people who knowledge... 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