The Read Aloud program presents programs to 103 preschool and elementary classrooms in underserved areas of San Diego. Grants of up to $650 to Arizona K-12 teachers and school personnel to participate in career development opportunities. GetEdFunding hosts thousands of education grants, including funding opportunities for public and private preK-12 schools and districts; awards for outstanding professionals; grants for teachers, media specialists, and administrators; higher education institutions; and nonprofit organizations offering educational programs. The Literacy Foundation Youth Literacy Grants provide funding to schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations to help students who are below grade level or experiencing difficulty reading. Each section of the book builds on the other...framework, strategies, and applications of the Vygotskian approach. The work of Vygotsky is compared in a fair and balanced way with the work of Piaget. Fifteen girls will meet after school each week to discuss books that they’re reading. By trusting teachers to design unique fellowships, Fund for Teachers grants validate teachers' professionalism and leadership, as well. GED or high school equivalency preparation. One book per week for seven weeks. Grants can be used for instrument purchase, program development, and concert experiences. Believe in Reading funded the purchase of the books for the teams. That fun flock is raring for a rugged hiking adventure. Rapid rhythm, rhyme, and colorful illustrations make this a perfect introduction to poetry. This book offers educators tools to break the cycle of failure for students who are unsuccessful in school, including alternative instructional strategies, practices for vulnerable children, and more. As required by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (the sequester law), any TEACH Grant where the first disbursement is on or after October 1, 2021 and before . $3,000 - The purpose of this grant is to support professional development to improve the competence in the teaching of mathematics of one or more classroom teachers. At this time, the maximum grant amount is $10,000. Funded books, incentives, decorations, and speaker fee for their year-long program. Affiliate Grant Information. Grants for higher education, career advancement, professional development, Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), and vocational training programs in Rhode Island . Grants to USA nonprofit organizations for research projects on topics related to children's welfare and parenting. For group grants, funds can be used for educator stipends, substitute fees, materials, travel, meals, etc. A view of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities shows refugee children waiting in large storage-like facilities with no activities to occupy their minds through learning and play while they are being processed. Reading Street - Elementary Reading Comprehension Program Scott Foresman Reading Street © 2008 is an all-new reading instruction program for Grades PreK-6. We award funding to organizations that provide direct services to adults in need of literacy assistance in one of the following areas: Adult Basic Education. Amount: $2,000 to $5,000 Description: The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education awards grants that support the professional development of public school teachers and faculty in public institutions of higher education. Grant Eligibility State Grant information for Kentucky School districts. For the Research Training in the Education Sciences grant program, eligible applicants vary by program topic. Empowering Learners advances school library programs to meet the needs of the changing school library environment and is guided by the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action. This school has developed an early literacy program tailored to their students. Read by 4th is a citywide project coordinated by the library and involving more than 80 organizations. Application Timeline. Written by a seasoned librarian and an education leader, this book guides librarians in becoming leaders in their school communities, with strategies on developing partnerships, empowering students and more. Most high school teachers earn a degree in Secondary Education, Education, or even go on to earn a Master's Degree in Education. Free Application for Federal Student Aid . Donnelly Elementary, Funded the purchase of books that physicians give away to children, Funded the purchase of books for their Outreach Reading giveaway program, Funded the purchase of at least two age-appropriate books to give to each child read to by their senior volunteers, Funded the purchase of books for their after school and summer programs for at-risk readers, Funded the purchase of Pre-K Spanish, STEM, and multicultural books, Funded the purchase of books to be placed in area agencies to serve their clients, Funded the purchase of curriculum materials, books, and printed materials for their Literacy Initiative program, Funded give away books for the Book Baby Shower for newborn to kindergarten children, Funded the purchase of the Really Great Reading Countdown program to teach kindergarten students the foundational skills of phonics at East Marshall Elementary, Funded the purchase of 60 copies of four different books to be used in the PATHS program at Valley Elementary. We routinely highlight individual and group commitment to nature through education and service. — Find and apply for federal grants, Dollar General Literacy Foundation grants, ProLiteracy and Lancôme worked together to develop the. Worth metroplex, Funds to purchase books for children in Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Funds for program materials for their Online Classroom,  which is designed to support students that are a part of their High School Equivalency Prep and Basic Adult Literacy programs who are also attending classes or tutoring sessions, Funds to purchase giveaway books for children in their clinics, Funds to give each child a new, developmentally-appropriate book to keep during well child visits, Funds for take-home book bags for 1,000 Oakland school children, Funds to provide low-income new and expectant parents with new baby books and literacy tips, as well as a baby care item and small gift, Funds to purchase Texas Bluebonnet Award books for 27 elementary school libraries, Funded the purchase of books for their Cover to Cover Book Club, Funded the purchase of giveaway books for children distributed through well child clinics, Historic Fair Hill opens school libraries, donates books for at-home libraries, sends volunteer reading tutors to K-2 classrooms, hires bilingual parents as classroom aides, supports summer literacy programs, and supports parent engagement in school, Funds to purchase giveaway books for abused children, Funds to support their virtual Book Buddies program, where tutors and students connect via Zoom or FaceTime, Funds to help a Boys & Girls club open a library, Funded the purchase of Spanish language books for the Gilliland Elementary School library, Funded the purchase of giveaway books for their pediatric clinics, The Peaches and Sourcream Children’s Foundation provides reading intervention instruction to students in grades K-4th, Funded the purchase of books for the One Book, One School program at EBH Elementary, Funded the purchase of books to give away to Druid Hills Academy students, Funded the purchase of graphic novels for their Power Read program, where volunteer reading mentors are matched one-to-one with a student for about an hour each week, Funded the purchase of books to be traded for “Book Bucks” which are rewarded by teachers at area Title 1 schools, Helped fund the purchase of 5 age-appropriate books to be given out through WIC, twice a year, to nearly 10,000 children, Funded the purchase of books for a boys’ summer reading group at North Adams High School, Funds to purchase bilingual giveaway books for the Read Aloud program which services 103 preschool and elementary classrooms in underserved areas of San Diego, Funds supporting a literacy program in low income (Title I) schools through their Horse Tales Literacy Project, Funds to purchase books for their book club of 250 adult students, Funded the purchase of books and small prizes for giveaways, Funds to purchase Chrome Books for online tutoring, Funds to purchase giveaway books for children in their family literacy book group, Funding to help provide every third grader attending a Lilburn public elementary school with an age appropriate dictionary, Their Reading Rocks program is designed to help low income students continue reading over the summer when reading levels are known to drop, Funded the purchase of books to give away, Funded the purchase of books and science resource kits for children ages 0-12 to be delivered by their Early Learning Center, Funded the replacement of outdated and shabby children’s books, Funds for the Children’s Storytelling Festival and Summer Reading Program kickoff, Funds to support the Toddler Storytime Program at their pediatric inpatient facility for kids with special healthcare needs, Funds to purchase textbooks to be used with students, Funds for their personalized, recorded reading program that allows children of incarcerated parents to see and hear their mothers and fathers reading a book to them on DVD, Funding to provide Bakerfield Elementary School’s classroom libraries with a variety of high interest pleasure reading books at students’ varying levels, Funding for phonics books and materials aimed at their lowest level literacy adult students, Funded the purchase of graphic novels for teens at the Oskaloosa Public Library, Funded the purchase of books for their Freedom School summer program, Helped fund the creation of a reading library and buy books for a book club for high school readers, Funded the provision of one new book per month to children of first-time mothers who qualify for WIC, Funded the purchase of books, including some multilingual, to give to students at Clifford O. Taylor/Kirklane Elementary School, Funded the purchase of high interest/low reading level books, Funded the purchase of books to give away to 3rd graders before school breaks, Funded the purchase of textbooks for class and books for their library, Funds to establish an in-house lending library for children, plus books to take home and keep, Funded the purchase of books for classrooms and the library, Funded the purchase of books for the Ferndale Early Education Center’s Bedtime in a Bag project for low income families, Funded the creation of 50 literacy backpacks that can be checked out to students at Stephens Elementary, Funded the purchase of giveaway books, and books for volunteers to use as they run hour-long programs at 12-16 area preschools, Funded the purchase of the Heggerty Primary Phonemic Awareness Curriculum for each first and second grade teacher, Funds for classroom and curriculum materials for the Ticket to Read adult basic education program, Funded the purchase of books for their classrooms and library, Helped fund the purchase of about 300,000 books to give away, Funded the purchase books for a middle school book club at Frakes School Center, Funds to replenish Upson Lee Elementary’s dated library books in preparation for their Drop Everything and Read program, Funded the purchase of the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Kit, Helped fund book purchases for Hampton City Schools’ Hampton Reads One Book project, Funds to purchase books for their Books-N-Bites book club at Stewarts Creek Middle School, Funded the purchase of library books considered to be High Interest/Low Level, Funded the purchase of books for the Yes Academy’s school library, For giveaway books in English and Spanish for their Babies First Books project, Funded the purchase of high interest books for English as a second language students in 9th and 10th grade at Dundee-Crown High School, Funded the purchase of books in Spanish and indigenous languages for a library for immigrants, Funded the purchase of books for their Building Blocks for Families reading program, Funded the purchase of parent toolkits for their READY! ILA members apply for this grant to support reading research by promising scholars. ILA is a global advocacy and membership organization of more than 300,000 literacy educators, researchers, and experts across 86 countries. ; Compare schools with the GI Bill Comparison Tool. Purchased books to give away to children in their Summer Reading Program. September 6, 2018. GrantWatch lists hundreds of grants for public, private, parochial and faith-based and charter schools for elementary education including STEM, flexible classrooms, career education, anti-bullying, special needs, parenting education and counseling services. There are millions of dollars in state, federal, and corporate grants available each year, yet finding these grants can be a difficult task. Search for K-12 grants by category, state, or grade. Purchase books in support of the Little Read Wagon program, which travels around the city and helps  improve kindergarten readiness through educational parent and informal caregiver workshops. Education plays a critical role in achieving NOAA's mission and vision. During the 2021 Legislative Session, additional funding allocations were approved for the 2021-23 biennium. Reached over 6,000 at risk children with volunteers who read to them, and donated the books read to the schools. Grants of $500 to Florida and Georgia teachers in eligible counties for programs that will enhance classroom learning. College or university teachers of reading methods or reading-related courses who are ILA members apply for this award or are nominated by peers. Funded outreach to day care centers and schools providing literacy learning software for 4th to 8th graders and accompanying superhero-themed programming, Funded three more series in their 90-minute, 8-week session training program for parents, Funded support for students in the school’s literacy program. In the tradition of classics like Maud Hart Lovelace’s Betsy-Tacy books and Eleanor Estes’ One Hundred Dresses, this novel subtly explores what it takes to make friends and what it means to be one. Grants are awarded for up to $1,500 total per year. Funds paid for reading support materials. Grants for public, private, parochial, faith-based schools, and charter schools for preschool, elementary education and secondary education, including STEM learning, career education, anti-bullying programs, and special education. Literacy Grants Thanks to thousands of libraries who participate in the Better World Books Discards and Donations program, we are able to offer library grants for the . State Literacy Plan. Grants and Scholarships Competitive grant opportunities are available annually to libraries located within 20 miles of a Dollar General store. Please look for a confirmation email from us. This comprehensive text demonstrates how to link assessment and instruction practices for every component of literacy learning and helps teachers become informed decision makers about purposeful literacy instruction. Serving children in grades K-4, this is a citywide program supported by over 90 partner institutions. Collects interviews, essays, and speeches from celebrities in the fields of literature, politics, sports, and entertainment that showcase how important the reading experience is to success and happiness. State. Provided free books to preschoolers of low income families, Funded books, supplies, and training for grandparents who tutor 1st and 2nd graders in reading. Funded the purchase of textbooks and giveaway books for adult literacy programs, Funded the use of Accelerated Reader at Sawtooth Elementary School, Contributed to the book fund to purchase titles for their Read to your Horse program, Covered the cost of books and t-shirts given to Reading Stars readers 3 times per year, Funded the purchase of books for their literacy program at their Community Reading Nights, Funded books for classroom libraries and book giveaways as part of their Readers are Leaders program, Funded giveaway books to children in their Read and Rise summer literacy program, Funded book giveaways for their literacy iniatives: 1-2-3 READ, Engage with Me, and Kindergarten Boost Club. The girls come from day laborer, migrant worker, or small business families, and most contribute to family income by caring for younger siblings, and maintaining the household. We make it easier for teachers to search for grants by subject area, grade level, or grant name. GrantWatch ID#: 139599. Application Period: April 26-June 15, 2021. TEACH Grant Information. Search programs expected to accept applications in the future. We funded the purchase of books for the Family Reading Circles and Books for Me programs for disadvantaged children in Baltimore, MD. Application submission for a grant is completed electronically using one of the following two methods: eGrants Application: An eGrants application is an online grant application that is published through TEA's electronic grants system, eGrants. The Physical Education Expansion K-8 (PEEK-8) grant was established by the 2007 Oregon Legislature (ORS 329.501). Please see the link to. Grant funds cannot be used to pay indirect costs, grant administration fees, salaries, or lobbying or religious purposes. Click here to download the 2021 Adult Literacy grant recipients. Here are some highlights: You must have been employed as a full-time teacher at an eligible school for five complete and consecutive academic years, and at least one of those years must have been after the 1997-98 academic year. Education Stabilization Fund-Rethink K-12 Education Models Grants Education Stabilization Fund-Reimagining Workforce Preparation Grants Each program page includes additional information including the notice inviting applications, State allocations, and FAQs, as applicable. Margaretta Elementary School’s Kids Read Now program gives free books to children K-5 for summer reading, and follows up with books by mail throughout the summer to keep kids reading. The Education Grants focus on technology and ideally will serve underprivileged children by giving them the support and resources they need in order to fulfill their potential. YouTube. Funding ranges from $1,500 to $24,000 and is available to help math teachers, prospective teachers, and other math educators improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Dollar General Literacy Foundation grants award funding to nonprofit organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of literacy assistance. Grant funds cannot be used to pay indirect costs, grant administration fees, salaries, or lobbying or religious purposes. Contact ILA Customer Service. School Districts will find the CDIP MUNIS Funding Matrix, State Allocations, Award Notifications on this site. The TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete course work needed to begin a career in teaching. The federal government offer grants to graduate students that are based on financial need, including the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant, Fulbright Grants, and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants. Because addressing literacy is not a short-term process, Believe in Reading's grants are renewable for up to three years, but a first year award does not guarantee any subsequent awards. Amounts granted differs depending on the offering. This volume brings together respected scholars to examine the intersections of race, justice, and activism in direct relation to the teaching and learning of critical literacy. Deadline: Rolling. is a FREE resource for K-12 teachers. Utah State Board of Education will go live with a limited number of programs in May 2018. This grant supports their literacy efforts. Please note: The information contained on this page is frequently updated. Awards range from $1000 to $8000 depending on the student's member status, course work and level of achievement. Sign up for the ProLiteracy newsletter and receive adult literacy news and events. This book infuses research-based best practices of formative assessment through the lens of Common Core, with assessment support in these areas: read-alouds, guiding language into reading, language and literacy centers, and independent ... "Explores collaborations between libraries and nonprofits to provide services and programming to communities. For 2020, the amount of your lifetime learning credit is gradually reduced (phased out) if your MAGI is between $59,000 and $69,000 ($118,000 and $138,000 if you file a joint return). Rothsay School, a pre-K to 12th grade school presented Muffins with Moms, Donuts with Dads, and Book Bingo, with free books giveaways to kids. 4th through 8th graders from 26 schools compete live by answering questions about books they have read during the school year. Funds from Believe in Reading allowed them to purchase 3,000 books to be included in the backpacks given to each child to keep. Found insideA very special mouse escapes from a lab to find his missing family in this charming story of survival, determination, and the power of friendship. To get a Pell grant, or other federal aid for college, you must complete the. Eligible count. The program serves children from birth to age 2 by piggybacking on home visits provided by other agencies in the city. Currently, STEM-focused proposals are given preference. We rarely fund new applicants for more than $3,000. We support the efforts of nonprofit organizations that teach, improve, or encourage reading by people of all ages from around the world. INDIANA - The Indiana Commission for Higher Education has awarded over $9.6 million to 16 . Funded the purchase of materials for their Phonics for Reading program at Annabel C. Perry Elementary, Funds for books, games, and supplies to be used in their out of school literacy program, Funded 100 children for 1 year, each to receive 1 book per month until their 5th birthday, Funded the purchase of the Essential Education Learning Program and books from Adult New Readers Press for their literacy program, Funds to provide 600 braille books to students in the National Federation for the Blind’s Summer Academy, Funded their project to mail books to children in 1st through 5th grade, Funded Snow Hill Middle School’s 3 Literacy Nights, books and book bags for children to take home, and books and supplies for after school tutoring, Funded the purchase of books, reading materials, and project materials related to reading, Provided funds toward purchasing the texts and curriculum for first graders in the Journeys K-5 Language Arts Program, Provided funds toward the purchase of a Reading Plus software license for one year, Funded the purchase of giveaway books for children in the Parent University program, Funded the purchase of books to give to children, alongside author fees and costume rentals for literary characters at Bloomington Bookfest, Provided funds to purchase books, book bags, and a cart for the Books to Go program at Franklin Elementary School, Funded the purchase of bookshelves to house free books provided by the organization for 54 refugee families in central Kentucky, Provided funding for tutors, tutor training, and books and supplies for the center, Funded the purchase of comic books for giveaways in six schools, Funded the purchase of supplies, books, and software for the Reading for the Great Escape Program in seven juvenile justice centers, Funded the purchase of giveaway books for the 2019 Reading Rally for Pre-K to 3rd grade students, Funded the purchase of giveaway books for school children in a daily lottery associated with the school announcements at Northeast Elementary. Utah Grants will be the comprehensive solution for grant life-cycle management, including grant applications, budgeting, awards, revisions, reimbursement requests, progress reports and monitoring. Search programs currently accepting applications for funding. The Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants Provides funding to schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations; helps with the implementation or expansion of literacy programs for students, who are below grade . Notifications: August 16, 2021. Funding supports activities designed to recruit and retain a high-quality teaching staff for America's schools, to strengthen the quality of elementary and secondary education, including through after-school programs, to test and disseminate information on new approaches for improving educational results, to improve literacy skills for children . Found insideIn [this book], librarian Annie Spence has crafted love letters and breakup notes to the iconic and eclectic books she has encountered over the years. Purchased books for over 1500 students who studied them during the school year and battled over their knowledge at the end of the school year. The office provides assistance to Local Education Agencies (LEAs), other agencies and Department program offices through the establishment and maintenance of systems to plan for, acquire, award and manage grant funds in a fair and equitable manner to support initiatives that promote academic excellence, teacher and leader effectiveness, school innovation and choice, and accountability. "School districts selected for the first round of L4GA funding made great . ILA does not offer financial aid for students. When we speak of partners, we speak of you, our Education Champions, our Ambassadors. A weather station to enhance the eighth grade science curriculum, a commercial grade laser/cutter/engraver to enrich teaching and learning in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) classes . September 22, 2021. Over the past decade, tremendous gains have been made in U.S. education, but more must be done. Believe in Reading supports purchase of books to give to the children. Seven of the 42 branch libraries were significantly damaged. Contact [email protected] for information on past awards and grants. Found insideEdited by award-winning and bestselling author Cynthia Leitich Smith, this collection of intersecting stories by both new and veteran Native writers bursts with hope, joy, resilience, the strength of community, and Native pride. The Newbery Medal-winning poetry collection benefit communities where the funding source has a presence if! Dollar General literacy Foundation grants, Dollar General literacy Foundation grants, and. 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