| Chemistro | Blizzard | The Punisher (2005): Punisher | Jigsaw | Ma Gnucci | Eddie Gnucci | Bobby Gnucci | Carlo Duka | Bushwacker | General Kreigkopf | The Russian | Kingpin | Bullseye | Takagi | Damage Blackout | Owl | Daken, also known as Wolverine II and by his real name Akihiro, is the son and former enemy of Wolverine, and a former member of both the Dark Avengers, and the Dark X-Men. Klaw | Morlocks | Hand | Stranger | Moses Magnum | Grim Reaper | After seeing this emotional display, Daken was disgusted by his father as he deemed him weak, he then slashed and disbowled him across the stomach, killing him temporarily and leaving him to bleed on the floor, as his mother had been left many years before. Nightmare | Mister Payback | A 100 page Original Graphic Novel written and illustrated by Jim Starlin with Jaime Jameson featuring the return of fan favorite character Vanth Dreadstar and company. Jack O' Lantern | The mainstream version can be found here: Silver Samurai (Marvel). Wolverine regained his full memories at the end of the House of M event. In the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he is Wolverine's older brother and the secondary antagonist of the film and was portrayed by Liev Schreiber. When the villagers refused to tell Stryker about the origin of the meteorite, he orders the team to attack. (Failed). Knull | Bastion | Masters of Evil | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut, Quicksilver, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro & Toad) | Dark Phoenix | Bolivar Trask | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Mutant Response Division (Colonel Moss) | Shadow King | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Selene Gallio, Emma Frost & Stepford Cuckoos) | Master Mold | Silver Samurai, Video Games Featured Characters: Logan (Main story and flashback) Supporting Characters: Milo (Main story and flashback) Tinkerer (Phineas Mason) Antagonists: Daken (Name first revealed) Cyber (Silas Burr) (Main story and flashback) Daken's Master (Mentioned) Other Characters: Margie Milo's father (Death) Man with red scarf (Death) Janet (Only in flashback) (Face not shown) S.H.I.E.L.D. The team was formed from former members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants's second incarnation, but almost immediately began taking on new recruits, including Spiral, Spider-Woman, Stonewall, Crimson Commando, and Super Sabre. Abominatrix | As a child, Liev Schreiber loved the Wolverine comics because of their unique "urban sensibility". Prepare for death and destruction as only modern masters Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. can deliver! Plus: A haunting tale of World War II, illustrated by Kaare Andrews! COLLECTING: WOLVERINE (2003) 20-32 Vapor | HYDRA | Possessing similar healing qualities as Logan, and animal-like claws and fangs, Victor is shown to be a remorseless killer unlike Logan, often leading to ideological clashes between the two, with . (succeeded)Get his father to kill almost all of his children. Based on the ancient Algonquin legends of a man turned into a monster, the Wendigo actually fought with Wolverine in the superhero's very first comic book appearance. Hera | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Nuke | Awesome Android | Wolverine and his son are in a race to get to Brussels and be the first to obtain the carbonadium synthesizer. Gargantus | Cameron Hodge | Stephen Lang | Marvel Comics. Collects X-Men (1991) #1-7. The mutant terrorist Magneto again threatens the world, and only the X-Men can stop him! And should they survive this confrontation, the villainous Omega Red is waiting in the wings! N'Astirh | Dake. Madame Viper | Sabretooth | Morbius the Living Vampire | After completing the mission, the group head to a nearby village where Stryker questions a local about the meteorites. Badoon | X-Men Villains, Comics High Evolutionary | Wrecker, Movies Killer Shrike | Godzilla | Kaine | | A.I.M. Beyonder | M.O.D.O.K. Don't miss out on the beginning of an epic more than a century in the making. Mesmero | During his time with them, Daken tracked down and found all the known illegitimate children of his father born from his years of wandering the world and forgotten relationships. You've subscribed to Wolverine: Origins! Malekith the Accursed | During the fight, Victor defeats Wolverine and crushes his bone claws, before leaving so Stryker could speak to him. Winter Soldier | The man responsible for wiping Wolverine's memory and fusing the adamantium to his bones, Stryker is the cause for much of the pain and sorrow in the Marvel superhero's life. Every Game Showcased During the September 2021 Nintendo Direct, Villains That Could Show Up In Marvel's Wolverine, PlayStation finally had its first proper showcase, Insomniac Games is Wolverine's Best Shot for Gaming Redemption, Wolverine Teaser Trailer Detail Could Hint at Plot Point, More Apocalypse | Doctor Faustus | Get up to speed on the roots of these dastardly villains! Mad Pharaoh | Wonder Man | Bushwacker | Abomination | William Stryker | So basically he's on any ones side who pays his rent. Romulus | Grizzly | Grand Director | Kraven | Apocalypse's ultimate goal is to eradicate all life from Earth in order to reshape it in his image. (Failed)Ingrain himself as a friend to the Fantastic Four. Melter | Fans knew the studio was hard at work on another Spider-Man adventure, but to be tackling two Marvel IPs at once is a huge surprise and has already garnered a great deal of interest. | Monica Rappaccinni | Abomination | Taskmaster | Super-Adaptoid | Lyle Getz | Maestro | Klaw | Crossbones, Kill his father and avenged his mother's death. In 1955, after the birth of the baby, Junichiro, Akihiro confronted his mother, telling her that he had killed her son. Black Widow | Whiplash | Now that Disney is back in control of the X-Men franchise, . Wolverine Villains, Comics (succeeded)Get his father to kill almost all of his children. Either choice carries dire consequences! Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #378-380, Spider-Man: Unlimited (1993) #1-2, Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #201-203, Web of Spider-Man (1985) #101-103, Spider-Man (1990) #35-37. | Skrulls | Mojo | After killing Hudson, Daken then confronted his former drill instructor, during their fight, Daken attacked with not only his claws but also his power to ramp up and manipulate his own pheromones, using the ability to make Burr so giddy that he started laughing, confusing him and allowing himto draw first blood. Puppet Master | HYDRA | Shriek | William Stryker | Corruptor | Wolverine was one of Marvel's darkest villains before joining the X-Men. He is Wolverine's half-brother and a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, serving under Magneto to help mutants dominant over the human race. X-Men Origins: Wolverine: William Stryker Jr. | Sabretooth | Deadpool | Agent Zero | Blob Living Monolith | Emma Frost | Daniel Whitehall | From an immortal caveman to the monster that killed Superman, CBR counts down 15 DC Comics villains who would destroy Marvel's Wolverine in battle! Spot | Rhino | Collects All-New X-Men #16-17, Uncanny X-Men #12-13, Wolverine & The X-Men #36-37, X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1-2, X-Men #5-6. Punisher (Earth-95126) | Centurion | Vulture | Supreme Intelligence | Ichirō Yashida, better known as the Silver Samurai, is the main antagonist of the 2013 film The Wolverine. Phil Urich | Galactus | | Monica Rappaccini | The Anomaly | Hexus | Super-Adaptoid | Austin Van Der Sleet Right | He and Wolverine have been together, taking care of each other and have been in every American war due to their mutant ability of accelerating healing factor. The Leader | Deadpool | Sauron | Arcade | Nicky Cavella | Lady Mastermind | Sin | Morlocks | Eel | Fantastic Four #1; Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance) Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance) Avengers #1; Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance) Wolverine: Origins has been a slowly (very slowly) unfolding drama about Wolverine coming to grips with the demons of his past. Puma | (succeeded) Typhoid Mary | Galactus | Avalanche | Maximus | Hitman | Moonstone | Mandrill | Mister Hyde | Powers / Skills All he mostly does is growl at everyone, mostly at Toad. Sauron | Of all the children Wolverine has conceived over the years, the most villainous is Daken, a half-Japanese son Logan fathered shortly after World War II. X-Men (1992): Magneto | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | Mesmero | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Omega Red | Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Blob & Pyro) | Dark Phoenix | Master Mold | Bolivar Trask | Silver Samurai | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Donald Pierce & Emma Frost) | Reavers (Bonebreaker & Lady Deathstrike) | Supreme Intelligence | D'Ken Neramani | Deathbird | Graydon Creed | Red Skull | Silver Samurai | High Evolutionary | Phalanx They say the bigger they are the harder they fall - but this dude is no pushover. Nebula | Bi-Beast | Publication Notes Korvac | Dormammu | Red Ghost | Wolverine met one of his most twisted villains yet, Dr. Rot, in Wolverine: Weapon X #6. Omega Red | This series started with the moderately tacky, over-the-top story of Nuke, a villain whose life was ruined by Wolverine when he was a child. Vulture. Moses Magnum | Victor loses the battle, but returns to help his brother after being spared. Kingpin | White Rabbit | X-Ray | Blackie Drago | Mutant Response Division | It's not just 18 issues, as rumored, because there's decades of stories to go through. Created by Daniel Way and Steve Dillon in 2007's Wolverine Origins #10, Daken was stolen by the evil Romulus after murdering his mother and raised to be a dark shadow of his father . Brigade | Wolverine (2020) #2. Mister Hyde | Bushwacker | Vector | Depending on how dark and visceral Insomniac plans to go with its interpretation of the famous X-Man, Sabertooth would be a great choice for one of the antagonists in the game, if not the main one. Whether from the comic books, TV show, movie and even the video games. X-Men: Evolution: Magneto | Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Toad, Blob, Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch) | Pyro | Mastermind | HYDRA (Madame Viper & Omega Red) | David Haller | Juggernaut | Bolivar Trask | Sentinels | Apocalypse | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mesmero | Destiny Super-Skrull | Xbox 360/Playstation 3/Microsoft Windows (all same version) Playstation 2/Wii (all same version) Playstation Portable Nintendo DS Java James Howlett/Logan/Wolverine Victor Creed/Sabretooth Wade Wilson/Weapon XI/Deadpool Fred Dukes/Blob Colonel William Stryker Trask Sentinels David Nord/Agent Zero Remy LeBeau/Gambit Kayla Silverfox . The use of Nuke, the villain of the first arc, is a bit odd to some, since he's not the most well-known villain, but Way said he's "bad ass." Expect to see Nuke in other Marvel series pretty soon. Lizard | Onslaught | 15 DC Villains Who Would Obliterate Wolverine. That makes the action much more interesting." X-Men Origins: Wolverine falls into this exact trap. Hazmat | Lilith | Cyber was eaten by cyber-bugs in Wolverine (1988 series) #100. Tiger Shark | Carnage | Victor and Logan fighting in the American Civil War. Often called the Merc with a mouth his services go to the highest bidder. Punisher | Mauvais | Ringer | || Disney Villain Origins || RIP Richard DonnerTIPS are greatly appreciated! Hood | Diablo | Ozymandias | Comics Psycho-Man | A hologram version of Sabretooth is fought by Wolverine in the Danger Room, and it is frozen by Iceman when it nearly defeats Logan. Rhino | Cassandra Nova | Graviton | The baby survived the incident, due to a mutant healing factor and physiology, which he inherited from his father. Hobby Written by Daniel Way this book collects the 5 part series Origins & Endings across Wolverine issues 36-40. Alias Sabretooth's story is somewhat similar and somewhat different to Wolverine's story. Dracula | Spider-Man 2, Wolverine Get High-Resolution Screenshots. X-Men Origins: Wolverine: William Stryker Jr. | Sabretooth | Deadpool | Agent Zero | Blob Dark Avengers | X-Men: The Last Stand: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Dark Phoenix, Pyro, Juggernaut, Multiple Man & Mystique) | Omega Gang (Callisto, Psylocke, Quill, Arclight, Avalanche, Spike, Glob Herman & Phat) | Archangel Ogun9. Despite the disbandment of Team X, Victor and Agent Zero stayed loyal to Stryker, and became members of his top secret project Weapon X. Learn where to read it, and check out the comic's cover art, variants, writers, & more! Proteus | The Rose | Evil-doer Sinister Six | Attempted MurderMurderAttempted parricideStalkingAssaultAssault of a federal agentMutilationPsychological AbuseAssassinationKidnappingDestruction of Property Thunderbolt Ross | Deathurge | Doctor Octopus | Namor | Galactus | Mandarin | U-Foes | Nekra | During one mission, Sabretooth and the team were assigned by Stryker to obtain a meteorite (later revealed to be Adamantium) from a diamond trafficker in Nigeria. Agony | Mandarin | A one-stop shop for all things video games. Frost Giants | In the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he is Wolverine's older brother and the secondary antagonist who turned supporting protagonist and later the anti-hero of the film and was portrayed by Liev Schreiber. Batroc | Avengers: Endgame: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Sakaaran Mercenaries, Chitauri, Leviathans & Chitauri Gorillas) | HYDRA/STRIKE (Red Skull, Alexander Pierce, Crossbones, Jasper Sitwell & Jack Rollins) | Loki Laufeyson (Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130)) | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Kraglin Obfonteri | Dark Elves | Thunderbolt Ross | Akihiko, Video Games X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a game loosely based on the film. But then there's the nearly unstoppable force of nature known as the Juggernaut, whose sheer size alone is enough to make him an intimidating foe. Black Talon | However, in rare instances he chooses not to kill others, though usually just . Black Widow | Ego | Savage Land Mutates | Scarlet Witch | However in every war he slowly begin enjoying killing people, becoming more ruthless, vicious and brutal. Logan is portrayed by Hugh Jackman, who also . High Evolutionary | :https://streamelements.com/jeremygbranch82/ti. Madame Viper | Madame Masque | Nick Fury (Only in . Apocalypse | Sentinels | Sabretooth (real name: Victor Creed) is a recurring antagonist of the X-Men film series, serving as a major antagonist in X-Men and the secondary antagonist turned anti-hero in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. King Cobra | Sauron | Fenris | Spot | Hulk Vs. Wolverine: Professor Thorton | Deadpool | Lady Deathstrike | Sabretooth | Omega Red Worthy | Whiplash | Speaking of Wolverine being nearly indestructible, there is one antagonist who could go toe to toe (or claw to claw) with the X-Man, seemingly forever. Fault Zone | Wrecker, Movies Daken dispatched the messenger in anger that he was being prevented from having the opportunity to confront his father on open ground as his master had promised him. Avengers: Infinity War: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Chitauri & Leviathans) | Red Skull | The Collector | Loki Laufeyson | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Thunderbolt Ross Bi-Beast | While X-24 was created for the movie, in the comics Wolverine has faced off against a number of copycats like his son Daken (aka Dark Wolverine), who possess similar powers. The two survived due to their healing factor, and were placed in confinement due to the military fearing their powers. He then "kills" Logan's girlfriend Kayla Silverfox in order to provoke him into accepting Styker's treatment so he can properly fight Victor. As Sabretooth cheats certain death and the villainous duo close in for the kill, long-buried secrets are revealed that rewrite Wolverine's entire history! COLLECTING: Wolverine 50-55, Wolverine 310-313 Nightshade | Victor and James, as children, prepare to leave their home. Marvel's Avengers: M.O.D.O.K. Enjoy!LIKE + SUBSCRIBECOMMENT + SHAREList:10. Omega Red | Herr Kleiser | Mister Negative | Crossbones | Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow: Ultron Master Man | Iron Monk | Maximus the Mad | Abomination | | Daken furiously responded that "Akihiro" was not his true name. First appearance Wolverine #50 (2007) (shadowed) Wolverine: Origins #39 (2009) (Full appearance) Created by Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi Very little is known about the man known as Romulus. HYDRA | Arcade | Contagion | X-Men Movie Villains | The Uncanny X-Men. Magneto, master of magnetism. The bitterest of enemies for years. But now they must join forces against a new adversary who threatens them all and the entire world besides...in the name of God. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a 2009 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics fictional character Wolverine.It is the fourth installment of the X-Men film series, the first installment of the Wolverine trilogy within the series, and a spin-off/prequel to X-Men (2000) and X2 (2003). The Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri (The Other & Leviathans) | HYDRA (Gideon Malick & Jasper Sitwell) | Georgi Luchkov | Thanos Nekra | There was an idea for Sabretooth to make a cameo in. Wolverine (2020) #14 (Variant) . Eddie Brock | Silver Samurai . Psycho-Man | Toad | Awesome Android | Solara | This harsh treatment and his adoptive mother's indifference toward him caused Akihiro to develop a very cold persona to all except his adoptive father. Impossible Man | Hive | Brigade | Friends of Humanity | Upon seeing his child he thought long dead, Wolverine would begin to cry. Madame Masque | Mikhail Rasputin | Mojo | After disappearing Daken next arrived in Berlin at the home of a woman he had been been having a relationship. Sebastian Shaw | Cannibals (Marvel Universe Vs) | Winter Soldier | Enforcers | Wolverine and Sabretooth's bitter rivalry comes to a climax in a fight that spans the globe and has lasting consequences for the rest of the world's mutants. Stryfe | : M.O.D.O.K. Bolivar Trask | COLLECTING: X-MEN ORIGINS: GAMBIT 1, UNCANNY X-MEN (1981) 266-267, X-MEN (1991) 33, GAMBIT (1999) 25, MATERIAL FROM NATION X 2 Molten Man | Blackheart | Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we explore the comic book origins of the B. He was played by Tyler Mane in the first X-Men movie, who also portrayed Michael Myers in the 2007 remake of Halloween and its 2009 sequel, and Rufus T. Firefly in The Devil's Rejects. The Wolverine: Silver Samurai | Madam Viper | Shingen Yashida | Noburo Mori | Magneto The New Mutants: Essex Corp (Cecilia Reyes) | Demon Bear | Reverend Craig | Smiley Men, See Also One night, Natsumi confessed to Akihira that she didn't love their adopted son and that, after years of trying to conceive, she was pregnant. Johnny Ohm | Daken | Deadpool | Hela | As seen with Black Cat in Marvel's Spider-Man, Insomniac Games clearly loves their sneaky femme fatales, a role which Viper would fit into seamlessly.Viper is a classic character from the comics that battled with the likes of Wolverine, Captain America, and the Avengers countless times. Hand | Hazmat | Mysterio | Slug | Air-Walker | Arnim Zola | Maginty | Finn Cooley | 20th Century Studios Villains | Toad | Madame Viper | X-Men: Apocalypse: Ashir En Sabah Nur/Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse, Magneto, Psylocke & Archangel) | Dark Phoenix | Mystique | William Stryker Jr. Colonel Ross Whittaker | Spider-Slayers | Romulus is a fictional comic book supervillain appearing in books published by Marvel Comics, in particular those featuring Wolverine.He is the leader of the Lupines, a species resembling humans that he claims evolved from canines instead of primates through convergent evolution.A shadowy character whose origin and motives remain a mystery, he is shown to have orchestrated most major events in . Season 1: Punisher | Agent Orange | Jigsaw | Lewis Wilson | Blacksmith | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Turk Barrett Death Adder | Collects X-Men: Legacy #217-218, Wolverine: Origins #28-30, and X-Men Original Sin One-Shot. Season 2: Punisher | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Jigsaw | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | Turk Barrett, Video Games Rhino II | Tombstone | Freedom Force | Not all the villains that Wolverine squares off against need to have superpowers of their own, but can just be rotten at their core to get on the feral mutant's bad side. Reavers | Sebastian Shaw | Fixer | Masters of Evil | Mephisto | Villain First appearance Description Apocalypse: X-Factor #5 (June 1986): En Sabah Nur is an ancient and immortal mutant with an array of superhuman abilities ranging from shapeshifting to immense superhuman strength and durability. Heinz Kruger | This implies that Thomas was either abusive to Victor due to his alcoholism, or neglected his son. Answer | Grant Ward | Eventually, Thomas had an affair with Elizabeth Holwett, and the two had a son named James, making him Victor's half-brother. As Akihiro grew up, he was often teased by the other children of the town. Thunderbolts | Azazel | Fault Zone | Green Goblin | Typhoid Mary | Walrus | Super-Apes | | It was revealed that Daken had a male lover named Kim who was spared along with Mystique and Viper in a massacre performed by Daken. Silver Sable | Red Skull | The Super Hero Squad Show: Doctor Doom | Mole Man | Fin Fang Foom | Abomination | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | M.O.D.O.K. Pandemonia | Blood Brothers | Beyonder | Scarlet Witch | A bisexual, Daken has used his pheromones to entice and arouse or confuse both men and women. Doctor Spectrum | Kill his father and avenged his mother's death. Cyber confirmed his father's destination. Trapster | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Quicksilver | Wolverine woke up to find himself locked in the asylum where Dr. Rot conducted his crazy surgeries. Warlord Krang | He agreed to capture mutants if Stryker could find a way to implement the Adamantium into his body. 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