The Nature of the American Anti-Vietnam War Movement and its Effect on Policy Making The anti-Vietnam War movement, in the United States, was not homogenous or contiguous by any stretch of the imagination. Skepticism about the government influenced events such as the publication of the Pentagon Papers and the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. The number of incidents of fragging and deaths, officially admitted and quoted above, is probably a gross underestimate; the number of such incidents leading to the deaths of officers and non-commissioned officers has been put at over 1,000, most of them between 1969 and 1971. Innocent Vietnamese peasants were being killed in the crossfire. The fight for a political course to organize working people, GIs, and youth and help lead growing world opposition to the Vietnam War. Hundreds of young people were beaten in the streets as a small force of police officers mostly stood by and watched. This led to the formation of the Concerned Officers Movement, especially strong amongst naval officers, which reflected the widespread discontent at the war situation and the role of the troops within this, particularly in the post-1969 situation. Four times that number, 20,529, were treated for serious drug abuse. As the war raged, protests erupted at hundreds of college campuses, and tens of thousands of people marched on Washington demanding an end to the conflict. Joan Baez, a popular folksinger, grew up as a Quaker and preached her pacifist beliefs in opposition to the war. The American army revolted against the war and began to disintegrate but did not go over actively to the side of the Vietnamese Revolution. Crowds of thousands marched in Washington, DC, New York, and other cities opposing the invasion. In what ways can it be argued that the Vietnam anti-war movement was successful? The mere threat of fragging was enough sometimes to intimidate officers into acceding to the demands of the ranks. Concerning the anti war movement Vietnam War period, I know that opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War began with demonstrations in 1964 against the escalating role of the United States in the Vietnam War and grew into a broad social movement over the ensuing several years. This is the definitive study of his life and work."--David E. Nye, University of Southern Denmark "Most biographies of Tesla lack technical background and are uncritical and adulatory in their approach. The antiwar demonstrations grew in 1967 precisely because the wounded veterans, who came home in sizeable numbers, were highly visible and often led demonstrations. Yet those who saw the war as a pointless quagmire always contended that it could never have been won, and needed to be stopped as soon as possible. This organizing culminated in mass marches on February 15, 2003, which became the largest day of coordinated international protest in world history. The Vietnam veterans found massive support in the antiwar movement and in society at large, particularly in the working class areas from which most of them came. In its simplest form, this consisted of going on patrol or search operations and ‘intentionally not finding any enemy’. Today, while the death tolls for U.S. troops are lower than they were in the early days of the Iraq War, and dramatically lower than they were in the Vietnam War, the U.S. military is still active in conflicts around the globe. LIFE Books. The Vietnam War movement developed for several reasons, and with the aim of getting the US military out of Vietnam. The present Bush regime in the wake of September 11, 2001 bears a comparison with the Nixon administration 30 years ago. The fears of the US ruling class were entirely justified, given the subsequent escalation of the war in Vietnam and its extension to Cambodia and Laos by Nixon and Kissinger. Found insideThe Conservative Movement and the Vietnam War explains the right’s changes between Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. The book is perfect for anyone wanting to obtain an introduction to the Anti-War movement of the twentieth century. In fact, the 10-year movement was a complex phenomenon that evolved strategically as circumstances changed. Drones were designed as a way to kill enemies with great precision without putting American troops at risk. Sort by: Top Voted. Protesters included a group of men who had served in the conflict and called themselves the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. The antiwar movement became a mass crusade in which millions of Americans participated. Although some observers faulted the movement for failing to bring a quick end to the war, Bingham notes that anti-war organizing led to other important changes in public policy. Heroin – which then cost $2 a capsule on the streets of Saigon compared with $50 in New York – was 98 per cent pure as against to three to twelve per cent pure in the US. Of all the lessons learned from Vietnam, one rings louder than all the . What was the pro war movement in Vietnam? During the Johnson administration, it played a significant role in constraining the war and was a major factor in the administration's policy reversal in 1968. The protest was attacked by a violent mob of constructions workers swinging clubs and other weapons in what became known as "The Hard Hat Riot.". Even though there are wars and armed conflicts, people will always voice their opinions against it, while governments, sometimes, follow a wrong path. In reality however, this article of faith is quite wrong, as Telltale Hearts convincingly demonstrates. Not all of them resulted in death; there were many more incidents than in the official accounts and many incidences of attacks on officers not strictly under the heading of fragging. Do you believe large anti-war movements might reappear in the future? In August of that year, the antiwar protests at the University of Wisconsin took an ominous turn; a bomb destroyed the building holding the Army Math Research Center, killing one young scientist . Second-wave feminism. The attitude of the US troops was, of course, reinforced by racist indoctrination against Orientals in general, and particularly the Vietnamese. Vietnamese monk protesting with self-immolation. Anti-Vietnam War Movement The Vietnam War divided the United States, leaving cultural scars that persist today. In an October 24, 2017 article for The New York Times, Bill Zimmerman, a leader in the movement, notes that a massive lobbying campaign finally convinced Congress to stop funding the war in 1974: As each of several congressional appropriations for South Vietnam came up, the coalition successfully whittled it down. In a 2017 article for the progressive Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) Phyllis Bennis, director of the Internationalism Project at IPS, described the protests that took place: In almost 800 cities across the globe, protesters filled the streets of capital cities and tiny villages, following the sun from Australia and New Zealand and the small Pacific islands, through the snowy steppes of North Asia and down across the South Asian peninsula, across Europe and down to the southern edge of Africa, then jumping the pond first to Latin America and then finally, last of all, to the United States. Graham Martin, the last American ambassador in Saigon, called our lobbying campaign “one of the best propaganda and pressure organizations the world has ever seen.” No doubt this was self-serving hyperbole to cover his own failure to counter us, but he was right in a way: The… antiwar movement had mobilized enough people to force Congress to finally end the war. We work hand in hand with you to address This is the currently selected item. The early movement was also spurred by networks of student protest already formed during the Berkeley Free Speech Movement in 1964 and the founding of Students for a Democratic Society in 1960. There was also growing opposition amongst students, eager not to be drawn into the bloody pit of Vietnam, and middle class parents concerned about the fate of their children in a remote Southeast Asian country. And it was not an accident that 1969 marked the period when these methods developed. In what ways was it unsuccessful? The patrol leader returned with a false report of his route and a negative report of enemy contact. On June 17, 1966, the author's high school classmate, M. J. Savoy, was killed in a military plane crash into the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnam. A mob of construction workers swarmed the police providing security at City Hall and demanded the flag be raised to the top of the flagpole. There was a derogatory epithet for each officer class, and collectively they became known… as REMFs. The Saigon regime, never supported by more than a small minority of its own people, finally collapsed on April 30, 1975. How did the antiwar movement affect the Vietnam War? This study offers a narrative of the struggle that took place on the home front, even as the war itself was being waged in South-east Asia. When enterprising lieutenants set out to unionize all second lieutenants and prepared ‘demands’ to be presented to senior commanders, the practice had to be discontinued.” (11). Against a backdrop of such disturbing and discouraging news, the Kennedy administration continued to send American advisers to Vietnam. In The Turning, Andrew Hunt reclaims the history of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), an organization that transformed the antiwar movement by placing Vietnam veterans in the forefront of the nationwide struggle to end the war. But this decision also offered the start to the anti-war movement. No Senator… accepted his offer.” (20) The New York Times decided to publish them after they had ‘lifted’, without permission it seems, a full set from the apartment of Ellsberg’s wife’s younger brother. This went hand in hand with a revolt against the officer caste, which was dragging reluctant US soldiers into combat against an enemy they feared more and more, and moreover, in a war widely perceived as already lost. Although the student and hippie movements were the most visible antiwar efforts, concern about Vietnam was certainly not limited to college campuses. The movement was comprised of old, academic elites, young, "hippie," college students, communist sympathizers, and military veterans. However, the impression was given at the time and since that opposition to the war was confined to these groups and that the mass of working people supported Johnson and the prosecution of the war. Even the Portuguese army in the 1970s, which had also carried out brutal ‘counter-insurgency’ methods against the revolutionary forces in Angola and Mozambique, was radicalized by its experiences. Days of unrest at Kent State University in Ohio culminated in a violent encounter on May 4, 1970. Students protesting outside the White House, 1965. US imperialism feared being sucked even further into the ‘quagmire’ of Vietnam. As in all American conflicts, the will of the people controls the actions of the military. 1. Home Books and Journals; Journal of Peace Research; Nbr. In a February 12, 2017, article for the Guardian, journalist Clara Bingham describes the increased anti-war agitation, some of which turned violent: The numbers are staggering: 29 student protesters were killed by police, guardsmen, and vigilantes; eight Americans took their lives by self-immolation; 84 anti-war bombings and arson attacks occurred in the first six months of 1969; the largest ever protest (at that time) in American history saw 500,000 march in Washington in November 1969. Senator Eugene McCarthy, who was the first antiwar challenger to Johnson, and thereby set in motion the process which saw the abandonment of any further presidential ambitions by Johnson, stated at the time: “I said the opposition to the war would begin when the bodies started coming back to the small towns. It is probably also an indication of attempts to bring the Bush administration to heel. If the Viet Cong had been a conscious socialist, Marxist, working class force, then this could have led, as it did in the Russian Revolution, to foreign soldiers going over to the side of the revolutionary forces. The officers’ movement initiated the revolt on April 24, 1974 which set in motion the overthrow of this dictatorship and begun the Portuguese Revolution. And in the wake of Kent State, the nation remained deeply divided. In a shocking gesture, a young Buddhist monk sat on a Saigon street and set himself on fire, creating an iconic image of Vietnam as a deeply troubled land. During the Kennedy administration, American military advisers began to flow into Vietnam, and America's footprint in the country grew larger. The majority were working class and came from a much more developed ‘democratic’ society. According to the New York Times, organizers expected those sympathetic to ending the war "to lower their flags to half-staff and attend mass rallies, parades, teach-ins, forums, candlelight processions, prayers and the reading of the names of Vietnam war dead.". The Vietnam antiwar movement was the first mass movement against a war in American history and one of its great moral crusades, yet most Americans recall only enormous protests and social chaos. 1970s America. The sheer hatred of the officer caste, which was perpetuating the troops’ misery, is indicated by Maclear, when he states: “There were too many officers, yet too seldom seen. An anti-war movement (also antiwar) is a social movement, usually in opposition to a particular nation's decision to start or carry on an armed conflict, unconditional of a maybe-existing just cause.The term anti-war can also refer to pacifism, which is the opposition to all use of military force during conflicts, or to anti-war books, paintings, and other works of art. A powerful bomb, which was being built by members of the radical Weather Underground group, went off prematurely. The Grunt slogan of CYA – ‘Cover Your Ass’ – was also the higher sentiment. That year, protests erupted nationwide and anti-war sentiment spilled over into the country's broader culture. In large part because of anti-war opposition, Congress discontinued the draft in 1973. On the day of the October 15th mobilization, share prices actually went up. May, 1963 the troops in Vietnam reaches a total of 50,000 Jan 1966 thru Oct 1968 - US bombs dropped on N. Vietnam total . The Vietnam War. This opposition intensified as American military involvement escalated. However, after working at the Pentagon with access to top secret information, he recalled telling Kissinger: “After you’ve started reading all this daily intelligence input and become used to using what amounts to whole libraries of hidden information… you’ll be aware only of the fact that you have it now and most others don’t. Found insideWhile other attempts at women's international cooperation and transnational feminism have led to cultural imperialism or imposition of American ways on others, Jessica M.Frazier reveals an instance when American women crossed geopolitical ... Abetted by such activists as film star Jane Fonda, many tried to discredit authority by fighting haircut regulations, publishing and distributing underground newspapers, sponsoring or participating in protests, trying in any way possible to ferment unrest.”, “One method of seeking to ameliorate the differences between non-commissioned officers and those men whose deferments had expired after they had received baccalaureate or graduate degrees was to set up advisory councils among the lower ranks. In the 50 years since the peak of the Vietnam anti-war movement, the United States has been involved in numerous wars. (2021, September 1). Reasons for the Antiwar Movement (1964-1972) The antiwar movement during the mid 60s and early 70s was one of the most controversial and divided periods in United States history. However, anti-war activists argued that the invasion would be counterproductive and would only increase the prestige of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. What made the Vietnam War so controversial? Days after the shooting at Kent State, on May 8, 1970, college students gathered to protest on Wall Street in the heart of New York City's financial district. Body of protester shot dead at Kent State. This war was being conducted by an administration virtually out of control, without the normal constraints in the US system of ‘checks and balances’. Beyond government policy, the antiwar movement also was a great influence on American culture, inspiring rock music, films, and works of literature. At the same time, the president temporarily increased troop levels in Afghanistan and maintained U.S. involvement in the conflict there throughout his time in office. Fragging was sometimes used as a means of pressurizing officers into negotiating and, as in all such movements in the army, tended to split the officer corps, with some of them leaning towards the ranks. But in this incisive book, historian Mary Frances Berry shows that resistance to presidential administrations has led to positive change and the defeat of outrageous proposals, even in challenging times. 133-155. This was the first televised war. Nevertheless, both in Vietnam and at home, the revolt was unstoppable. Consequently, after the invasion of Iraq, Wilson stated: “I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq’s nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.” (26). The “front line” now extended to a “thousand more places across America every month”. Writer Normal Mailer, a participant in the protest, was among the hundreds arrested. Three hundred and fifty thousand US missions had been flown, 655,000 tons of bombs were dropped over the North, 918 US aircraft had been lost and 818 American airmen killed. The first reading gives an overview of the Vietnam anti-war movement of the 1960s and 70s and discusses its impact. This was added to by the sensational publication of excerpts from the Pentagon Papers. This raises the question: “What has happened to the anti-war movement?”. Some actions attributed to antiwar protesters were so outside the mainstream that they drew sharp denunciations. Soon Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King and James Bevel of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) became prominent opponents of the Vietnam War, and Bevel became the director of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Over the next two years, the South Vietnamese military ran out of fuel and ammunition and was forced to retreat. In the United States, there was opposition to the Vietnam War from the outset. Those who supported America's involvement in the war always contended that protesters had essentially sabotaged the troops and made the war unwinnable. Even the most enthusiastic previous prosecutors of the war, such as McNamara and Secretary of State Dean Rusk, saw their own children protesting against the war which they were responsible for. This was the reason why these papers were published by authoritative bourgeois journals and why the Watergate conspiracy resulted in the threat by Congress to impeach Nixon. Indeed, most accounts say this was a gross understatement, with estimates claiming that the “great majority” of the troops were using various drugs which, obtained at source, were more powerful and addictive than in the US. MHG A major pro-war movement also erupted. This helped to increase opposition to the dictatorship of Marcello Caetano in Portugal itself. Demonstrations were also held in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and, as the New York Times put it, "scores of other American cities.". It was, moreover, working class young men and women coming back from the war who told their friends and families of the horrors visited on them in Vietnam which spread the circle of discontent. But officers and men were radicalized, began to embrace socialist and Marxist ideas and looked towards social change in Portugal. The American movement against the Vietnam War was the most successful antiwar movement in U.S. history. The Portuguese army, at the top at least, was somewhat different to the Americans, in the sense that it was drawn from a much broader base. "A gripping and engagingly written guide to the New Left, antiwar movement, and counterculture that personify the 1960s cultural revolution." American Protest Literature by Zoe Trodd Call Number: HN90.R3 A6754 2006 Yet despite continued military interventions, there has been little visible anti-war activity in the U.S. over the past decade. Johnson, ‘while seeking peace’ nevertheless still prosecuted the war. That this did not happen is largely accounted for by the absence of an authoritative mass revolutionary party, able to lead the working class to establish a democratic and socialist Portugal. I decided I would stop concealing that myself. This was done because her husband, Joseph Wilson, was the former US Ambassador sent by the Bush administration to Niger to check whether that country had supplied uranium to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in preparation for the production of nuclear weapons. Even though the anti-war movement was not part of the actual battle in Vietnam, it was definitly part of the fight. He was's first-ever history editor and has bylines in New York, the Chicago Tribune, and other national outlets. Student anti-war protestors had a common demographic profile. Since second lieutenants also were fresh off disturbed campuses, some commanders extended the advisory councils to include the new lieutenants. Vietnam had been divided into North and South Vietnam, and American officials resolved to prop up the government of South Vietnam as it fought against a communist insurgency supported by North Vietnam. Thousands of outraged young people descended on Chicago to protest outside the convention hall. Indeed, all the reports showed that the main feeling was negative: to get out of the ‘hell-hole’ of Vietnam. We were the first mass movement against a war in American history and one of its great moral crusades, yet . Something would happen in the country.” (1). ‘That’ says multi-medal winner Dave Christian, ‘stands for “Rear Echelon Mother Fuckers”. He wrote: “If I thought I had seen dirty political tricks as nasty and vile as they could get at the Nixon White House, I was wrong.” He was referring to the ‘outing’ of a CIA operative whose partner had criticized the Bush regime. The anti-war movement that Americans have demonstrated in relation to the Vietnam War illustrates an optimistic hope that it is people, their majority that believes in peace and goodness. Found insideThe War Within: America’s Battle over Vietnam is a painfully engrossing and popularly written account of how the battle on the home front ended America’s least popular war. The Democratic Party convention, moreover, witnessed violent confrontations between Mayor Daly’s thuggish police and protesters. However, this was and is a gross distortion of the real moods of the mass of working people. The Vietnam anti-war movement of the 1960s and 70s unfolded in several distinct stages. the particular needs of your district or school. The Indochina wars and was also one of the Vietnamese country grew larger begin talks!, culminated in mass marches on February 15, 1969 the advisory to. Seeking peace ’ nevertheless still prosecuted the war before it started had most... 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